The Screwing of Hoboken (time for new County leadership)

Yearly tax increases are like gaining weight; one day you wake up and your taxes (pants) don't fit your budget (ass)... and, the only way to fit back into your pants (budget) is to trim your ass (taxes). 

Now, many of us live in tight pants.  It all depends on how much weight you gain, how far your pants can stretch before they start to hurt. 

Hoboken's got an obesity problem.  City Hall has worked hard to keep the tax levy flat, yet our residents are getting squeezed out of their pants--  now whose fault is that? 

I'll say, it's your fault!  

You, County Executive Tom DeGise and, the rest of your Boy's Club over there- that includes Hoboken's Freeholder Stick Romano.  Yeah, you Stick. I like you personally, but what's with this, "It's the formula!" Okay then, how about cutting County expenses?  Lay off a couple of no-shows? Or find a  creative path to tax relief, like letting Hoboken keep the County portion of our PILOT payments?  That would keep millions of tax dollars in Hoboken. 

Folks, the Hudson County World Order needs to be turned on it's head.  Starting with NEW LEADERSHIP.  

Whether or not Stack prevails, Mayor Bhalla's decision to support NEW LEADERSHIP was the right decision. Bhalla is no dummy, and neither is Stack. Whatever transpired between them in the past is the past. They are working together now.  This is critical for Hoboken; Stack represents our city in the State. Furthermore, he has never tried to tap Hoboken for contracts or patronage jobs- not like you-know-who who propped up the campaign of Mike DeFusco.  Stack barely gives a shit about Hoboken-- except when he schleps down truckloads of turkeys or sends birthday cards (where's mine?) or needs our votes.  

That's good!  I like that.  

Listen, with Stack and NEW LEADERSHIP at the County, Hoboken has a fighting chance to fit  back in our pants. Bhalla is already working with him; Stack has prepared a draft resolution for Hoboken to become a UEZ. A great start. See?

But really, take a look at this chart. The disparity between what Hudson County municipalities pay to the County needs explaining, and fixing.  


  1. So basically, most of the cities with big increases in tax bills have their mayors wanting to give DeGise the boot. GOOD!

  2. Wrong again FAILING Grammar Avenger! Worst name ever by the way. As we have proved on Horse and (3) Friends many, many times by repeating it many, many times, Crooked Bhallary is trying to engineer a Stack victory so he can quit his job as Mayor, be appointed Assemblyman and rake in even more money from developers. It has NOTHING to do with the county tax levy. Duh!

    You may recall that Horse and (3) Friends also repeated many times that Crooked was on the outs with Phil Murphy, thus proving that Crooked was on the outs with Phil Murphy. But you didn't believe it. Well here's your PROOF! A very recent, very public fist fight and screaming match between the Governor and Crooked. The picture captures the moment when the Governor is fending off a punch to the stomach from an enraged Crooked while the Governor rightly asserts that Crooked is only Mayor because of the hate flyers! Our Horse and (3) Friends editor and writer of all comments just happened to be passing by at the time and caught it all on audio tape!!!

    So that's settled..........

    The flags are hanging flaccidly at half-staff at Horse and (3) Friends as I prepare the Presidential pardon for Rod Blagojevich. At Horse and 3, Blago is the paragon of public corruption that we love to invoke whenever Crooked Bhallary does or says anything. He's been a durable and useful strawman along with 9-yearold Nazi collaborator George Soros, antifa, and Mike Russo.

    But I have my already-drafted Presidential pardon for Mikey Cohen to think of and need to be able to point to a worse pardon for the sake of context. Which I'll do in my already-drafted Tweet, "Pardoning Cohen is nothing compared to when Obama pardoned Blago! DOUBLE STANDARD!" Did I mention I love the poorly educated yet?

    Speaking of which Horse and (3) Friends will soldier on with using Blago (Obama's problem, not mine!) to flog Crooked Bhallary, much as they did with the defunct and openly ridiculed even on Fox Pizza-Gate.

    Pay attention for once. A piece of fiction is "true" if it expresses a human truth, even though all the people and events are made up. A conspiracy theory is "true" if it expresses how much you truly hate someone, even if all the people and events are made up. Trying to disprove them is as idiotic as trying to disprove Moby Dick. Get it? Good. Now forget that I said so. You're pretty good at that by now. #TheStorm!

    I am hereby ordering my Justice Department to perform a full investigation into Obama's pardon of Blago and the incredibly probable quid pro quo with Crooked Bhallary and will do so formally as soon as I get out of the bathroom!


    1. can you ask manure man if he was lucky enough to get one of the 12 pens from swamp creature scott pruitt that cost tax payers $1,500?

      stormy weather coming...


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