Council manufactures emergency to rush through HHA appointments

What was the big rush?

The next Hoboken Housing Authority meeting is on July 13, 2018, two daya after the Hoboken City Council meets on July 11.

So why were HHA appointments rushed through on June 20th? 

There would have been no material difference if the Council had waited to appoint Housing Authority commissioners on July 11th  Had they waited until the July meeting, the Council could have had time to vet all applications-- GA heard there were 7--  and talk to and/or meet applicants. Isn't that the how the process is supposed to work?  Don't Housing Authority residents deserve the most was most qualified people for the 5 year and 3 year appointments?

HHA Commissioner James Sanford urged the Council to postpone the HHA appointments in a letter he sent two hours before the June 20 meeting, as follows:

Sanford was ignored. The fair and ethical process of selection didn't happen.  The Council abrogated their duty to the review all candidates and select the most outstanding in a professional, ethical manner. 

Instead, the Council manufactured an "emergency" where appointments had to be made  that night.   Thus the Council did not review all applicants, so cannot honestly say they picked the most qualified people to serve.  It is possible they did (Lewit has an excellent reputation).  It is also possible they did not.  But, it was good enough for the Ramos Family.

What a disservice to the residents of the Housing Authority. The Council did not care enough about the agency that houses the poorest Hoboken residents, to ensure that they vetted all applicants on their behalf to appoint the most qualified.   Instead, they used an man-made "emergency" to shove through 'live'resolutions to appoint Pat Waiters and Andrew Impastato instead of vetting all applicants. 

In response to Ramos' unprofessional, improper process Emily Jabbour voted "present" and Jim voted "no" on the 'live' resolutions.  

Folks whose applications to serve on the HHA who were not given the courtesy of consideration by the Counsel are angry.  The folks GA spoke to are disgusted with the "politics" and that decisions were made in a "back door deal'. 

One applicant feels completely disrespected by a particular council member who did not have the courtesy to email or call, and now believes this council member is "unethical" and "fooled him/her."  This person is saving the story for ward elections. 

What is clear: retired Reform members Jen Giattino, Tiffanie Fisher and Peter Cunningham  now defer to Ruben Ramos, instead of what is ethical and proper.  

Just askin'.

Combine Ramos' rush to stack the board, with his rush to fire  Commssioner Hovi Foreman with future construction projects looming in HHA's future...  cause those always bring in lots of fat, juicy contracts.  Looks to me like Ruben wants control of that HHA board. Who is Ruben's pal again? 

Just askin'.


  1. HHA board positions are political fools gold. And the fools never stop playing political games desperately seeking a shortcut to the gold.

    1. But there is a pot of gold-- in federal money. Remember the $38K vinyl flooring per elevator cab? Or the $1M FEMA grant from Hurricane Irene, for lifting the HHA generators? The money went POOF! and the generators never got lifted. The generators got a nice bath in Hurricane Sandy though! Then Carmelo ordered. 14"Sandy-proof"generators that sat in a parking lot for 2 years. Were they ordered for Vision 20/20? Who knows. Then he installed new electric panels for the generators in the building basements! DOH. Great idea!

      Oh, there is a giant pot of federal gold and its no surprise Carmelo's BFF is licking his chops to control the board.

    2. Im Kurt de Sade Gardiner and I search Google for photos of dead pets so I can make funny memes and give them funny names like "Snowflake." Heh heh heh. Do any HHA board members have a dead pet at home? If so, I will post the dead pets picture and give it a funny name. Heh heh heh. Im not a fucked up dude. Not at all. Heh heh heh.

    3. Do you need anymore dead-pet pics? I have some for Kurt if he is “Sikhing” them. Get it? I made another Kurt-style funny. Ha ha ha! ReformusResistanceGigantusGalactusDorkiusMaximus strikes again.

    Kurt Gardiner is like the Big Lebowski in terms of being unemployed and repetitively parroting things other people say.

    But NOT in terms of being funny, charming or at risk of having anyone looking to have his baby.

    1. Ahem, he works for us. Get the name right.

      From our official personnel files.

      Name: Kuck Fluffner.

      Occupation: I don’t like Ravi, Nancy is smelly and icky. Girls are no.

      Hey, we can only hire what comes through the door, ok?

    2. I'm Kurt de Sade Gardiner and I get off on posting pics of people's dead pets. Heh heh heh. Its so funny. Heh heh heh. Maybe I'll give the dead pets funny names like "Snowflake." Heh heh heh. Im not a fucked up dude. Not at all. Heh heh heh.

    3. Saw what you did with the pics of GA's cat you sick bastard.

    4. Get a grip Anon.

      I'm Kurt de Sade Gardiner and I approve this message. Heh heh heh. I troll Google for pics of former friends dead pets, make funny memes out of their dead pets and give the dead pets funny names like "Snowflake." Lots of my friends have pets, too. Dogs, cats and rabbits. When their pets die I will make funny memes with their pictures and give them funny names like "Snowflake." Heh heh heh. How about a "Dead Pet of the Week" meme? Its so funny. Heh heh heh. I drink tears like wine. Heh heh heh. I'm not a fucked up dude. Not at all. Heh heh heh.

    5. It's good to see the level of discourse is racing to the bottom. If someone goes low, someone else will go lower. Hooray!

    6. Snoopster, commenters are satirizing the depravity of Kurt Gardiner and the depravity of his "discourse" which I concur is sadism. My beloved deceased cat and I were victims of Kurt Gardiner's depraved discourse. I have never and will never host attacks on peoples pets and families, alive or dead.

    7. GA- understood. Respectfully, Kurt has come back and stated he had no idea that the animal was dead. Was it wrong? Yes. Was his response (even after knowing the cat was dead) in poor taste & unfunny? Absolutely. But beating this horse to death is the signature move of Kurt de Sade and his/her many screen names.

      From my outsider perspective:
      You and Kurt started on each other about sex lives, blow up dolls etc. The original comment is in dispute (each of you claims the other started it). It devolved. Now we're at dead cat level.

      We can continue the war or we can stop. I vote stop.

    8. I think Kurt beat the horse to death already. He completely destroyed his credibility and chased most of his readers and commenters away.

    9. snoopy, Kurt is full of shit-- I tried to reason with him via text and appeal to his humanity to take down the post-- he did not. He followed it up the next day with another one. I'm very personally disappointed to see you defend the indefensible.

      There is no war. After the election the war ended. If you have seen the UNPROVOKED obsessive postings about me on MSV that started about a month ago for no apparent reason other than he is a sick, depraved bastard... and now he is posting pics of my PETS? My PETS? What the fuck is wrong with him? He is dangerously close to a harassment complaint. Since he put that garbage out in the public domain others have the right to comment. Certainly, I am the arbiter on this blog of comments that cross the line.

      I want to STOP this line of conversation. If you want to keep it going, contact me offline. Thanks.

    10. snoopy, another thing. Your facts are wrong re: the "blow up doll" etc. But, that is history better left alone.

    11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    12. STOP means stop. Like I said, we can continue offline.

    13. Dead or alive.... trolling for pics of your cat is plain creepy. He's a public official?

  3. We have seen what happens when Ruben's friends run the HHA - it goes to shit. So if the faux reformers want that, then the consequences are on them.


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