The disenfranchisement of 17,201 Reform votes

Cries of "Reform is dead" are utterly disingenuous cover for this glaring fact:  
17,201 votes were cast for Reform governance on Hoboken's legislative body, the City Council. 
That's 17,201 endorsements for a continuation of Reform governance. 

True, that vote was bifurcated on a "Giattino" slate and a "Bhalla" slate; but with both mayoral candidates having a nearly identical council voting record,  17,201 votes endorsed the governing principles of the past 8 years. 

On November 6, no one knew who would become mayor.   But, whomever would be the Chief Executive, a plurality of our divided electorate chose Reform lawmakers. 

Numbers don't lie.

11,770 Hoboken votes for Reform candidates (Bhalla)

5,431 Hoboken votes for Reform candidates (Giattino)

10,937 Hoboken votes for DeFusco/Ramos candidates

5,865*  votes for Romano candidates
*1,289 were absentee ballots-almost 25% of total votes cast.  Romano appears to have captured the "Old Guard" Russo vote  unlikely to have gone to DeFusco.  

Misogynist body-shaming the messenger will not silence the message. I speak for the people who expected their votes to matter.

Misogynist body-shamers Roman Brice and Kurt Gardiner try to silence the messenger! 

The pogrom of Reformers on our boards, the elevation of Ruben Ramos and Mike DeFusco, was not what those 17,201 vote's were for. 

Jen Giattino, Tiffanie Fisher and Peter Cunningham have disenfranchised us. 

It's called bait and switch.  Vote for nerdy, transparent, honest, progressive legislators and end up with developer-luvin, meeting skippers and guys who pay their phone bills from campaign funds. 

That people, is why these 3 are Sell-Outs.  

GA did not feel any different when some in City Hall were pushing Carmelo Garcia for the Kids First ticket.

Oh, trust me. GA fought that merger, privately. Oil and water do not mix.

How do those who said "NO" to Carmelo Garcia on Kids First in 2010, feel about Giattino, Fisher and Cunningham's political merger with Garcia BFF Ramos and developer's pet, variance-luvin' DeFusco on Hoboken's legislature?

If that's OK with you, you need to check yourselves, in my opinion.

Anyway, here is the January 17 Meeting Agenda. Note resolutions for beefed up security at City Hall.

A sign-o-the-times. I hope the Sell-Outs can bring themselves to support that.  Hoboken has the first gay Councilman, the first black Councilwoman and the first turban-wearing Mayor.  Beefed up security is past due. And don't forget security for entry/exit doors from City Hall.  Perhaps threats have been made that have not been shared with the public. 

Oh, and Emily Jabbour is sponsoring a resolution urging the the state to allow Instant Run-offs. 

Oh yeah, now we're talkin'!
