DeFusco gets pissy over toilet signage!

oy vey

Holy crapper!  In a mad scramble to change the subject from changing zoning law (so developers can build into your 'donut-hole')  Mike DeFusco dove into the toilet-- literally

Today (mid-July), DeFusco's PR machine cranked out a press release lamenting that the City's crappers haven't changed signage to reflect the new 'gender-neutral' bathroom policy.  Mike DeFusco may not have the time to attend Planning Board meetings, but he's got time to survey City of Hoboken toilet signage; it's a job he's well-qualified for.

And so, what was the result of DeFusco's shitter-sleuthing?

He found several public restrooms where the signage had not been changed, yet.

Oh, the gender-neutral humanity!  

Needless to say, the perpetually-irritated DeFusco was more pissed than ever!  So was 2nd Ward Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher, who joined in the piss-fest to say the situation is “disappointing” and it “begs an apology from the mayor.”   

Is Fisher sure about that apology? As far as GA knows, the mayor's job description doesn't include replacing bathroom signage.  It is understandable that Fisher is confused since she campaigned that Ravi Bhalla was "unelectable"--  perhaps she's confused "unelectable" with "Untouchable."

Unelectable, Untouchable... you know, some (privileged) white people get mixed up. True story. Sometimes when such white people see a brown-skinned guy in a turban, they automatically assume he changes toilet signage. Sometimes, they even expect the brown guy to wipe their lilly-white asses.  Another true story.

But in fact, the City of Hoboken started changing bathroom signage last May.  

City spokesman Santiago Melli-Huber told the lovely John Heinis that the remaining restroom signs are in the process of being changed. 

Now, GA is all for gender-neutral signage. I suppose if Mike DeFusco and Tiffanie Fisher want the City to change them faster they can pitch in to help. 

Imagine how many toilet signs Mike DeFusco could have changed while he was missing all those Planning Board meetings?

And, Tiffanie can pitch in, too! Instead of writing lethally-dull novellas to post on a site no one reads, she could be helping Untouchable change toilet signage!

In fact, in the time it took to write today's press release, both DeFusco and Fisher could have changed those toilet signs, and washed and scrubbed those toilets spotless-- unless that's Untouchable's job, too! 

Unelectable, Untouchable... what's the difference? 


  1. I don’t get you people. You always say you want transparent government. Well you can’t get anymore transparent than Mikey boy!

    What’s the problem? Why can’t you pretend it’s a REAL story like we are? Hell my editor at Horse and Friends HATES gender neutral facilities and he’s pretending HE cares. Cmon! Play along.

    Obviously we’re not gonna talk about Mike’s developer giveback or his developer based election finance violations. Duh!

    Kudos to the Trump-luvin’ Kuck Fluffner and Yappy the Alt-Right Real Estate Agent for supporting my FULL exoneration of Secretary of State Putin. Thanks guys! #MAGA!!!!

  2. From Hudson County View:
    “All of this fits an increasingly clear pattern of Mayor Bhalla being more interested in splashy headlines than in doing the real follow-through work of governing. It’s the same story on Washington Street,” he continued (DeFusco)

    Seriously lifting from the republican playbook.

    If anyone is interested in splashy headlines it's Mr. Many Developer Friends.

    and ick, have you seen every real estate agent in town (and folks like MDF) fawning over the LCOR plans all over social media?

    A wall of towers completely blocking the southern view.

    1. A Planning Board member advocating for a developer's proposal?

      In my 4 years on the Zoning Board, I was exceedingly careful not to advocate for/against/write about any developer, project, application, zoning issue, development controversy, etc. To do otherwise would have been unethical, and a transgression for which I could have been removed from the board for cause. Planning and Zoning Board members must not be advocates for/against the private sector-- especially those like DeFusco who have a personal interest in advancing projects for his donors. What would the Planning Board attorney say about this? Where is this "fawning"?

      This is why we should not seat developers on either Planning or Zoning Board. Put them on the Shade Tree Commission.

  3. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- When LGBTQ rights were at a critical juncture under Gov. Christie, and public officials at all levels were putting it on the line and getting in the fight, Mike DeFusco, a Zoning Board member with a clear ability to grab headlines when he chooses, was a beer-guzzling Cammarano hanger-on with absolutely nothing to say on the subject. This is political opportunism at its most cynical.

    1. Ah yes, another young man groomed by Fitzgibbons for a career in corrupt Hudson County politics...It seems DeFusco only got involved with LGBTQ matters when it was politically expedient, though the gay people at his events were largely from out of town, and even those he served with on a board didn't know he was gay. Yet another example between homosexual vs. gay, as has been pointed out. But here's the thing, no one cares if he's gay, straight, bi, or asexual. Just so long as he does his job for his constituents. That seems to be impossible because he seems to be doing the bidding of his developer investors.

    2. Got a problem with me giving a $400 contribution to Peter Cammarano?? What's it to you? At least he didn't wear a thing on his head and change toilet signs for a living. Speaking of toilet signs, don't bother me. I'm busy measuring the distance from the floor to the toilet sign at every public bathroom in Hoboken. I've done 50 so far. It's an investigation. If Bhalla screwed up and mounted one sign higher or one sign lower my people will write a press release and Tiffanie will ask for an apology. Then I will introduce a resolution at the City Council to denounce Bhalla's incompetent toilet sign hanging followed by an ordinance to amend the "Mayor's Office" chapter to add "toilet sign hanging at equal distances from the floor ." Next my people will write a press release and Tiffanie will ask for an apology. Leave me alone I'm busy.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Fair enough, GA. FWIW, Maurice's views weren't "anti-Zimmer" per se, and from his POV not anti-Semitic, either, though others may view it differently. He included Mason in his argument and felt the presence of Zimmer, Mason and others around them in key positions of government and influence teetered on being irreflective of Hoboken's demographic, which he viewed as a community driven primarily around the various older neighborhood churches, the clergy leaders who ran them and the residents who attended them. In a sense it was a variation of the "Old Hoboken vs. New Hoboken"/BnR vs. yuppies argument, with the added layer that the "Dis Iz Owah Town" contingent identified strongly with historic churches, and the religious diversity infiltrating City Hall represented the unwanted change that came with "outsiders" rising to power and threatening "Da Way It's Always Been."

      If Maurice were here today I don't think he'd make any bones about having felt this way and stated it loudly and often, as he considered it a perfectly legitimate and accurate POV reflective of the mood of his constituency. As for where Yappy stood on this point, I have no idea what he did and didn't hear and for all I knew he may very well have privately told Maurice he disagreed. What I do know is (a) Yappy and Fitzgibbons were thick as thieves, and (b) Yappy never misses an opportunity to accuse someone of bigotry when it lines up with his current, ever-shifting political alliances.

    5. Best not to ponder what a dead person may or may not have said. Very true, I am not immune to "Yappy's" fervent attempts to trample on political discourse with threats and libel. He needs a hobby. Match box cars?


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