UPDATE: KURT GARDINER channels Hoboken411

2:54 PM-- A friend notified me that Krybaby Kurt has written yet another demented screed on yours truly.  Tiresome. Well, I took a look. Kurt Gardiner's screed is factually warped- he ignores the updates that I made today (my good faith effort to set the record straight- in real time) plus omits a link to this post.  Like any propagandist, Kurt Gardiner controls information to control the narrative. In this case a false, bad faith narrative.

Well,  I tried to post a link to this story, but when I clicked to post, my comment went..POOF!

BANNED! Channeling Klaussen...

So, what does this tell me? Kurt's site is  dying, so he's attacked me to drive traffic.

Conclusion: Kurt is neither the intellect nor progressive he purports to be. Nope, what you see is the real Kurt.


11:10 AM-- Just read this text from Kurt:
"Called ELEC this morning.  You are wrong. Not an in kind service.  You are wrong. Get a grip. Your service was a volunteer service of your time and not an in-kind expense. I printed the fliers with my own money. You will never admit you are wrong. Have a nice day."
I was wrong that Kurt needed to file a C-1.

Ha ha! I did it, Kurt. I really am a better person than you.

I am not wrong that I "volunteered" my time and service for the design of Gardiner for Freeholder palm cards, which he loved in 2011, but calls "slop" today.  In fact, doesn't that make me campaign staff?  Not an officer, but "staff"?

Anyway, I hope Kurt learned a lesson.

It's best not to attack former friends for doing palm cards for political campaigns when they did a palm card for yours.

It's best not to cry how you've been "defamed" without calling ELEC to understand what your campaign's filing requirements are!

It's best not to accuse others of criminal activity on your crappy blog!

Have a nice day!

10:45 AM---Folks, I am updating this post to explain Kurt's point of view about the original post- a courtesy never given to me in his recent "resistance" jihad online.   

Kurt contacted me last night. WAAAAAAAAAH!

Oh yeah, hyperbole is fair comment.  So is BOOO HOOOO. 

For a guy that's been taking giant, nasty swings at Bhalla supporters for months, and is still attacking me - this week linking me to a crime on his fake-news blog, he's has very, very, sensitive wittle feewings.  

The indisputable fact is, I did graphic design work  (a palm card) for Gardiner for Freeholder in 2011.    

If I understand Gardiner correctly, the dispute is over the value of my in-kind services: if they exceeded the $300 dollar threshold, he was supposed to file a C-1.  

So, what's the problem?  

Last night, Gardiner called in-kind work "slop" and wrote "I estimate your work at the time at $50 and hour for 5 hours...and because at the time I estimated the work to be $250 it is below the threshold to file a C-1."

Sadly, Kurt's "estimate" does not match my valuation of my work- and I should know.: above 5  hours and above $300.  I retroactively sent him an invoice last night.  He can do whatever he wants with it.

It is not up to me to tell him what to do, I can only state my opinion and belief, which is that he should file the C-1 based upon the valuation of my work (>$300). That's my opinion.

The stupidest thing about this dispute is, there is no actual currency changing hands. It is about paperwork for a dead campaign.  Does it get any dumber than that?

Now, If memory serves me correctly, Gardiner effusively praised the design of the palm card in 2011; now he calls it "slop."

There'd be no issue if Gardiner asked me for a valuation or invoice. He didn't. He "assumed" a valuation without consulting me, or asking me for an invoice.  Is that my problem?  No. Campaigns do their own campaign finance reporting, not the vendor or (in my case) the in-kind donor.  

Ironically, I didn't even remember doing a Gardiner for Freeholder palm card-- not until the big jerk savaged me for doing the same kind of work for the Bhalla campaign.  Gardiner's "resistance" crap  blog called me Ravi's "paid political operative. " I guesss that means in 2011 I was Gardiner's "unpaid political operative".

I apologize folks, if you lost dozens, perhaps millions of brain cells reading this.

Per my discussion with Kurt, now understanding the nature of the dispute, I have revised an original graphic below, and made it clear that it is my OPINION.

I would suggest to Kurt discontinue false/ fake news allegations which are leading him down a dark path. 


FRONT SIDE -  formatted for the printer:  5" x 7" with bleed 

BACK SIDE- formatted for the printer:  5" x 7" with bleed 


Imagine that, Kurt Gardiner, the beneficiary of my in-kindness in 2011 didn't file a C-1 report! 

In my opinion, he should have. Kurt appears to disagree.  

