UPDATE: Monday michigas


Prior to the scheduled press conference yesterday,  Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla testified before a joint committee hearing of the New Jersey State legislature, along with the Executive Director of NJ Transit, Steven Santoro, and two other senior level executives at NJ Transit.

According to a source:

"That [photo] was taken at the legislative hearing conducted by a joint committee of Assembly and Senate at which Ravi was asked to provide testimony. The purpose of the hearing was to discuss NJ Transit generally and it's poor performance specifically. Ravi used the Union Dry Dock as an example of the agency's lack of transparency and its failure to properly identify appropriate priorities.  Mayor Bhalla hosted the press conference immediately following that hearing " 

Earlier today...  Mayor Ravi Bhalla's lie press conference from the Trenton NJ Statehouse

Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla, Assemblywoman Annette Chapparo, Assemblyman Raj Mukherji, Ron Hine from Fund for a Better Waterfront, Hoboken Quality of Life Coalition, a Hoboken resident and the 2nd Ward Councilwoman spoke in opposition to Wednesday's NJ Transit purchase agreement with NY Waterway, to buy the former Union Dry Dock site from them, and lease it back for $1.  

Mayor Bhalla and the others urged NJ Transit to put the breaks on the deal they're rushing through in the waning days of the Christie administration.  

Well, if the pleas fall on deaf ears and the NJ Transit deal closes this week, at least it will have happened under bright lights.   

Former At-Large Councilman Mello is one angry dude!  That's my opinion.  According to Romano campaign insiders, Dave really believed he'd win; he was sure of it.  But out of the 14 At-Large candidates, Dave came in at 11th place.

That had to be brutal. Like a failed romance, the public broke up with Dave for someone new. But instead of introspection (what did I do to lose the public trust), he's chosen deflection (it's somebody else's fault).  

That's what it looks like to me!   So it's not a real surprise that he's taken his anger on the road and onto Twitter. (People send me these things...)

That's petty, Dave! 

Emergency! Somebody call a wahhhmublance!

What's he up to?  Building a Coalition of the Angry? 

Well, I thought that Mello's passionate statement to the Council to move forward with the ballot initiative was well-argued. Like expert witness testimony. However, this expert witness would have been pounded on cross-examination. Because Dave's election-history lesson omitted the chapter written in 2012.

Did Dave sign one of these? 

1,800 + petition signatures got the elimination of run-offs on the ballot. 

7,600+ votes made it Hoboken law.

So, private citizen Mello has the right to advocate however he wishes, but let's keep it real. 

Thousands of Hoboken residents voted to change the system 5 years ago.  

GA would be more interested to hear a rebuttal of the 2012 arguments that persuaded 7,600 Hoboken residents to abandon run-offs.

Like I said, Dave Mello made a good, impassioned presentation.  

But, in GA's opinion, he is so consumed with taking swings at Dawn Zimmer he forgot to say why 7,600 Hoboken residents got it wrong.  

For the record, GA likes Stan Grossbard.  He talks even faster than I can listen.  In my opinion, he's not a "bad person",  he might even be a good person. Maybe. But who cares what I think.  

So, this week's Hoboken Reporter contained revelations that many of us had already read on Facebook. And it seemed to me the author of the Facebook post, former HHA Chairwoman Dana Wefer, may have been responding to posts on Hudson County view and here. Well, I have no comment on the substance of any of this.  Just these two cents...

Both Grossbard and Wefer are Defendants in active litigation. Doesn't matter that the case is in its death throes. 

Thus, in my humble opinion, all parties should shut up about the litigation (and each other) until it is dismissed.  

Hey, I am in a similar position as a Defendant in the never-ending Bajardi v Pincus SLAPP. 

During its early stages, GA endured voluminous false, nasty and speculative commentary about what I did or didn't do to the "poor Hoboken couple."  I was taunted and my alleged misdeeds posted on Hoboken411, the NJ.com Hoboken Forum and Hoboken Patch.  Did GA respond?  

Nope.  Not until the SLAPP was tossed out of Superior Court.  And you will not find me discussing the Appeal- unlike some  reckless fool with a dead blog. 

So, all I have to say to ALL of the Garcia "Ethnic Cleansing" Defendants is zip it.

Some GA-obsessed miscreants writing in the comments section on Hudson County View assume every commenter is me.  This note is not for them, it's for everybody else who reads that site (which is excellent journalism).  

Be advised, GA quit. A month ago. 

As I have repeatedly told John Heinis,  his comments section has gone to shit. It is Patch, circa 2011.  The ugly days- and yes, I was part of those mud fights. But, Patch circa 2011 didn't work out too well for me or 2 dozen bloggers, victims of Bajardi v Pincus

Been there, done that.  Heinis confirmed the date of my last comment: December 7, 2017. As I told him, when he changes his system to name registration (one ID per customer), I'll be back. Until then, miscreants- it's all yours! 


  1. John does a great job. His comments section is a total crap hole though. There is nothing remotely like issue discussion happening there. I would recommend reading the articles but ignoring the juvenile commentary. It’s basically people saying all the shitty things they wouldn’t want to sign their screen names to on the other blogs.

    Btw, is Hoboken Resistance dead already? Can’t publish Fisher’s press releases? If things keep going downhill for Trump is she gonna post her requests for “more voices” and dem committee updates amid the Trump collusion denials? Should be perversely interesting.

    1. it's work to maintain a blog with a steady stream of timely, compelling content. maybe work ain't his thing.

  2. Too bad Hine and FBW are there. They have zero credibility any more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't a few people who shilled on behalf of Jen or now back the obstructionist tactics of Jen/Tiff lobby very actively for the previous election referendum? Could have sworn at least one of those folks actively canvassing for signatures too.

    1. David Dening was on the Committee of Petitioners. Giattino and Cunningham collected petition signatures. But remember, the reason for the petition was that the ordinance failed at the Council 5-4 (Giattino, Cunningham, Mello, Bhalla). See, Mello, Giattino and Cunningham were for it before they were against it. I hear Mello is all gung-ho for DeFusco now. Allegedly.

    2. So they were all for it when it helped insure honest elections and vote harvesters from stealing an election. But when their candidate who was always doomed to lose, loses in epic fashion, now they are against it? Seems like spite to me. Seems like they want any reformer they don't back to lose in a runoff against a candidate who farms votes.

      Absolutely disgusting and stupid behavior.


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