Emergency waaahmbulance rescue at the Maxwell Place rally!

HOBOKEN-- Witnesses at last week's Maxwell Place "Protect the Waterfront" rally reported the emergency rescue of an  inconsolable councilwoman. What happened? 

It appears that days earlier, the councilwoman announced that she would not be attending the Friday rally. Then on Friday morning, she notified City Hall she would be going, and that she wanted to speak. She instructed City Hall that she "will speak right after the mayor" because she has to "leave  early."  

Sadly, City Hall was unable to accommodate the councilwoman's request to change the entire program (that the Mayor's aides had worked overtime to assemble!) to revolve around her sudden availability "after the mayor."  In short, the answer was "no."

The councilwoman did not react well.  

The news that City Hall would not cater to her colossal sense of entitlement ruptured her ego, and a waaahmbulance was called. When the waaahmbulance was delayed by construction on Washington Street,  the councilwoman  was airlifted to  Hoboken University Medical Center where her ego was rushed to emergency surgery. 

During the operation, the surgeons discovered her ego was healthy and enormous-- it was her pride that was wounded.  The doctors found scarring there, too; some scars were dated "November 7, 2017." Unfortunately, injured pride is difficult to heal, which is why without soul-searching, the afflicted often blame others and seek retribution.  In the most extreme cases,  wounded pride-sufferers with egos like a Macy's Day balloon may write attention-seeking, self-pitying screeds in which they portray themselves as righteous victims of a math-challenged, unelectable villain.  For example:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Tiffanie Fisher, Councilwoman
Date: Apr 26, 2018, 8:58 AM -0400
Subject: Bad Politics & Good Governance
Dear friends and neighbors:

When politics conflicts with good government it is important to speak out.  And when it affects my ability to represent you on an important issue, it is time for me to speak out. 

Last Friday, our Mayor used a recent city council vote as his reason to exclude me from speaking at the Union Dry Dock / NYWW “Protect the Waterfront” Rally on Friday evening.   When I asked to speak at the rally, I was initially told by his Chief of Staff that the schedule had been set and that the Mayor was “not inclined to make any changes.”  But when I spoke to Mayor Bhalla directly about speaking, he instead told me the reason he would not support me speaking at the event was because I voted against paying a recurring, biweekly stipend for his two, salaried Chief of Staff’s at the last council meeting. 

As I said to him during our conversation, since January, members of the City Council have repeatedly requested clarification and transparency concerning both the expansion of his staff and his 2nd job as “Of Counsel” with the politically connected law firm Lavery, Selvaggi, Abromitis & Cohen, P.C.  Specific concerns raised have included the increased costs and need for the expansion of his staff and the potential for conflicts of interests that his new 2nd job raises with his role as Mayor of Hoboken.  To date, his few responses have been vague and incomplete, including the one given when asked about the recurring stipend.  With no exception, both the expansion of the Mayor’s office staff combined with his 2nd job are of concern to every Hoboken resident with whom I have spoken.  I will continue to push to make sure we understand and address the full impact these have on our community. 

As a founding member of Hoboken Residents for a Public Waterfront since 2011, I have been advocating to protect our waterfront for years.   Regarding the former Union Dry Dock site, I have been fighting for that land to be public since I was elected in 2015 alongside council members Giattino and Cunningham, and often then councilman Bhalla.  I have continued fighting for this, working closely with my neighbors and constituents, councilmembers, Fund for a Better Waterfront, and the Mayor for the past several months.  Had I spoken at the rally on Friday evening, my additional message would have been: 

“Where it starts, is not where it ends.  With significant planned and hoped-for ferry expansions throughout the Hudson River waterways, the potential growth of NYWW’s fleet is uncapped.  And if NYWW are allowed to keep their operations at the former UDD site, the future impact to Hoboken will be even greater than what is current being discussed.  This is why it is imperative that we continue to reach out to our elected officials, to Governor Murphy in particular, and advocate for Hoboken today.  And that we also help NYWW find a better site to accommodate its future plans.”

