Rumored DeFusco camp HIT JOB

GA has gotten a heads up that the DeFusco camp may be preparing to make an actionable false and defamatory claim that I am responsible for the disgusting, racist flyer- tampered DeFusco lit- that appeared all over Hoboken on the night of November 3.

It looks like Roman Brice heard it too. Thanks a lot for the heads-up, idiot... NOT.

  "Something  very BIG may break in news as soon as tonight.... Let's keep alert and await Ravi Bhalla's statement when it does."

Well, peeps. Not only didn't I do this disgusting thing, I can prove it twelve ways to Sunday.  Anyone who files a false, frivolous claim against me will suffer the legal consequences.   I am told that a devil* whose lair is in the Skyline has been stoking such false accusations about me creating the dumb Crime Family flyer, and then "how come GA was the first one to break the racist flyer news." 

Here's how, you idiot.  It's called a cell phone. 

*hyperbole is protected speech 

And there's plenty more where that came from.  


  1. Well, well, well. That nasty crew of sycophants from the Jen campaign can’t seem to let their bat shit crazy antics go. They are still up to their whispering campaign.  A gelding and his castrato. Now they have you, GA, in their cross hairs, a sick deflection from their own blame for Jen's loss.

    This is one is on a par with Pizzagate and the other wholly discredited conspiracy theories that have infected whatever is left of the horse’s brain.  Apparently it is completely lost on them that they have employed, and are continuing to employ, the same vile tactics as FinBoy and the Mason crew.  

    That did not end well for the Bajardis and it is not going to end well for this sorry lot. I initially laughed at how stupidly sad their comments were, but they are not witty, not funny, not amusing, not even  remotely true. What is true is that the whole lot of them need therapy.

    1. Roman Brice stepped in shit today. It's not enough that Roman Brice is in year 5 of the Bajardi fake defamation suit, or that Roman Brice being sued in small claims court for an unpaid loan.

    2. That's the "may as well be true" aspect of the alt-right mind-set. Once someone is sufficiently despised on the alt-right, it is no longer necessary for accusations against them to be true or even possible (Comet Ping Pong Pizzeria did not have a basement in which to host the basement child sex ring of PizzaGate).

      No serious person thinks the "libtard" proprietor of this blog would dabble in a race-baiting terrorist flier, even if to ostensibly help a fellow libtard. But we aren't talking about serious people. We are talking about the alt-right, for whom Podesta was so despised that it "may as well be true" that he was a pedophile in a non-existent basement. And the proprietor here is so despised that it "may as well be true" that she made a race-baiting flier that publicly disgraced its intended beneficiary and his family.

      The alt-right is not bound by truth; it isn't even in the orbit of truth. It is only bound by the necessity to come up with allegations that adequately portray how much they hate the people they hate. It's fair to say that the alt-right is actually trafficking in analogies, so as to say, "You are such a blight on the universe that you would actually do this." The validity of the analogy as an analogy is all that matters, not the underlying facts of the accusation.

      And they don't matter here to people waving this idiotic notion like the proverbial bloody shirt. This is also key to understanding why the alt-right never apologizes when the facts fall apart on their conspiracy theories - on PizzaGate, on Seth Rich, on the Vegas shooter. Because the conspiracy theory was merely a vehicle to convey the hatred of the target, and the hatred remains. In fact, the hatred become stronger after the conspiracy theory is disproved because in the fevered brain of the alt-right, the target has gotten away with something when he isn't connected to a horrible disgrace, manufactured or otherwise.

    3. The facts did seem to be noticeably absent at times and I'd suggest most voters that paid attention noticed the absence of facts. Alt=right arguments only work with people who already have made up their mind on who to vote for and usually turn off those that are open minded. No wonder Jen's "surge" to first place left her firmly in fourth.


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