VBM public service announcement (Absentee Voter List)

GA is concerned about possible voter disenfranchisement, fraud and/or confusion because of the recent  unannounced city wide absentee ballot drive;  remember folks were showing up at residences all over Hoboken with completed absentee ballot applications- like this:

This stealth unsolicited VBM drive is a recipe for confusion on Election Day (tomorrow).

There may be voters who signed up to vote absentee, but did not receive an absentee ballot, or perhaps they did but accidentally threw it away.  In any case, those voters who have not voted yet should go to the polls tomorrow. 

Another possibility is fraud. Say someone signed your VBM application for you, and you didn't recognize the absentee ballot when it was sent to you so you tossed it.  When you show up at the polls- guess what? You are told you are on the VBM list and can't vote.

The action to take if any of the above applies to you is simple. 

Go to your polling station and tell the poll worker you would like to vote by PROVISIONAL ballot.  Polls are open from 6AM - 8 PM.

So voters, if any of these situations apply to you:

(1) You applied for a VBM but have not received it by tomorrow.
Go go to your polling station, and ask the poll worker for a PROVISIONAL ballot. Vote. 

(2) You did not apply for a VBM but are told at the polls you can't vote because you applied to vote absentee ask for a PROVISIONAL ballot. Vote.

If a poll worker is giving you a hard time and not letting you vote, ask a Challenger for help.

Got that? 

Folks may check the status of their absentee ballot request/return below. GA has posted Hoboken's VBM report: absentee ballots requested and votes returned, current to last Thursday, Nov. 2.:

Got that people?

Good luck, and happy voting!


  1. i trust anthony romano as a leader , former policeman and homegrown hoboken resident
    its an easy choice

    1. You don't want to play that "Our Town" theme too often. People are asking questions.

    2. Answer me this, did you vote for Roberts, Russo or Cammarano when they ran for mayor? If so, 2 out of 3 of those ended up doing time.

  2. Why was George Oritz of NYC a bearer? Haven't seen that name in years.

  3. It might be a good idea for investigators to look for links between this VBM operation and the fliers. The guy listed as assistor on the VBM isn't on anyone's ELEC report. So now we're just haggling over the price.

    1. Nyet, nyet, nyet. We don't want any credible suspects considered. It ruins our narrative that this blog owner made the fliers. FlatulenceGate (sp?) is running point on that strategy. Try keeping up.


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