Will the real elephant please stand up?

Did you hear?  Last night at the Hoboken Democratic Committee meeting there was an elephant in the room.   

And I don't mean Karen Nason.   Yes, she showed up.  But there was a different kind of elephant there, the kind that everybody sees but pretends not to.   

The meeting was held downstairs at the Hoboken Bar and Grill. Nason -- a Republican-- wanted to go to the meeting, called Stick Romano and he offered to bring her. 

Why would she want to go to a Dem Committee meeting?

"As a Republican, I'd love to work together with Democrats" she said, "This is what it's supposed to be about. Moving forward, not moving backwards."

So she arrived at the meeting, before Stick.  Karen told me that almost immediately she was asked to leave by the Hoboken Democratic Committee Chair, Tiffanie Fisher.  Fisher told her:

"You are not allowed here.  You're not a Democrat... we have by-laws." 

The manager followed  Karen upstairs and said, "I'm running this place. You come right back down, you're my guest."

Nason went back, and Fisher told her again:  "You have to leave...."

The by-laws, huh? These questions come to mind.
  • Do the Hoboken Dem Committee by-laws support throwing members of the public out of a meeting held in a public venue on any basis? 
  • Do the by-laws support Committee members who advocate for a candidate in a non-partisan election where that advocacy runs contrary to electing a Democrat to office
GA has reviewed the Hoboken Democratic Committee by-laws (embedded below) for the answers. (I am not a lawyer, so cut me some slack.)

Question #1
ARTICLE V,  "Meetings" doesn't answer the question about not who may (or may not) attend "Special Meetings" called by the Chair.  There is nothing addressing whether Democrats who are not committee members or any member of the public or by invited guest may attend. There is also nothing specifying where meetings can or cannot be held.

By convening a political meeting in a public venue, is it constitutional to force members of the public to leave because of their political affiliation?  It would seem to me the right of free speech for everyone, and without prejudice, prevails. 

Was the meeting noticed properly as "closed to the public"?  

Was the owner who donated his space aware that the meeting was "closed to the public"?

 There is nothing wrong with holding a "members only" meeting.  But notice it properly, and hold it in a private setting.

GA is no lawyer but I do not see anything in the by-laws that supports throwing anyone-- of any race, religion, or political affiliation-out of a meeting held in a public place.

Question #2
Answer: NO!  

Article 2, Section 3:  
"Nothing within this section shall be interpreted to prevent an individual from exercising political expression in his or her personal capacity as a voter and every accord shall be made to respect such privacy provided no advocacy is made in his or her official capacity to support a candidate in a nonpartisan election or where such advocacy would run contrary to electing a Democrat to office."
 (Adopted pursuant to Section 19:5-2 of the Revised Statutes of State of the State of New Jersey)

The Preamble:
"We pledge to do all we can to nominate and assist in the election of Democratic candidates for public office; adopt and promote statement of policy; assist national, state, county and locate Democratic Party organizations and candidates in their candidacies and education of the voters; raise and disburse monies needed for the successful operation of the Democratic Party; establish standards and rules of procedure to afford all members of the Democratic Party full, timely and equal opportunities to participate in decisions concerning the selection of candidates, the formulation of policy, and the conduct of other Party affairs, without prejudice on the basis of sex, race, age, color, creed, national origin, religion, economic status, sexual orientation, ethnic identity or physical disability, and further, to promote fair campaign practices and the fair adjudication of disputes; work with Democratic public officials at all levels to achieve the objectives of the Democratic Party..."

So I ask, what was the real elephant in the room last night?

Was it Karen Nason, or a member of the Executive Committee  who brazenly violated the most basic mission of the Hoboken Democratic Committee by-laws ("We pledge to do all we can to nominate and assist in the election of Democratic candidates for public office) and has not been held accountable by Dem Committee members.


  1. Thowing people out is a very Rethuglican maneuver, just saying.

  2. You have to respect the division of labor.

    As Princess Jen, Democrat du Jour, says, "Ending voter fraud and the abuse of Vote By Mail ballots should be a high priority for Mayor Bhalla and addressed immediately."

    Get it? It's Unelectable's job. He should get cracking on that. Why isn't he using his secret turban-concealed powers to make that go away? Doesn't he care?

    It just doesn't seem like a concern for the relevant part of the city council (which excluuuuuudes, as our great wallet friend Beth would say, Enemy and Dull).

    Our job is to pass laws that pretend there's no such problem and only acknowledge the existence of a problem sufficiently to say it's either Unelectable's problem or not a problem at all. But it's definitely not our problem. Speaking of neglecting his duites, he should also get to work on all the double-parking and aggressive driving - because we just passed an ordinance to send teenagers into traffic on their bikes. If Unelectable doesn't start doing his job as well as we're doing ours, he's gonna get someone killed.

    Now that's a division of labor we can live with with! Kerwin (sp?) needs to respect that division. Same principle explains why she can't be at a committee meeting with 2-time GOP convention delegate, Princess Jen. We don't want any Republicans there. Simple.


  3. Too bad Dana Wefer didn't show up. That would have left Tiff with quite a quandary.

  4. There was a show down between Tiffanie and Karen after Mayor Bhalla spoke and was asking committee members for issues to bring up at the House Democratic Congressional Caucus 2018 Issues Conference. It was a very public yelling match after Karen tried to ask Mayor Bhalla a question.

    1. Whoa. What happened to "more voices are better"? That venue hosts Repub gatherings, too. The manager was angry that Karen was told to leave. Karen is pissed as hell.

    2. Hopefully, whenever Jen speaks up, the mayor says "DINOs don't count, do we have any suggestions from real Democrats?"

  5. please give tiff the boot asap, so unqualified and embarrassing. like the scene at a high school cafeteria.

  6. Please get rid a of Tiffanie. Her advocacy for Jen while she was Republican (and one in a Trump era) is a disgrace and against the by-laws that she correctly in my opinion cited in asking Karen to leave.

    Tiffanie needs to go.
    Tiffanie needs to go.
    Tiffanie needs to go.

    I'm frustrated that this has not happened already (see above). This is a matter of principle. The fact that this has gone on so long is a disgrace to the party. There is value in very publicly kicking her out for this reason, rather than letter her whither away if that is the game here. I am not part of the Democratic Committee, but I plan on running in 2019 because I'm frustrated that this has gone on so along and because I think there is more that could be done to push our city to resist in the age of Trump and help elect Democrats.

  7. I swear, Fisher was that unpopular twit on the SGA that everyone hated in school and only got elected b/c nobody else ran. We need to get rid of her ASAP.

  8. The confusion here is between the Democrat party and being democratic.

    We want the Tiffanatrix and Princess Jen in the Democrat party because it has a monopoly on political power. We specifically don't want them to think or behave democratically - with an extremely small "d". Quite the opposite.

    We are on our way to bringing back undemocratic elections so we can have even less democracy to deal with. Because let's face it, democracy can be messy with all those voices that don't matter. Yay, Democrat party!


  9. Nason, as a Republican, shouldn't have expected a warm welcome at a strategizing meeting for the Democratic party, and neither should the other DINO's on council. When is Fisher stepping down?


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