If holding to good government principle sees me at conflict with the Mayor then so be it.  I remain committed to working with and supporting the Mayor and my council colleagues on all good governance and issues important to Hoboken.  And as importantly, to engaging with, informing, and advocating for you.

As always, please feel free to email me or call me at 201/208-****if you have any questions of comments or want to discuss this.

Hoboken City Council, 2nd Ward

Engage. Inform. Advocate.
“More Voices are Better”


  1. Both a colossal ass and a magnet to other colossal asses.

  2. Does anyone believe that her recollection of the conversation with the mayor is accurate? if so, I've got some swampland in Florida for sale. . .

  3. That's really funny...because Frank my husband (who donated hours and hours of his time to be a photographer for "Fund for a Better Waterfront" on many and I mean many of there events, including myself who donated my space and food to help "Fund for a Better Waterfront" also purchased tickets on their boat cruises and also Frank took pics on the cruise. I never and I mean NEVER saw any of these council members at years of these events until after the loss of Jen at any of it!!! Look on line "Fund for a Better Waterfront" and there are many pictures. You will find them at the last event. Years myself and Frank have been there along with many residents and willing to help. STOP the bullshit! It's such crap. God I am so glad people are paying attention to the (as I said in debates) "BULLSHIT!"

  4. it's not polite to tell even the most embarrassing, self-aggrandizing political blowhard crybaby to do voters a favor and just STFU, so i will hold my tongue.

  5. If I had to guess (I don't- but I will), I'd say the councilwoman notified the Mayor's Office at the last minute just to f*ck with them--like the gratuitously nasty cutting of the mayor's aides' nominal stipend, and the gratuitous targeting of the mayor's security detail.

    Here is what I'd advise the Mayor's Office: do whatever is necessary and in the best interest of Hoboken to work with this council FIRST, but... if any one of them asks them (the Mayor's Office) for a favor, do not life a FINGER for any of them, or accommodate any special requests. Let them get off their lazy asses and earn their $25K taxpayer-funded paycheck.

    Engage. (find candidates who put Hoboken ahead of their own agendas)
    Inform. (the public that we need a council that can work with the mayor, not against him)
    Advocate. (for a council focused on work, not politics)

    "New Voices Are Better"

    1. My administration is throwing new stuff at the wall every day to defeat the enemies of our beautiful country. People tell me no administration in history has thrown more stuff at the wall. That's not coming from me. That's from the people who tell me things.

      If you check the wall, our latest thrown stuff is that my republican-democrat colleague Bethanie Butthurt was silenced due to sexism. Before you ask, we already have people working on how to square the charge of sexism with the gender neutral restroom executive order. But on the alt-right all that matters is what you want to believe. All will be beautiful in the end for our white children and even some of the other racially less fortunate children.

      Please continue to enjoy my form-fitting tennis togs.

  6. This dumb email shows how totally far off the mark Tiffanie is when it comes to relating to her constituents, particularly those who are busy leading their lives and aren’t pals with her, but we do vote.

    Tiffanie’s email contains of 13 ‘I’s and 7 ‘me’s versus only 3 ‘you’s. The first ‘you’ is in the second sentence where she says, “And when it affects my ability to represent you,” and I think, uh oh, she’s not able to represent me and she’s going to explain why. DOES SHE THINK THE WATERFRONT RALLY I ATTENDED WAS A FAILURE? That just ticks me off.

    Then there’s the blather about scheduling problems (why is her problem my problem?) and “As I said to him during our conversation,” (snooze and/or office gossip drama alert) and “conflict with the mayor” (they disagree on the waterfront?)

    I just want to scream, DO YOU GIVE ENOUGH OF A DAMN ABOUT THE WATERFRONT ISSUE TO WANT TO SEE HOBOKEN SUCCEED — EVEN IF YOUR NAME ISN’T AT THE TOP OF THE LIST WHO MIGHT HAVE ACCOMPLISHED THIS? So yeah, her email was highly effective, but not for the reasons she thinks.

    Kudos to Mayor Bhalla for his post after the rally: “Thank you to the hundreds of residents that came out tonight to rally for our waterfront.” The rally was about unity, not disunity, and constituents appreciate being acknowledged.


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