Politically speaking, has Hoboken had a rough year or what? Buh-bye, 2017! Don't let the screen door hit you on the way out!
Tomorrow's inauguration of Bhalla, Doyle, Jabbour and Falco will turn a page- or will it?
Can not-electables and their friends move past personal disappointments and hard feelings?
Can the new Council work cooperatively with our new mayor?
Can not-electables and their friends move past personal disappointments and hard feelings?
Can the new Council work cooperatively with our new mayor?
Clearly, Councilman Mike DeFusco has no intention to. DeFusco is dragging old grudges into the New Year- he's still got a whiny personal attack against the Mayor-elect pinned to the top of his Facebook page. In short, DeFusco's petulant tirade bashes Bhalla for not joining his fundraiser; DeFusco has raised $9,130 allegedly to find the perps behind the "terrorist" flyer. With great fanfare, he turned over the alleged IDs of suspects identified by his detective, to the HPD. Well, apparently his detective wasn't so great, now donors have no idea what's happened to their money- how much he has spent and for what?
That's too bad.
In light of DeFusco's 12/20 histrionics over a one-word change in an ordinance, its clear he will be a boil on our body politic until 2019. A raging, infected boil. Will Giattino, Cunningham and Fisher pop the boil or abet it? Who knows.
Will Falco be independent? Who knows.
Will the Zoning Board get stacked with Dark Side friends? Who knows.
Will "Reform" boot high-performing NHSA commissioner with a perfect attendance record, Brian Assidorian, in favor of an erratic "friend of ours" with a lousy attendance record? Who knows.
Will taxpayers get slammed with the SUEZ contingent liability because of know-it-all fiscal-ignoramuses on our City Council? Who knows.
How strange to enter 2018 with so much uncertainty!
Anyway folks, be safe tonight.
For those interested, here's the January 3, 2018 Special Meeting Agenda:
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