Friday's mixed bag

GA was too raw to write yesterday. Still reeling from the horror in Parkland.  And the sickness in American culture and 'dark money' political corruption which create the perfect storm for the ongoing massacres in our schools, churches, synagogues... we, our children are all sitting ducks. 

In September, GA spent 90 minutes texting my 15 year-old who was hiding under her desk in a locked classroom. Her school was on lockdown;  a student with a gun was believed to be roaming the building. I reread our text exchange yesterday. Relived it- the not knowing what the hell is going on, only that your flesh and blood is cowering under a desk, a sitting duck and there is nothing you can do to protect her.  Imagine you are at work, or wherever and you get one of these:

This is our America.  This incident happened when a student allegedly had posted a weapon on Snapchat, and did not come to school the next day- there may be more to it than that. But the threat was called in. And I am glad that it was, because you NEVER KNOW.  

Think about it: this kind of event should not be a normal part of American life. But it is.  

So, let's bring the conversation back to Hoboken. And politics. And ourselves.  

On February 14th, Former Councilman Dave Mello  wrote a post on Facebook captioned "SUCH A SENSELESS TRAGEDY. CAN WE DECREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF SIMILAR INCIDENTS IN THE FUTURE? IF YES, HOW?" 

Gee Dave, that's a question with many answers.  

Starting with banning the sale of military assault rifles, banning the sale of guns in general to a mentally disturbed man, creating institutional checks for gun-sellers to confirm a buyer has no history of anti-social behavior, threats, mental illness, and installing metal-detecting technology at every school entry.  

GA will address another one: the need to recognize and confront the normalization and mainstreaming of racial/ethnic hatred, intolerance in American culture.  

Trump anti-immigrant ideology mainstreamed in American culture, espoused by hate group leaders, followed by white supremacist groups across America

So, what can you and I do about this creeping normalization of intolerance? 

Do you know, Dave Mello?

ONE way is to confront intolerance when and where we see it, to repudiate it,  teach others that is wrong and lead by example.  

Do not delete, TEACH.  

So, GA noted with supreme irony how on Dave Mello's Facebook post asking "HOW  TO DECREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF SIMILAR INCIDENTS IN THE FUTURE"  he's allowed a slur disparaging the mayor's article of faith to languish without repudiation.  

I screen-capped this yesterday, assuming that Mello would react to it later.

GA checked back a few times waiting for Dave to jump on this slur against the Mayor's article of faith, the Sikh turban. Guess what?

Overnight the post grew to 44 comments-- a lively debate.  The host, Hoboken Councilman Dave Mello, engaged in the discourse. He commented above and below the slur on the mayor's turban.   See what he said.


By doing NOTHING, saying NOTHING, the message is that slurs against a religious minority's articles of faith is acceptable discourse. 

Did Mello consciously mean to send that message? 

I suspect not. But he did it. Mello owes his Facebook readers a "teaching moment" and our Sikh mayor a private apology.

Am I being too hard on Dave?  NO.

After that, this all seems mundane. But, GA's been hearing complaints about Board vacancies from the usual corners.

So, GA inquired and found out that Bhalla has filled vacancies on ABC and Rent Leveling Boards.

1 vacancy

9 vacancies

Apparently his nominees for these boards need Hoboken City Council approval, so expect to see them on the next meeting agenda!

Sent to me yesterday:

Jen & Ruben having a business dinner at Leo’s. They were sitting near the window with about six other men in shirtsleeves and ties. 

Let me tell you people. If you are sitting in the window of Leo's, you don't mind being seen.  What kind of business, I wonder?


  1. If you're eating at Leos, you're not worried about eating quality Italian food either. LOL

  2. breach of security at city hall:


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