Latino voters targeted in VBM scam

VBMs prepared by "Patrick J. Baselice" sweeping Hoboken

This morning, mayoral candidate Ron Bautista stopped by to tell me a story. 

Ron attends a Hoboken church that gives mass in Spanish.  This past Sunday in church, a woman ("in her 70's") approached Ron, and told him how sorry she was that he wasn't running.

"What do you mean? I am running!" he answered (in Spanish). 

The woman, who lives in senior housing, told him that people came to her door and told her that Bautista wasn't running any more, then gave her a paper (VBM application) to sign to vote for someone else.  The woman was confused, and she signed the ballot application. 

According to Bautista, the old woman was afraid to tell him whose campaign it was.

Well folks, that's really as low as it gets. Tricking a senior into signing their vote away. 

Was this a "Baselice" VBM?  Another dirty trickster?

Ron Bautista told me that his campaign is focused on Hoboken's Latino voters.  

Now we know a VBM operation is spreading the lie that Bautista is not running.  

And hitting senior housing. 

Folks, please pass the following message on to your Hoboken Latino friends:

 ¡Ron Bautista todavía se está ejecutando para alcalde Hoboken!


  1. there's a special place in hell for people (along with the candidates they represent) who try to scam senior citizens.

  2. I find this disgusting, particularly the targeting of Latino voters who may see something that resonates for them in this young man and the issues he has chooses to talk about. It's really disgusting.

    I'm a big Bautista fan. I'd rather see him be the head of the Hoboken Democratic Party than Tiffany Fisher who is doing all she can to help a Republican who plays footsies with bigots be elected Mayor.

    1. AMEN! Ron Bautista is really interesting candidate; a fresh voice who certainly deserves to be heard. Tiffanie Fisher, who behaves like a lock-step Republican, cannot exit the position of Chairman of the Hoboken Democratic Party fast enough!!! Go already, "Tiff", begone!!!

  3. An important story. You've done a nice job of cultivating relationships with the so-called "less important" candidates. And that's why you and only you were able to get this story for us. Let alone care about getting it in the first place. There are no trivial candidates in a town this size and an election this contested anyway. Hoboken really doesn't have 2 blogs anymore. It has a running advertisement for one candidate where even articles that aren't ostensibly about her are aimed at savaging her opponents. And it has GA. Didn't see that coming.

  4. Hey, let's just remember the words of the political hero of our Team GiaFusco Reform Resistance Corporate Website administrator: They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime, they're rapists, and some, I assume, are good people.

    It's not folks like us who deserve to vote. It's, you know, them. If there's a way to connect it to Unelectable, sure, we'll listen. Otherwise, non-story.

    But let us know if you see a new Jen sign in Church Towers. We're thinking of doing a personal profile on it. How it started life as a tree, how it dreamed of one day becoming a Jen sign and how that dream eventually came true! It's like an immigrant story, but without one of those people in it.

    1. Well done satire Team GiaFusco and good reminder that Roman keeps parroting the lines about immigrants being criminals that his master Donald Trump repeats when in truth immigrants are less likely to engage in crime than people born in the United States.


      But he this is who Jen is in bed with and its terrible.

    2. Wait a confound minute! Illegal immigrants have 100% already committed a crime by being here. So they're 100% likely to commit a crime. How can that be less than people born here? Or are we ignoring the crime of being here illegally?

    3. @snoopy, you are technically correct. however, i believe the common alt-right spin is that "immigrants" in general (not "illegal immigrants" specifically) are the cause of all our crime and social woes.

    4. I don't know if that's their spin or not. I try to avoid their literature whenever possible. :) But I did notice that the article linked above is from the NY Times and they conflate immigrants with illegal immigrants. There is a BIG difference between the two.

      Immigrants are citizens. Illegal immigrants are not. Using the misnomers from the article, I would argue that one reason the percentage of population of jailed "immigrants" may be lower than percentage of "citizens" jailed is that illegals are generally deported when convicted of a crime, whereas immigrants ARE citizens and will go to jail here - and they are no more likely (and may in fact be less likely) than natural born citizens to commit a crime.

      It's really, really important to separate immigrants from illegals IMO.

      And I'm not saying all illegals commit real crimes or any crime beyond coming here without having done the requisite paperwork. Alt-right is not me.

    5. we agree, snoopy. i was just addressing it from a different direction: how the alt-right usually DOES NOT distinguish between immigrants and illegal immigrants when arguing these issues. they lump the many good in with the fewer bad and tar them all with the same brush.

      also, for them, it goes beyond crime statistics: the alt-right feel their very way of (in their minds) american life is threatened by the mere presence of immigrants (legal and otherwise).

    6. They're "charming." Glad they're "alt-right" and not republicans. GROSS.


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