EXCLUSIVE: "SOMEONE" shopping FAKE NEWS to media- the 'hate flyer' perp?

EXCLUSIVE:  Sources have reported to GA that "someone" is shopping fake news to local media to frame the Bhalla camp for the November 3 hate-flyer. 

GA confirmed this story in an exchange with one of the media outlets contacted. 

The outlet told me: "We don’t intend on writing anything without police input. We are not looking to sensationalize this any more than it has been."

This outlet would not give the identity of the person(s) shopping the "hate flyer" fake news. 

What seems to be clear is: whomever is shopping a narrative to "solve" the investigation, to lay it on the Bhalla camp,  is deliberately trying to undermine the real Hoboken Police Department investigation; feeding suspects to the media, (they hope) will keep the real perpetrators safe from prosecution.

Yeah?  Not so fast.  This is not the behavior of persons who want this case to be solved.  This is interference and obstruction. 

The question is, why?

Based upon the verifiably false materials that I know are being shopped to the media, I believe that  the person(s) shopping the story to frame the Bhalla camp are implicating themselves in this crime. 

How does GA know that what's being shopped to the media is verifiably false?  I can't tell you.  

Not yet. 

All GA can say is that I'm gratified at the professionalism and seriousness with which Captain Campbell of the Hoboken Police Department is handling this investigation.  If it's possible to catch the perp(s), he and his team will.  No, the perp(s) should NOT be sleeping be well at night. 

Especially not tonight. 

Because now we know that there are person(s) who do not want the Hoboken Police (working  jointly working with the Hudson County Prosecutors Office) to continue their investigation, there are persons spoon feeding "suspects" to the media to divert the police away from the actual perpetrators...  

This is the behavior of persons who wish to take investigators off their own trail.  
 Hmmm..... the plot thickens. 


  1. Well there's a guy who posts under the name dirty$$media on the HR website to the effect that Antifa and drug dealing illegal immigrants would flood into our "welcoming city" under a Bhalla administration. If I were the cops, anyone writing that stuff would seem to be worth talking to, especially if he was also providing "information" that turned out to be BS while spinning fantasies about the involvement of a PAC associated with a prominent union.

    That said, I doubt Roman Brice (who in my opinion may be that poster) is the perp - he could probably clear himself pretty easily if and when he's interviewed though it could be a serious problem for him if he lied about whether he posted that stuff.

    There are too many lowlife characters associated with the various campaigns for Roman to be the most likely suspect.

    There's a bunch of posts on HCV on a recent story attacking Chief Ferrante implying he's covering something up because he wants a raise. To me that seems like a really unwise tactic, especially if the perp turns out to be associated with the same campaign as the idiot writing that stuff.

    1. Kurt's janitor is another alt-right loon, but so over the top that it feels like a wind-up as the brits would say.

      The HCV comments about the chief not finding the perps for political reasons sound like a familiar pro-defusco voice who fancies himself an inside baseball wizard. Maybe he's just frustrated because Defusco's grandstanding about knowing who id it last week went no place.

      Nevertheless the stuff about the PD "not wanting tips" is crap. I have reached out to Cpt Campbell and they definitely want to hear from the public. It would be a good idea for those who claim the PD are dropping the ball to share what they have with the PD, or shut the eff up, or tacitly acknowledge that they know something and don't want it shared with the proper authorities.

    2. I agree. Roman is not the most likely lowlife by a wide margin and there are a lot of lowlifes out there who are potential suspects. It really is scary there are so many lowlifes out there and involved in local politics.

  2. Agree with you, GA. Brice, Gardiner and Soares have been blowing way to much smoke at you. DeFusco has been blowing way too much smoke, period. Where there's smoke...

  3. Stepping out of character because of the seriousness of the issue, I saw the posts numbers referred to dissing the cops on HCV. They were under the letter written by Josh Einstein. Two of the three posts attacking the cops linked to Kurt Gardiner's website. Would Kurt actually be dumb enough to write stuff like that and link to his own site? I guess that's the same question as to whether DeFusco people would be dumb enough to superimpose racist crap on the overprints of his own flyer. Especially since DeFusco would be the only one with access to his overprints. Stupid people do stupid things. The fact that it would be stupid for someone to do something doesn't mean they they didn't do it. It just means they might be really stupid.

    1. Spite makes a person do strange things. More than a few people this election went off the deep end out of spite. Don't underestimate the ability of a person to to something really stupid.