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

So, why is GA writing about this today with so many other substantive topics to discuss?

Folks, I must respond to the hypocritical hyena Kurt Gardiner's "Resistance" hit piece on yours truly today.  Imagine this fool attacking me for honest freelance graphic design work for which I got paid-  exactly the same kind of work I did for him in 2011 as an act of in-kindness!  That giant cheapskate, who was working at the time, never offered me a dime!

Are you sure Kurt Gardiner wasn't running for FREELOADER! Bwaa haw haw

Sure, I designed (2) palm cards (4" x 6", 4" x 9") for the Bhalla Campaign-  they were invoiced, and I was paid $600/each. So what? Today hypocritical hyenas Gardiner and Roman Brice are devouring that fact like a fresh deer carcass.  

Here's what Kurt Gardiner left out of his hit piece. I've been doing graphic design work for political campaigns from 2009-present including his 2011 campaign: Kurt Gardiner for Freeholder! Political campaigns that I have done in-kind graphic design work for include: Kids First (2009-2010), Kids First (2010-2011), Kurt Gardiner for Freeholder (2011), Dana Wefer for City Council (2015).  Only (2) campaigns ever offered to pay me for my design work: Mike Lenz for City Council (2010) and  Ravi Bhalla for Mayor (2017).  

None of this is "secret" to the Kurt the Resistance Hyena.

Not just political stuff, GA has been a go-to graphic design resource for my Hoboken friends and Reform in general.

I've done Roman Brice's business card(s), Roman Brice's cover for his book project titled, "The Hoboken Sopranos, Crime, Greed and Dirty Deeds in the Land of the Cake Boss," Kurt's "Bard" avatar (this year he asked me to make him a New Years card, which I did),  Dana Wefer's "Hoboken Democratic Social Club" logo and mailer... whatever. 

Hey, doesn't that book cover (concept/art direction by Roman Brice) remind you of the "DeFusco Family" midnight flyer?

Concept/Art Direction by Roman Brice

My door was always open. Was. 

FRONT SIDE: Democratic Social Club mailer designed by me, for Dana

BACK SIDE: Democratic Social Club mailer designed by me, for Dana

GA note: Anyone with questions about freelance graphic design work I've done for Hoboken political campaigns (clients), both paid and in-kind, feel free to ask.

As for this blog,  I have never been paid by any one, living or dead, for any of the content here- written, visual, audio, video, anything.   This blog is not monetized for a reason.  Lastly...

Screw you, Kurt.


  1. If you want to know why Jen lost so spectacularly, you don't really have to go far past Kurt and the other couple of dunderheads to figure out why.

    1. I agree that the idiotic, sophomoric and unintelligible gibberish which is spewing forth from the sewer discharge pipes of the “Resistance” should be studiously avoided and given no credence.

      The blatant rumor mongering that has erupted in this election cycle, IMO, renders the “resistance” figures to be not credible to speak about Hoboken politics. Their bile has degenerated into nothing more than guttural indignant screams that can only emanate from butt hurt losers who can’t get over themselves for having decided to run a stupidly short sighted and underfunded from the start campaign. Their message did not resonate and resulted in a dismal 4th place non surge.

      The antics since the election have only deepened my contempt at their petulance. Let me make it clear. Jen was NOT smeared. Not by GA, not by Ravi, not by ANYONE. A discussion of her Republican affiliation was a perfectly acceptable and legitimate area of discussion, especially after her patron running for governor announced that she wanted to target Hoboken to cut our state public school funding.

      BTW, as a lifelong Democrat, Tiff was completely out of bounds for supporting a republican. She can choose to support whoever she wants, just not when she is head of the Hoboken Democratic Committee. She forfeited any claim to that title. It is only a matter of time before her departure is made official.

      Also completely within bounds was the discussion of the dog whistling race baiting that Jen is responsible for as the candidate. HER surrogates where blatant in THEIR smearing of Ravi as “not good with numbers”, “unelectable” and “the god awful Hoboken is not ready for a Mayor wearing a turban”. Frankly they made my skin crawl . Jen OWNS their shit. What is an out of bounds SMEAR campaign is the crap that has been thrown at you, GA, and Ravi, regarding any complicity connected to the midnight terrorism flyer. That is right up there with Pizza gate and a slew of other conspiracy theories that emanate from the turd filled stalls of that dilapidated wreck of a barn. The stupidity of the “sympathy” claim to justify their incredulous theories and allegations is not worthy of any response or serious consideration with one who has an IQ higher than a gerbil’s. The fact that they are peddling this around town is vile and disgusting.

