Did you hear about a new phone poll going around Hoboken?  

A friend told GA, "I couldn't tell whose it was."  Which means the pollster wasn't trying to shove a candidate down our throats, but simply collecting data.

However, there was a phone poll which circulated about two weeks ago which was demonstrably a DeFusco poll.  But when when reporters asked the campaign for poll results, they denied having polled.

GA asked a DeFusco operative directly what the poll results were- no denial, but no answer either.

Now I see why. 

Political insiders from outside of Hoboken: West New York, Union City  and "North Hudson" are watching this race closely.  Very closely.  

And one of them sprang a leak to GA this morning! Yep, all about the poll results DeFusco's been hiding.  From my notes:
Swibinsky does a lot of polling. His first had Mike in a tie with Romano for 2nd and 3rd place, Giattino was a distant 4th.  The new poll- bad news for Mike, he lost ground to Romano. Now Romano's a strong second place. Giattino moved up too. Mike slipped back to a distant 3rd with Giattino breathing down his neck. She and Romano picked up Old Hoboken support from Mike. Both Romano and Giattino are taking from Mike, but Romano had the surge. He's gaining on Ravi but Ravi still has in the lead. Ravi's support is solid. It's holding. All the candidates except Mike gained since last poll. Mike is bleeding, in 3rd place but not for long if the trend continues.
It would seem that DeFusco's only avenue to electoral success appears to be: (1) stealing the election or (2) destroying the competition.

It appears (for now) that DeFusco has chosen option 2.
  • Yesterday his campaign blasted out an ugly,  dishonest email called "Check the Facts."  The blast targets opponents Bhalla, Giattino and Romano.   
  • Sources report that about one week ago (timed with their bad poll results) DeFusco's campaign retained private detectives to shadow Anthony Romano and his campaign manager Pablo Fonseca.  Sources report both are being watched/followed "everywhere"- presumably to  catch them in the act (on film) of some wrong doing.  Or who knows, even to "create" an incident. 
Watch your back, Ravi.  And Jen. 

Gross, right?

Had DeFusco chosen to run a decent, positive campaign, GA believes he would be competitive today. 

But he hasn't. He deserves to lose.

And he's losing support by  swinging at people who are liked We are a small city, folks know each other.  Because we may support a different candidate, it doesn't mean we don't like the others. And in running a scorched earth style campaign- the kind that tanked Beth Mason's 2009 mayoral prospects- every time DeFusco hits the guy or gal we know either as a neighbor or as a public servant, it turns us off.  

That is the simple fact. 

Even though GA is not backing Giattino, it is offensive that this idiot blames her for the City's growing SUEZ contingent liability. It is not Giattino's fault, nor the mayor's,  but the result of a piss-poor contract amendment approved by Ruben Ramos and Tony Soares in 2001.  Only a complete dishonest idiot would try to blame Giattino.  And so on.

Scorched-earth campaigning has been losing elections since 2009.  Hoboken's swelling population is educated, sophisticated and does not like negative campaigns.  

But, word is there is more mud in store for the Mile Square.  One month and a day of this to go.


  1. Well we'll , Ravi hasn't ran a decent , positive campaign through your (un) official support spreading lies .. the truth hurts doesn't it ? Thank God the sophisticated and educated residents of Hoboken don't read this blog.. they don't even know about it.. you idiot .

    1. ok, HO. great comeback. good job, have a nice weekend.

    2. Thanks for checking in from sunny San Diego, HO. Hey, can you tell me why your fella flipped like a pancake on the eminent domain vote the other night? Is it because he kinda slipped that it was his "understanding is that the property owner is willing to begin a good faith negotiation, but not with this current administration and not before the upcoming election when our city’s leadership for the next four years will be decided."

      Where did your fella get that information? HMMMM?

  2. So, we are headed into the home stretch with the election and I hear that is that time for the real nasty tricks to be trotted out in an effort to smear Ravi and the Mayor. Stay tuned. I hear it is going to be quite vicious. What Proppellershithead and his merry band of alternate screen name goons have been doing to Jim Allen is mere child’s play. If the cretins were not so afraid of JA, then would not be wasting time with their inanely ineffective insipid stupid posts. Double ditto with Ravi. Between the smarmy creeps surrounding Mighty Mike (sarcasm intended) and the shit for brains at Jen Square View, expect to see the lowest in political skullduggery. When you don’t have any issues to run on, desperate power hungry unprincipled ego driven craven morons go in for the cheap tricks. However, I haven’t seen a really good midnight flyer in a long time. It may be fun to watch who can come up with the oiliest vilest trash to spread around town on random windshields in the wee hours of the morning. I am sadly confident that these jerks with their thinly veiled dog whistle racist attacks will not disappoint.

  3. #SurGiattino! #JenMentum! #MostlyTrusted!

  4. You are very welcome idiot stalker .. I wish you had something better to do .. like reporting real news .. but .. that's too much to ask .. you are an IDIOTA !! PENDEJA DE MIERDA ..

    1. And I thought this website was haunted by an idiot ghost! An idiota ghosta!
      Un fantasma idiota con una cabeza de mierda! Que disfruta de sexo con extraños!

    2. Oh, look. Ho-beauken-doubt can hurl insults in sub-standard Spanish. IN ALL CAPS!! They must mean it, bi-lingually, bi-partisanly, and buy-votingly.

  5. HDoubt, you definitely need to get your news from the Team GiaFusco Reform Resistance Corporate Website!

    Where else did you hear that the Las Vegas shooter had Antifa literature?

    Where else did you hear that an Australian Antifa group was celebrating the slaughter?

    Where else did you hear that Unelectable is an Antifa sympathizer?

    Where else did you hear that this incredibly horrible website you're on now is the same as an Antifa chapter?

    What does that show you? That other people are obsessed with Antifa. Not us.

    We're just reporting on it. In fact we WON'T be reporting that Snopes already debunked the Australia Antifa story. On account of other people are obsessed with Antifa. Not us. We're just reporting on it.

    Mike Defusco: Leadership Unquestioned (by us)!

    Jen Giattino: Mostly Trusted!

    Team GiaFusco: Change That's Changey


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