Mayor Bhalla makes offer to buy UDD property

As reported by Hudson County View:

"Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla has made a formal $11.63 million offer to New York Waterway in hopes of acquiring the Union Dry Dock property without using eminent domain."

Last Friday, the Mayor sent the letter below to NY Waterway Chairman Armand Polan: 


  1. Decisive action was and is critical on this issue, especially after the damaging delay caused by GiaFusco political games during the election. Kudos to Mayor Bhalla on understanding what needs to be done and doing it.

  2. I quit Facebook specifically not to deal with the sell outs. Quit HCV because he lets his comments section be an absolute drainage ditch. Quit the resistance blogs because they’re just silly without managing to ever be funny (which is a key objective of silliness). So I am blissfully unaware of the crying that was doubtless provoked by the mayor doing his job. It’s like cutting refined sugar and broken glass out of your diet. You don’t really miss it.

    1. i haven't been to MSV since trump was elected (except for a couple of times to get a laugh about how he doesn't get any comments anymore) or HCV since last summer when the mayoral campaign turned the comments into a sewer. agreed, my life is so much better.

  3. No open opposition on this issue except from the true crazies who oppose everything but rent control. It seems that even the math experts understand the polical math here.

  4. is it my imagination or did governor murphy just screw hoboken? he had our back...until he didn't. what's that all about?


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