Leprecon 2018 RESULTS IN!

Reviews are coming in from Hoboken residents about management of yesterday's first "CON" under the new Bhalla Administration...

Meanwhile, HPD Chief Ken Ferrante was keeping the public informed via Twitter, beginning last night.  From the top down:

Let's recap.
  • Tavern reports down 88%
  • Arrests down 64% (11 arrests in 2017)
  • Calls for service down 20%
  • LEPERs transported to hospitals down 18%
  • Disorderly conduct ordinances up 16% (Ferrante: "mostly due to not having officers tied up on arrests")
  • ZERO sexual assaults (same)
So what do you think, people? 

GA wonders how this incident report compares with the "average" Saturday night in Hoboken? 

Of course, the police presence was way beyond the average Saturday night, but then think about it: it wasn't the average Saturday night in Hoboken. Nope, bars opened at 9 AM. Thousands of LEPERS descended upon Hoboken to roam from bar to bar, drinking for hours, the objective to get plastered and whatever else comes with it...

So I would like to thank everyone who helped to make this Leprecon a markedly improved experience for the 50,000+ people that live here. 

Thank you, bar/restaurant owners for your cooperation this go-round!

Special thanks to Mayor Bhalla, HPD Chief Ferrante, his police officers, Hoboken's ABC board, the ABC detectives, and all the Hoboken superheroes of the Mayor's Public Safety Task Force!

The Mayor's Task Force on Public Safety includes Police Chief Ferrante, Provisional Fire Chief Crimmins, Police Capt. Pasculli, Police Sgt. Kucz, Police Sgt. Montanez, Health Officer Frank Sasso, Battalion Fire Chief Buoncuore, Fire Captain DiVincent, Business Administrator Marks, Corporation Counsel Aloia, and Environmental Services Director Pellegrini.


  1. great news, great improvement, kudos to the police AND the bars who managed things responsibly.

    the only potentially questionable thing i heard about was the busting up of a house party that the hosts feel was excessive, "a tactical team with assault rifles" according to one unconfirmed posting. the party hosts claim they weren't rowdy, although perhaps their neighbors would disagree. who knows what really happened, hard to believe the police would act with no reason.

    i'm sure that instead of focusing on the huge improvements to this year's con, butthurt nation will make this house party thing into a good ol' "ravi's jack-booted police state" government overreach talking point in the coming days...

    1. Police don't appear at one's door without a complaint. Can't comment on that without obtaining information. Of course, revelers at a house party will bitch about the big, bad meanies that broke up all the fun. Yes, police bear arms. Butthurt nation becomes more irrelevant with each passing day.

  2. As Ravi piles up successes the dimwit duo and their council heros continue to further marginalize themselves. One note ponies playing to each other.

  3. Resounding success. The people who vote, the residents, are overwhelmingly with Ravi on this one and very happy. Jen, Peter, Tiffany, Ruben, Michael can go after Ravi on this one at their own risk. They will be leading an army of a bunch of people who don’t live in town and if they do, sometimes vote, sometimes don’t.

  4. That may be as low as the numbers can get for an event that will always draw 1000s of non-residents and will always be based on getting shit-faced.

  5. and sure enough, the first rush of negative FB comments center on the mayor turning the city into a police state, taking away liberties, etc.

    LOL...the outrage of closing 3% of the city's bars! the horror!

    1. I quit Facebook, the douche blogs, and hcv and the reporter. I never go to any of them let alone read them. Quite pleased with the results.


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