Mayor releases 'of counsel' client list and commissions

This afternoon, Mayor Bhalla punked his two gotcha-playing antagonists on Hoboken City Council, Ruben Ramos and Mike DeFusco, by unexpectedly releasing his 'of-counsel'  client referral list (one- the Borough of Englewood Cliffs) and his commissions-to-date ($0).

The Mayor issued a 2-page written response (below) plus 3 exhibits; documents which he'd previously released to the council and public. 

In spite of little-to-no contribution from Councilmen Ramos and DeFusco, the Mayor has racked up quite a list of accomplishments! 


  1. This won't silence the dingleberries on the CC. They won't even read the letter. They won't read it b/c they don't care about anything than making a stink.

    1. That's quite a list of accomplishments from the Mayor's Office. Big kudos to the mayor and his staff! Imagine if DeFusco were mayor instead (perish the thought!), he wouldn't have gotten past #1 on the list. Jen may have gotten to #3 but I dont think she'd have gotten to #4, certainly not #5. And Stick would be asking, " What list?"

      Ravi forgot one: his office created the Public Safety Task Force.

      The Breitbart Bunch's anger at being bested by a brown-skinned Sikh mayor is palpable.


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