Is DeFusco TOO conflicted to serve on Hoboken's Planning Board? (I say "yes")

If Planning Board Commissioner Mike DeFusco's July 11 attack* on the Planning Board did not alarm you...
If  Planning Board Commissioner Mike DeFusco's rejection of the Planning Board's 7-1 findings didn't alarm you... (that his proposed zoning law change to increase building lot coverage was substantially inconsistent with the 2018 Master Plan Re-Examination Report  &  2018 Land Use Element) 
"...the changes to the Yard Regulations do appear substantially inconsistent  with the  2018 Master Plan Re-Examination Report  &  2018 Land Use Element.  Specifically, the proposal to exempt the projection of single rear egress stairs from the lot coverage would conflict with the Master Plan recommendations for maximum lot coverage, rear yard regulations and preservation of the “donut hole”.. note that.... the proposed Amendment is not supported by the  Annual Reports  prepared by the Zoning Board. As mentioned previously, consistency with the Master Plan may also be informed by the Zoning Board’s Annual Reports..."
Perhaps this will set your hair on fire...

Shameless, incestuous relationship between Planning Board Commissioner and NJ Transit redeveloper

If GA ever, ever did anything like this-- marketing a (current, potential, future) Applicant's proposal--  when I served on the ZBA, I'd be kicked off the board in a hot minute.  And rightfully so.

This conduct is simply outrageous. 

Does anyone recall Jim Doyle, in his 3 years on the Planning Board, swapping spit with potential Applicants and developers? 

Now his 50% meeting attendance and attacks on the Board make sense.  So does his outrageous amendment to decrease the 'donut hole' to increase building lot coverage (ka-ching) for his developer friends.

All of his screaming about toilet signage is SMOKE to cover his truly egregious mid-summer tinkering with zoning law to aid his pals in the development community.  

Planning Board Commissioner DeFusco not only marketed the LCOR "French-inspired" Warrington Plaza marketplace, he has a "plan."  According to a article published on October 2, 2017.
"DeFusco’s plan calls for three distinct areas in the 100,000-square foot facility – railside, harborside and what he dubs a “grand hall” on the building’s second floor. In the short term, he says he has helped secure a commitment from the terminal’s operator for an outdoor French-inspired marketplace at Warrington Plaza, which is being planned with the goal of opening in Spring 2018."
In other words, a Planning Board Commissioner  is Planner for the redevelopment of proposal he's promoted on his Facebook page, political web site, and designated redeveloper's Facebook group.  


How is this not a conflict of interest? Hello... hello... paging Scott Carlson, Planning Board Attorney...

GA would never have gotten away with blatant shilling for a redevelopment project or applicant, as a ZBA Commissioner.  (And I would never have considered such conduct.)

Attention: "power hungry, beaurocrats" on the Planning Board and Planning professionals: you need to evaluate the ongoing conduct of Commissioner DeFusco.

It appear to me he does not represent the interest of the City of Hoboken and its 2018 Re-Examination Plan, and is too conflicted to continue serving on the Planning Board.  That is my OPINION.


  1. Stop posting the truth, GA, or Tony Soares might call you a bigot and say vile things about you and your friends.

  2. As one City official said of Galvin: "He's the best of the worst", which explains his contract renewal. Not sure I agree about the characterization, so don't hold your breath waiting for him to reprimand DeFusco. I think NJ allows for members of boards and commissions to serve on other boards and commissions as liaisons for the flow of information. It's up to the commissioner or councilman to know when they should recuse themselves, but that requires moral and ethical standards, as well as intelligence. Not words generally used locally to describe DeFusco and his council colleagues. I also recall a developer saying to me during the election about DeFusco "we have to get this guy elected", implying that developers would have an easier time with him in office. Guess his appointment to the planning board was his little workaround so he could deliver for those who overfunded his campaign.

    1. I loved Galvin as the ZBA Attorney, much better than the fellow he replaced. I thought he did an excellent job. In the least, Galvin should be aware that one of his Commissioners is doing media promotion for a particular developer and a future application, likely to appear before the Board. He should also know that this Commissioner has articulated contempt for the body he sits on, which puts him in opposition to the good faith work by his board colleagues.

      Yep, during election season a person who works with the building trades told me the word was "DeFusco will open the floodgates" for developers in Hoboken. This person was urged to support MDF. Now Tiffanie Fisher, Jen Giattino and Peter Cunningham are in bed with MDF and Ramos. Who woulda thunk it.

  3. GA

    1) Scott Carlson is currently the PB attorney, not Dennis Galvin.

    2) Michael Ranuro one of the owners of Big Mad LLC which owns the property at 318 Madison St., who have an application before the Planning Board, contibuted $1,200 to Defusco. I hear that the night that this application was scheduled for a hearing the application was mysteriously pulled off (by the attorney?) the PB agenda at the very last minute. This just happened to also correspond with one of Mikey's absences, coincidence?

    "Coincidently"I hear it's also the same folks stringing along the Planning Board wheels to see if they can get Mikey's custom zoning code change confirmed by the City Council so they can take a bite out of the donut hole.

    1. Holy cow-- if true. I'll have to check that out.

  4. I hope you're proud of yourself. You've made Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent very upset! He's so mad he's openly referring to your articles about Mikey D's developer ties and election finance violations! That's a No-No! Those are ONLY approved topics for Crooked Bhallary. To avoid the subject of Mike's developer deals altogether we're even going so far as to pretend to care about restroom signage!


    Keep it simple for yourself. There are 3 things you will NEVER see on Horse and Friends:

    1) ANY stories about Mike or Ruben's links to sleazeballs or election finance "irregularities."

    2) ANY mention of Gay Pride Month.

    3) Dating advice.

    You should apologize to Yappy immediately for getting under his skin so badly. But just to even the scales, I have decided to award him an autographed pair of....

    The Presidential Tighty-Whities of Freedom!!! (I'm modeling them in my avatar pic. Yummy, right?)

    Well maybe not "autographed" per se but let's say they've got the presidential seal.

    Therefore, on this day July 18, 2018, I, Hugh Huge, wish to recognize the exceptional contributions that are being made daily to my anti-gay agenda by... Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent!

    His steadfast support for my vehemently Alt-Right website Horse and Friends has been essential to normalizing my underlying loathing for immigrants, non-whites, science, reasonable gun legislation and, finally, legal recognition and protection for people who chose not to be heterosexual. Blech.

    But Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent isn't content to stop at lending his name to my agenda.

    You'll notice he only "defends" homosexuality when a gay man gets caught doing something shitty. He invariably calls the getting caught part "homophobic." You will otherwise NEVER hear a word of support or appreciation from him for the LGBTQ struggle. Atta boy, Yappy!

    Net effect? Guys like Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent actually increase anti-gay sentiment by continually linking claims of bias to attempts to get away with unethical behavior due to minority status. The OJ-ing of gay America. It's a thing. It's a Yappy thing.

    Thanks to Yappy when people hear "homophobic" they immediately think of someone gaming the system. And we just can't thank him enough for that important service! It tells people there's no discrimination anymore, just people filing false charges to get away with stuff. It doesn't get any #MAGA-er than that! We salute you, Yappy!

    So wear your Presidential Tighty-Whities of Freedom with the kind of Pride you don't actually believe in, Yappy! You earn them every day - so wear them every day!



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