      I don’t know these folks anymore. Maybe this was who they were all along and I just didn’t see it. But his shit has taken me back to the worst days of Finboy and the Harridan of Hudson Street. The fact that none of them seem to get the strong parallels here makes me question their intelligence.

      And it saddens me to think that they can be so gratuitously cruel and evil to avenge their lack of political success. Get a life! They should consider where this type of behavior led the Bajardis.

  2. You debunked it as well as you can. They won't listen, don't listen and likely can't listen anymore. So I wouldn't waste too many calories trying. This is the 1st "issue" they've gotten worked up about for a while. That says a lot.

    1. Dang, I don't give a rat's patootie what Kurt Gardiner and Roman Brice think about me. I guarantee, I think even less of them.

      But when they put false and misleading information about me in the public domain, I have no choice but to set the record straight. As far as I am concerned, both have completely lost sight of their purpose, and this obsession with me is unhealthy. That said, hopefully I can get back to substantive topics. A shame, that what I was going to write today got bumped for this.

  3. Happy to announce MAJOR improvements to our All New! corporate website which is not called Same Stiff, Different Morgue or Kurt's Kozy Krying Korner despite voluminous incorrect reports to the contrary.

    First bit of good news -- we've gotten rid of those annoying thumbs up since they have a tendency to create the illusion that other people might share the opinions of our avowed enemies. We had already gotten rid of those annoying thumbs down since they tended to create the illusion that the thoughts of our as many as 4 commenters weren't universally embraced. You may now safely assume that everyone agrees with us and no one agrees with you. Easy-peasy.

    And speaking of commenters, please welcome our brand new, completely unique contributor, Fondle The Janitor (sp?).

    Like most janitors you've met, Fondle is an alt-right Trump-lover who has always worshipped our alt-right website administrator but has never commented there due to janitor-related (or fondle-related) prior commitments. And Fondle is most certainly not an embarrassingly obvious attempt at inventing a supporter by our other blog administrator who is not called Sybil The Horse and who was not caught red-handed commenting as Kaizer Soze last week. Because unless there's proof we're going to deny it.

  4. Speaking of Elec Reports I noticed that of the 4 highest vote getting tickets only Bhalla and Romano appear to have submitted their finance reports. The 20 day post election finance reports were due in over a week ago.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Wait, so Gardiner is trying throw shade on Gee Aye when his own choice for mayor is not complying with election law? Wow. As the days and weeks go by since the election, it becomes more clear that Hoboken made the right choice.

    4. Oracle - his choice for mayor has a case of the sads and hasn't stopped crying long enough to sign the report.

  5. sybil the horse and his straight man sidekick are barely worth acknowledging at this point. no one gives a crap what they post now. sad.

    1. Yes. You're right. I left a bunch of comments there yesterday. I guess it's hard to reconcile that friends whom I loved are trying to destroy me-- over Hoboken politics.

    2. They only thing they are destroying is their reputations and they did a very good of that over the last couple of months.

    3. Yeah, Rojo. You are right. I just went in there and deleted my comments, so that it's just the 4 of them talking to themselves:

      Kurt Gardiner= Reform Resistance (NHSA commissioner)
      Tiffanie Fisher = ForeverAdvocate (2nd Ward Councilwoman)
      Roman Brice= Smarty Jones, RaviBhalla Conflicts, KaiserSozey, etc.

      Note, that screen name identities are unverifiable therefore guessing them is not actionable.

  6. IMHO they thrive on whatever attention they receive including the ridiculous unproductive banter on HCV which notably is only present on Hoboken related stories.

    Ignore them everywhere and they will fade from memory. H411 only stopped mattering when people finally moved on and stopped caring about what he wrote.

    The same is true for Brice and Gardiner. They were never the opinion shapers they thought they were. The election proved that.

    The limited influence they once had is gone forever. They squandered it themselves with their own hubris, nastiness and dishonesty.

    Self reflection is not something they seem capable of, they will never succeed in reinventing themselves and stage a comeback.

    As much fun as I've had engaging them, and as much as I will miss the entertainment they have provided to me personally with their pathetic delusions of grandeur, I will be moving on and urge others to as well.

    Let them spew their lies and hate to each other in their semi-private rooms while we focus on helping Mayor Elect Bhalla move our City forward.