  4. I've been giving some thought to the issue of who might think they had something to gain from this insanely stupid act. The argument being made by people like Soares, Brice, Gardiner, Fisher and others about Ravi seems to be that because the thing happened and he won it was obvious to everyone that he was the one who would gain.

    While this is an interesting exercise in sophistry, it is not a particularly compelling exercise of reasoning.

    Let's walk through what the other campaigns might have been thinking, which could have led to some idiot thinking this could help their candidate.

    DeFusco: He knew by then that Romano had kicked his butt in VBM's. He had far fewer VBM's than he needed to win. As a result, he knew he was in big trouble. He needed to pull a rabbit out of the hat to make up for the fact that Ramos failed miserably to deliver the counted on votes in the HHA.

    His peeps might have thought the flyer would be blamed on Romano, and that would hurt Romano and draw Romano voters to him while he played the victim standing next to Ravi at the press conference he tried to get Ravi to attend with him. His angry performance at the bogus video press conference without press seemed staged and well rehearsed. He also is overplaying the victim card, his private investigation is reminiscent of OJ looking for the real killer, and it seems like he's trying to persuade people Ravi did it rather than let the police follow the evidence wherever it leads.

    Romano: the flip side of DeFusco. He knew he had gotten most of the VBM's and thought he could pull off an upset with just a little boost. He could have thought the flyer would hurt both Bhalla and DeFusco allowing him to slide in. And his campaign was filled with people for whom nasty midnight flyers are a time honored tradition. And the "our town" language sounds like Romano's talking point from both this and past campaigns.

    Giattino: She believed she was surging and, like Romano her people might have thought she needed just a little boost to get over the top. The chaos would distract the other 3 campaigns more than hers since she wouldn't be considered a likely suspect. The language tracks some of Brice's online rhetoric. And her people were angry at Bhalla for what they considered mean attacks on Jen and for in their opinion playing the "race card" and they could thought this was an oh so clever way to get both a political advantage and revenge. And people like Brice, Gardiner and Fisher have also been busy casting aspersions at Ravi and his supporters rather than showing any interest in what the police might actually find.

    In hindsight, this was a really stupid thing for any campaign to have done, but someone did it. And it's plausible for some idiot associated with any of these campaigns to have thought it was a brilliant idea at the time.

    Just like some idiot or idiots thought it was clever to attack the police and Chief Ferrante on HCV.

  5. It was a 3rd (or 4th) place move. Too crazy for someone in 1st or 2nd. Too risky. High possibility of unintended consequences. But from 3rd place, why not.

    The flyer hits both front-runners. Defusco, by keeping his name on it. Bhalla, by taking the innuendo of Defusco's menacingly darkened version of Bhalla's picture and adding the implied but not stated word: terrorist.

    People seem to forget there was a terrorist attack in NYC only 3 days prior. The flyer wanted to tap into that awakened, never-far-below-the-surface fear of brown people in turbans.

    To me it's always been fairly obvious which campaign did it.

    I remember when GA was covering the pre-filled VBM hustle that was going on (which wasn't covered by any other blog). The same guy signed both VBMs that appeared online. I checked the ELECs and his name wasn't there. Doesn't mean he had a thing to do with the flyer. Just means there were people very involved in the campaign who didn't live here and either worked for free or got paid off the books. Which is certainly how the flyer was handled.

  6. It seems to me that the moronic shiftless stooges that are peddling this false narrative think that everyone else (including the PD) are too stupid to see thought heir frantic tap dancing in a feverish effort to direct attention in a certain direction – AWAY FROM THEM!  Finboy would be really, really proud of their stupid Road Runner shenanigans. From Simple Simple:

    Q: What does "fox smells his own hole" mean?

    A: A fox smells his own hole used to mean that if a person is accusing you of say, cheating, it’s most likely because they’ve already done it or are thinking about it.

     A foxhole is not that much different than a stinky decrepit shit-filled barn barn. Or a smelly discarded dank and dark storefront at 108 Washington.

  7. At our Team giaFISHco corporate labs we've successfully synthesized a new category of information: proofuendo. It combines the best qualities of proof with those of innuendo. With the caveat that innuendo requires no proof at all. Proofuendo is thus an innuendo cavorting as proof -- but with none of the annoying overhead of proof.

