BREAKING NEWS: "the F.B.I. are in Hoboken"

Vote by Mail  Fraud Warning" posters hung on Fourth Ward lamp posts and buildings last week

Some of you have heard buzz about the F.B.I. investigating voter fraud in this election cycle...  

Well, the buzz appears to be true.  

A source who knows one of the "5 to 7 Hoboken residents picked up by F.B.I.agents last week and today," told GA, "They're holding them for hours. [Name redacted] got picked up today and held for 6 hours!  All the questions he got asked were about [name redacted] and related to the [rent control ballot referendum]" 

The source told GA "[name redacted] and [name redacted] were picked up last Friday."

"They're picking up all the people involved in the Vote By Mails. [Name redactedappears to be the target."  

Funny thing...

Theos curious Mike DeFusco campaign "Vote by Mail Fraud warning signs" appeared all over lamp posts in the 4th Ward last Friday. (Sadly, "another campaign ripped them all down.") 

GA thought the sudden appearance of a voter fraud indemnification sign (listing the cast of characters associated with 4th Ward VBM collection) was really odd.  The sign was inside the community garden down by 221 Jackson Street.

GA shared it with various folks for their thoughts. One said, "They're scared... or they know there's an investigation."

Could be.  With the F.B.I. here in Hoboken, these "voter fraud warning" signs seem like pre-emptive CYA.

But really, what's more exciting than having our Fine Federal Friends here in Hoboken to investigate voter fraud?

GA has more on this subject...  so stay tuned.


  1. Sybil's cave, fake news, Bhalla, Bhalla, Bhalla, bonkers for Bhalla.

    EPIC scoop, GA. You might want to get some preparation-h to hand out for Halloween. Lots of butt-hurt out there.

    BTW, you forgot to say "Boys of Summer." Too funny.

  2. While someday the feds might indeed come into Hoboken and save the day regarding VBM fraud, I wouldn't bet in it.

    And even if they did something the effect on Hoboken elections would be smaller than people think since VBM's are a tactic but not the problem itself.

    The problem is not VBM's it's people selling their votes to a candidate blessed by certain community leaders for $50 and a t-shirt. It doesn't really matter whether those people vote at the polls for the campaign that "hires" them or by VBM. If the only vote a Hoboken voter influences through their GOTV efforts is their own, they were paid for their vote not for GOTV.

    The practice of paying for votes at the polls was widespread in hoboken before Pupie shifted the focus to VBM's and everybody started talking about VBM's as the problem. Shifting tactics back to the polls will potentially reduce the efficiency of the operation but it's not likely to make as much of a difference in the electoral math as we would hope.

    Which means that the only real way to win is to outvote them, not to hope the feds will make it go away.

    That said, it would certainly be nice to see the perps finally held accountable, and any reduction in the size of the problem would be a huge benefit to our community.

    1. numbers, you're extrapolating a narrative from the article, that the Feds will save the day. I didn't write that. Simply, some people we know (or heard of) allegedly got picked up and questioned by the FBI about VBMs in a past election about a ballot referendum. End of story.

      If you ask what I think, the timing is too close to Nov 7; IMO this adventure is more for politics than law enforcement. But you know, I am a cynic.

    2. I didn't mean to imply you said that. But the mantra about voter fraud from certain others has always has that ring to it.

      There's an ikd saying about lighting a candle rather than cursing the dark.

      In this case our candle is voter turnout. 1000 votes in this election will be IMHO sold - probably mostly to DeFusco. We need to get out enough votes to make that not matter, something the "reform split" has made far more difficult.

      I know you agree with that so I'm not disagreeing with your post. But it's a bit ironic that the actions of Tiffanie Fisher, who claims that voter fraud is her #1 issue, are actually making the fraud a far bigger problem.

  3. What are the chances of getting an actual answer?

    1. By extrapolation, I'm figuring the answer would be "go ask the developers yourself."

    2. FAP - the new luxury units are not where the displacement is happening. I know that the Zimmer administration took the position that the only way to add affordable housing was through 10% (90/10 town) in the redevelopment zones - requiring massive development in order to get a minuscule number of units, but your question is interesting since you reference a reval as a cause for displacement. Was that the mayor's original plan when she implemented a reval? Create more displacement? Rid the city of the city of the middle class? What a horrible thing to suggest!

    3. Revals on an annual or semi-annual basis are normal in well run towns. The only reason a reval in Hoboken might be disruptive is because nobody did one for decades. And nobody is suggesting the middle class leave. But it is completely unfair for two units with the same market value to pay different amounts in taxes purely because of what year they were built in. It is just stupid all around. Do you support such an arbitrary way of levying taxes? Nevermind, I forgot who I was responding to.

  4. There are no boys of summer aka FBI waiting to come in and solve Hoboken's Vote for cash problem. If anything it would be the Hudson County Superintendent of elections who would investigate but given who controls appointing this person don't bet on them doing anything besides helping certain candidates avoid being investigated.

    That was my experience when we presented evidence of vote buying during the Occipinti/Lenz 4th ward election and then superintendent Marie Borace looked the evidence much of which Occipinti's campaign reported in elec docs and she said "why would they report this?"

    The data was damning but as far as I know they did little more than sweep it under the rug an move on.


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