DeFusco misses FIRST Planning Board meeting!

In sickness and in health, Councilman Jim Doyle never missed a Planning Board meeting.

A sick Assemblywoman Annette Chaparro dragged herself to Monday's Trenton press conference, where she spoke against NJ Transit buying the UDD site from NY Waterway.

A sick Assemblywoman Chaparro fulfilled her duties, put Hoboken first,  to attend Monday's press conference.


Tuesday, January 9th was the first meeting of Hoboken's Planning Board since the Sell-Outs threw Jim Doyle off the Planning Board, installing the gum-smacking, arrogant Mike DeFusco. 

You can't say the Sell-Outs weren't warned; GA had repeatedly posted about DFusco's dismal record as a ZBA Commissioner, missing critical meetings such as for the 901 Bloomfield Street church to condos conversion. DeFusco missed every meeting for this critical application, then falsely claimed as a Councilman that he led the charge to save the church.

Jim Aibel  (no DeFusco fan, either) and I had a jolly laugh at that one. 

So, the Sell-Outs were duly warned about him. But thirst for power and political-immaturity led them to a dirty Dark Side deal: booting mature, competent, open-space activist Jim Doyle for the pro-development, temperamental, meeting-skipper Mike DeFusco.  

So is it any surprise that Mike DeFusco blew off his first Planning Board meeting? 

 Planning Board Commissioner DeFusco did send in a note too explain his absence:

I suppose less DeFusco is better than more of him at Planning Board meetings.  Expect more absentee notes. 


  1. Did the fact that the entire top floor of the nearly full block wide 33-41 Newark Street building was on the agenda asking the Board to allow it to be turned from existing office space into a event space-resturant have anything to do with First Ward Councilman being MIA from the meeting ?

  2. I don't know why Michael missed this meeting. It would be good to hear his reason.

    For the record, I'm still amazed that CMs Fisher, Giattino, and Cunningham are so arrogant to think they can get away with appointing Mike to the Planning Board when it was Tiffanie, on behalf the full of the Giattino campaign, who filed a pay to play complaint against Mike. It really takes some moxy to be so hypocritical.

    As I keep saying, let the record reflect, that both Jen and Tiffanie continually engaged in race-baiting during the campaign, foolishly believing that every person who shared the same skin tone as them would agree with them. The examples are too numerous --- calling Ravi unelectable, saying Hoboken isn't ready for someone who looks like him, saying people like to vote for people who look like them, ominously complaining about Sikh money (could you imagine someone complaining about "jewish money" or "black money" or accusing Emily's List of doling out "women's money"). All this happened at the doors and on the phone when Jen would call people asking for support or Tiffanie would play the role of surrogate.

    All these things were said and I'm amazed that they thought people would just agree and not talk about it around town. They are both blind and arrogant. 2019 can't come soon enough. They are foolishly ambitious without the qualifications to match their ambition, and what most sad is that they don't even know what they don't know. If you ask them why they lost the election, they couldn't tell you correctly why. Same with after the election. They are losing the narrative and I think they have no clue as to why.

    1. While I'm at it, I'm also amazed that they gave away their political careers to Michael DeFusco. Their base will desert them because they are hanging themselves with their actions and they will need to depend on Michael to get them votes. It's pathetic.

    2. I will back a candidate who takes money from his community, be it a religious community or neighbors over someone who sells out to developers every day of the week without blinking.

  3. If DeFiasco misses three without being excused, he can be removed. Let's keep track.


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