    So anyhoo.... We have tons of proofuendo that you created the flyer and the police know alllllllllllllll about it but aren't taking action because Unelectable will give them big fat raises from his yuge NJ Transit slush fund if they hush it up.

    People may not want to believe in a massive conspiracy with everyone throwing their lives away and facing substantial jail time over their involvement with a few dozen flyers. But we have all the proofuendo we need and stand ready to make more! As we like to say at Team giaFISHco HQ, where there's smokeuendo, there's fireuendo.






  8. sybil the horse and his straight man sidekick are trying to make this into hoboken's own "benghazi". as with that failed national effort, un/under-employed dudes with too much time on their hands and no social lives see this type of thing as a potential cottage industry and way to be in some way relevant...time to start up a few more gofundme pages, guys!

    1. Rhymes with Erkel-jerk. GA said she deleted her posts, so at this point they're just talking to each other. They can take turns buying and selling.

  9. The small number of petulant, angry childish people obsessed with trying to discredit and de-legitimatize Mayor Elect Bhalla are becoming more and more disconnected from pretty much every one else in Hoboken. Virtually all Hoboken residents, no matter who they voted for, have accepted the results and would like to see Ravi, and the City succeed. There is simply no meaningful constituency for the narrative they are trying so hard to sell (especially among the voters in the 2nd, 5th and 6th wards, and among the 1st ward voters not controlled by the Russo's and Romano).

  10. I thought Michael ran a dumb campaign by intentionally making going hardcore negative a primary feature of his campaign. The danger with that strategy is that if you don't win, you're screwed. You've both lost the election and you've made a shit ton of enemies along the way. The Swibinski crew completely ran Beth Mason's career into the ground with the scorched earth strategy. I believe the same will happen to Michael since they are clearly taking the same approach. With that approach, Michael now has the Bhalla and Romano forces, at minimum, that will unite against him when he runs for re-election in the 1st ward. Those votes together are enough to take him out. This is the natural consequence of the Swibinski approach, which Michael owns since he rolled with it. Very short-sighted, but hey, the Swibinskis got paid.

    The above being said, the non-sense Michael's pulling post-election, with Jen's bitter berry friends playing a supporting online role, takes the cake when it comes to mega dumb. They all are trying to convince people that:

    1. The campaign of a tried and true civil rights advocate whose own children are impacted by the word "terrorist" went ahead and traumatized his family by putting that word on a flyer for the sake of winning an election. Good luck there. The loony tunes conspiracy folks at Jen's site MSV might be with you as will Michael's hardcores, but the rest of us are getting to business; AND

    2. The Hoboken Police are corrupt, unprofessional, and incompetent. What a way to lose votes in the 1st Ward.

    How is Michael in marketing? He must completely suck at his job. He has ruined his desired brand as fresh, new, and professional as a result of this election, and its aftermath, and has and is creating permanent political enemies. This is unbelievably dumb, but hey I LOVE it because apparently if you give Michael enough rope (see his debate performances re: Karen Nason) he's impetuous enough to hang himself.

    And the bitter Jen is following him down the rabbit hole.

    1. i actually liked MDF for the first ward, mostly because i was "anyone-but-castellano" but he did seem relatively normal and enthusiastic in that campaign. i recall some people warning me about him but on the surface he seemed ok and, hey, anyone but castellano.

      what happened to that normal guy? did he get corrupted by the usual cast of local phony political hacks who are expert in blowing smoke of people's ass? or was i mistaken a few years back?

      ironic that for all the things i disliked about terry's actions on the council, it's my understanding she was very responsive to people in the first ward. not sure if that's true, some say she was responsive if you were one of her people. but compared to terry, what has mike done for the people in his ward besides do a lot of talking?

    2. I was on the ABC (anyone but castellano train) as well. Terry did really well for the first ward... if you lived in Marineview or Columbian Towers, otherwise notsomuch.

      MDF as our new councilperson has done squat other than shoot of his mouth and run for mayor since being elected.

  11. DeFiasco, who missed the filing deadline for his financial reports as required by law, and who seems to have taken money from every corrupt developer in the area, is pissing and moaning about Bhalla's campaign contributors on his council FB page. Once again, proving he's unfit for elected office, let alone the job of mayor. Bhalla was diplomatic in extending an olive branch by having the wirst ward councilman on his transition team, but given the quid pro quo that is often expected by the type of donors he aligned himself with, we may all regret this choice.


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