Oyasumi nasai

Himeji Castle: view from the bottom

Himeji Castle- view from the almost-top

Yep, GA climbed to the top of this castle today in a thousand-degree heat: all six levels!  What's my point? This has nothing to do with Hoboken or politics... 

Exactly!  I'm on vacay, people. 

Himeji castle- the tippy top. I did it!


As for what's new in Hoboken politics, I am delightfully detached.  Last I heard was a big shocker: the Reform BoE slate of Tom Kluepfel and a newbie gal were running with (drumroll, please...) 
J-o-h-n M-a-d-i-g-an
Yep. So, technically it's not a Reform slate anymore.  It's a hybrid.  Like if you crossed a bird with a fish, you'd get a bish or a fird.  

Needless to say, GA was shocked. How shocked? In total disbelief. 

I emailed Tom to warn him.

"Tom," I wrote, "There's a rumor you're running with Madigan but I know you'd rather go skinny-dipping in hot lava..."

Then came a call from friends on the board: yes, it's true: Madigan is running with Tom. 

What I told them was this: sorry, I can't support Madigan. 

Not happening. Oh, I remember what he did to Theresa and to Ruthy and what he said to Irene and that he shouted the C-word from the audience at a board meeting and, and, and...

I will not lift a pinky to help him.

Of course, I support the others. Unconditionally. Kluepfel is wonderful and I hear great things about the new gal.

And that's all GA can tell you from the other side of the world.

Oyasumi nasai.


  1. Can someone tell me why Tom Kluepfel and Malani Cademartori are running with John Madigan and not Ailene Mcguirk? That makes no sense at all. Seriously.

    1. I asked the same question. Malani and Ailene are both fantastic picks for the BOE. Madigan should be strapped to a rocket and fired into the sun. Not sure what the thought process was here.

    2. I guess I'll have to make my own signs!

  2. The always entertainingly unintelligible Kuck Fluffner pegged you right again! As he so rightly predicted, you are all-in for Madigan! I bet you even have a tshirt that says so! We can hear you chanting:

    All-in for Madigan!
    All-in for Madigan!

    That's what you do! That's who you are!

    Please note opinions presented as facts by Kuck Fluffner, or the increasingly bitter Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent, or anyone else at Huge Media are not subject to review, validation, or revision after being proven completely wrong. We've taken the old motto of our flagship station Fox News - We report, You decide - and updated to We decide, You deal with it. So expect a steady diet of conspiracy theories about you and Crooked Bhallary served up as triple-sourced journalism.

    It's what we do - now! It's who we are - now!

    Oh and (the increasingly bitter) Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent wanted you to know that he hopes you die in a cave in Thailand. He's not Fair and definitely not Balanced. But he's Alt-Right and that makes it ALL RIGHT!


  3. Hey while you’re there can you find out how to say a few everyday conversational phrases in Japan-talk?

    1) What do you think of my tighty-whiteys? Nice right?

    2) Don’t worry, she’s out of town.

    3) How much is this gonna cost me? Tell me in America money, not Japan money.

    You know, the basic stuff.


  4. wtf, tom? is it official? need to understand how this could happen, please explain.

  5. Tom. I thought more of you. Sheilah. What a slap in the face.

  6. Kluepfel has enjoyed an excellent reputation and track record. The same cannot be said for Madigan, who is largely thought to be misogynistic and homophobic. Ironic, since he was the proxy for Defusco's mock outrage over a perceived homophobic slight, going to the mat for Mikey in a public meeting, when anyone who's known Madigan understood what a joke that was. Not sure why anyone would align themselves with him.


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