    1. A couple of them will fade from memory as soon as they go bankrupt and not one of us will care.

  7. They have 22 comments about the proprietor getting paid on the books for a hand card because a) she should simply work tirelessly forever for free, b) her support for Bhalla is morally compromised by also creating a hand card and we should all look at her differently.

    0 comments on any other aspect of the ELECs, vbms, the coming runoff scam.

    Numbers is right. That sad little band has a foot in the grave already and the only thing keeping the other foot out is our attention.

    Back in reality-land...... Runoffs in JC yesterday. In Hobokenish Ward E, turnout was down 35% from November.

    That's the attraction. The same attraction that May elections (and April for the BOE) had. Bought votes are more impactful in poor turnout.

    Reform needs to take this threat very seriously. Those whose idea of "reform" is limited to launching conspiracy theories and crying about the election won't be participating. So it will need to get aired here.

    1. Hmmm. Very interesting. And the general election big vote-getter, favored-to-win Rebecca Symes lost the run-off.

      BTW, the 22 comments was before I deleted the bunch I wrote in response to Kurt Gardiner's smear attack. Did you see that Kurt edited all of the links I posted to this article-- all of them. Recall, he called this site "Pravda." Oh yeah, he also got rid of the "thumbs up" widget because my comments were getting a lot of thumbs ups. Yes, that site is real garbage and should be avoided.

      Speaking of garbage, Tiffanie Fisher (ForeverAdvocate) hopped on to spew vitriol.

      Dan Bryan for Council in 2019! ABF! (Anyone But Fisher!)

    2. He got rid of your links so no one would get a chance to compare his childishly hyperbolic description of the content here to reality. It's the same reason Lane and Perry wrote endlessly about the Riefenstahl graphic but never linked to it: they couldn't risk letting people go and decide for themselves.

      Cowards always reach remarkably similar conclusions.

    3. Why do you think they got rid of the thumbs down function? Roman hated how many thumbs down he was getting when he started going off the rails way back when Trump was first sworn in. Kurt eliminated the thumbs down function w/in a week of that site of his going live for the same reason.

  8. Re the runoff, the "majorities" in the runoff represented fewer actual votes than did the leading pluralities in the November election.

    A December runoff will recreate the toxic dynamics we had when the election was in May with a June run-off with the mayor being chosen by the smallest possible electorate. And having the referendum in 2018 will result in the decision to do that being made by the smallest possible electorate.

    People like Indie think that's a good thing because it increases the influence of small but intense special interest groups such as hers, as well as the influence of the people who control the bought and paid for vote. Over 9,000 Hoboken voters already made clear with their votes in 2012 that they do not agree.

  9. You know how he is a phony? Now he is backing Soares for NHSA. Sorry, but nobody who signed on to that idiotic Suez contract has any business anywhere near a board seat on the NHSA. And Kurt, who complained nonstop against the Suez contract is being an absolute hypocrite backing one of the people who gave us that Suez debacle of a contract.

    Stuff like this is what I meant when I said in an another thread that "spite makes people do stupid things."

    BTW, if Soares makes gets a board seat on NHSA, that is just further proof that Jen, Tiff & the gang are going to be a non-stop pain in Ravi's ass.

  10. was sybil the horse's straight man sidekick always such a crybaby boob or is this a recent conversion? well well well, isn't that convenient, in-kind work that big booby just happens to estimate is just below the reporting limit. reminds me of the money launders who make multiple cash deposits with each just below the amount that requires to bank to report it to the IRS.

    things that make you go hmm...

    1. OMG, the graphic says it all. What a big baby and drama queen. After all the rotten, nasty stuff he's been producing/spreading about others. He did notify me that he called ELEC, and they call my service "volunteer" which negates the dispute. But, boy what a jerk.

  11. I miss the old Gentle Giant from his Hoboken Journal days. I just took a trip down memory lane and read some of the good old posts and discussion on Hoboken Journal.

    I would urge anyone interested in seeing the difference between what the GG posted then and the disturbingly vile diatribes that are now being offensively penned in collaboration with that broken down nag that inhabits that shit stained fly infested barn. The tone, the sensibility, the calmness are all in remarkable contrast to the failingly angry yammering that appears on his current site. Sad. Remarkably sad.

    Sad, too, is to see how his attitude towards that slimy little toad who wants back on the NHSA has changed. Frankly, I don’t recognize the current Giant variation. I see a glue factory in someone’s future if an intervention is not quickly and successfully arranged.


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