Monday medley: DeFusco mum on poll, big news for Stick

Last week, the DeFusco camp did a citywide phone poll.

A friend in the Fourth ward got it.  

He said he wasn't aware it was a DeFusco poll at first, because the questions at the beginning were innocuous; neutral "like any professional poll."  But not long after, the "when did you stop beating your wife" questions began; the pollster read statements to which he was instructed to agree or disagree. My friend said that the statements were so absurd, both he and the pollster were cracking up. He refused to answer many because they were "ridiculous." Then the poll ended up with statements extolling Mike's virtues.  Needless to say, he scorched DeFusco. 

Then what happened?  

"I got a separate call right after from the campaign," my friend said, "They asked "Can we help you understand why Mike is the best candidate for mayor?""  

Creepy, no?  The campaign had a clean-up crew in place to "help" folks understand why they're supposed to like DimFusco. 

Well, my point is that the DeFusco campaign certainly did poll.  Which is why it's curious that the campaign is answering press inquiries for their poll results by denying that they polled at all.   

That's right.  They are telling reporters, "We didn't poll."  


Yesterday, GA was contacted by a DeFusco campaign strategist with great hair, who was shopping a desiccated corpse of an old smear on Bhalla, challenging me to post it.

Yeah sure, I'll post your crap- NOT.   

My takeaway; if the DeFusco peeps are that desperate to shop a smelly old smear on my blog (presumably their last resort) then other media were not takers.  

This campaign appears to know they are losing, because a confident campaign, a campaign that has traction, does not need to dumpster-dive old Beth Mason-Hoboken411 smears.    

Take this to the bank, people: DeFusco's poll results were BAD. 

Real bad. And now, the most negative mayoral campaign to-date, will have to go scorched earth. 

Reliable sources tell GA that Anthony "Stick" Romano is getting a "HUGE" labor endorsement tomorrow!


GA was told that this labor endorsement has "more union members put together than endorsed DeFusco last week."

Wow! Good news for the Romano campaign!


  1. This tactic by DeFusco is serious amateur hour. Are you sure the two calls weren't coincidence?

    I'm not sure I agree this tells us anything about where he stands relative to the other candidates but it speaks volumes about his skill set both as a candidate and as a potential mayor

  2. I thought you were changing the name to That Other Website. It was a big hit at our Team GiaFusco Joint Planning Meeting. Would it kill you to occasionally follow the directives of the Team GiaFusco Joint Planning Meeting?

    PS, it doesn't matter what endorsements Fake Name gets. Coffee Roasting Urban Wineries is an well recognized dog whistle to developers. They know it means we are open to anything. As we told our friend at NJ Transit, "For laughs, put a winery on the 45th floor.". He loved it.

    Team GiaFusco: The Most Vibrant Penthouse Wineries Imaginable!


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