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Stack v Executive Daughter for HCDO Chair |
Think Electoral College-- of Hudson County. On June 12, 2018 a tiny subset of Hudson County's registered Dems will pick the next Chair of the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO). Like the Electoral College, this is an elite group; only (living) Democratic committee members can vote (unlike in Hoboken where even the dead can vote).
So what's the big deal about being HCDO Chair? The Chair decides who runs on the Democratic Party Line-- political life or death for any aspiring HudCo Democrat.
Once upon a time, Hoboken's Senator Brian Stack had that HCDO Chair gig 'in the bag.' That is, until last March. One fine day at Jersey City's Coach House Diner, Stack and Mayor Steve Fulop informed Hudson County Executive, Tom DeGise, that he (DeGise) would be getting the BOOT!
And that, my friends, launched HudCo's current uncivil war; 12 Hudson County municipalities quickly chose sides: (anti-DeGise) Brian Stack or (pro-DeGise) Nick Sacco.
Make no mistake, this war is a showdown between Titans Brian Stack and North Bergen's Nick Sacco. All Sacco needed to do was pick a candidate to knock out Stack...
Hi Amy! credit: The Jersey Journal |
Amy DeGise has been hand-picked to challenge North Bergen Mayor and state Sen. Nick Sacco's arch rival Brian Stack, Union City mayor and fellow senator, for chairmanship of the Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDeadO)...The daughter of county Executive Tom DeGise - who is in the center of the party civil war -- may have a future in politics but she has yet to even enter a local ward race. Now she wants the title of boss of the county Dems - although it would obviously only be as a figurehead in a male-dominated enclave. I understand the thinking of the architect of this maneuver, Nick Sacco, who decided to back the elder DeGise for re-election after the incumbent was informed by Stack and Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop that they would not support him in 2019. The subtext to the story is that the North Bergen political strongman wants to protect his influence and patronage in county government.
Pretty clever move!
GA imagines that no one (with balls) had the balls to take on Stack; Sacco provided a charming narrative of a loyal daughter coming to her Dad's rescue. Who could hold that against Ms. DeGise? I certainly don't. I would have done the same for my Dad.
But let's keep it real. Ladies, men are the ones selling us shtick that DeGise is "breaking a glass ceiling."
Oh, hell no. DeGise is not breaking any glass ceiling; Nick Sacco cut a hole in the glass ceiling and pulled her through.
Ladies, this gal's entrée to power is produced, directed and brought to you by HudCo's Club for Men. There is not a scintilla of authentic feminism in this move-- if Sacco wanted to run a woman for HCDO Chair, why not pick someone with an actual political resume?
Now, DeGise may be very talented, that is not the point. How she got there is the point.
Now, DeGise may be very talented, that is not the point. How she got there is the point.
Ladies (and gents) this is NEPOTISM-- DeGise is HudCo's Ivanka Trump. Ivanka got her West Wing office the same way that DeGise may get HCDO Chair. If Amy's last name were Jones? Forget about it. This is Hudson County political patronage-- All in the Family, starring Tom DeGise, County Executive for Life.
But hey, who cares what I think- it's all about what the HudCo Electoral College thinks on June 12th.
How many will show up in Kearny by 7PM to vote? This is GOTV time. Expect dirty tricks! GA's advice: rent buses and/or pack Ubers!
I would do a fleet of Ubers. For Hoboken, that might be a couple of hundred bucks.
GA will be writing more about this saga in relation to.... Hoboken! That's where it gets really interesting: watching the defection of Legislative District 33 (Hoboken) politicians to Legislative District 32. Kinda reminds me of the defection of Republicans to the Kremlin.
Stay tuned, people!
Stop picking on my fine piece of ass daughter Ivanka whom I would be dating myself if she weren't my daughter. Or -- if all these FAKE NEWS outlets didn't blab to everyone that she's my daughter and ruin a beautiful romance for the American people who want to see a REAL royal wedding. NO PRIVACY! SAD!
ReplyDeleteThe story is about Crooked Bhallary, not my ultra-hot squeeze of a daughter. Who, by the way, could do a lot worse than me dating-wise. Maybe you should spend more time reading about #TheStorm on Horse and (3) Friends like ex-democrat party members Councilbabe Tippy and Yappy the Real Estate Agent. They get it! They see that the alt-right is the ONLY game in town, baby! Alt-Right, All-White, All Right! #MAGA!
We have a new story up that PROVES beyond any doubt that Crooked Bhallary is taking YUGE sums of money from George Soros to impose sharia law and child sex trafficking for NJ Transit through democrat committee resignations! Nice try with the FAKE NEWS distraction from the REAL NEWS on Horse and (3) Friends!