UPDATED: Giattino: Municipal Board Vacancies

Scratch that ABC Board vacancy.  GA just heard from an ABC Commissioner:

"BTW, the ABC won’t really have a vacancy, Bob is just up for renewal and he is really likely to stay."

"Bob" is Bob Phillips. According to sources he "does an excellent job" as Chair of the ABC Board. Furthermore, I am told that Bob "doesn't give a shit about Hoboken politics."  Good for you, Bob.

So, it doesn't look like Bob is going anywhere.  Does "someone" want to stack the ABC board?  Too bad.

GA was glad to receive this important information on municipal ward vacancies from my Ward Councilwoman, Jen Giattino.

For anyone who would like to serve Hoboken in some way that doesn't (usually) require a lot of personal time, serving on a municipal board is a great idea.  No money (except for the NHSA), but the pleasure of serving the public good.  According to Giattino's email, 3 boards currently have vacancies: the Alcohol and Beverage Commission (ABC), the Rent Leveling Board (RLB) and the Shade Tree Commission.  

Hopefully partisan alliances will not taint the selection process. Don't let that stop you. If you are interested in one of these positions, go for it.
From: JenGiattino  
Date: Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Subject: Vacancies on Municipal Boards
To: njpincus

Dear friends and neighbors - 
Many residents have recently asked about ways they can get involved and being appointed as a commissioner on a Municipal Board is great way to.  Here are a few that currently have vacancies:
Currently One Vacancy
3 year term
Currently Two Vacancies (alternates)
Term coincides with term of the Mayor
Currently One Vacancy (alternate)
5 year term (2 years remaining)

Attending a meeting is also a great way to get involved.  All the Board meetings are public.

Here are the links to the other Municipal Boards that are currently filled.  Most have openings annually and appointments most often occur early in the year, so if you are interested in any, feel free to submit your application at any time.  Your application will be considered for a period of up to two years. 
As always reach out with thoughts and concerns,


  1. Surprised you are still on her mailing list. Jen and Tiff have let board appointments become a matter of who is friends with who. Hopefully they will choose from among their less obnoxious friends.

  2. I am supremely confident Jen will pick some complete scumbags to serve in all those slots. Or more accurately, she will let Mike and Ruben pick the scumbags.

  3. speaking of shade tree...remember awhile back when the anti-Zimmer/Bhalla crybabies expressed faux outrage about how the evil city was going to chop down all the beautiful old trees along Washington St?

    Like much else on their agenda, I guess that turned out to be lots of phony baloney.


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