A tour through DeFusco's First Ward (VIDEO)

Some gals get flowers, GA gets flash drives... no idea whose handiwork this is. I wish it were mine.


  1. The 1st ward has the path, the fake ID bars, major transient thru-put. I wouldn't want to clean up the barf there every morning. You could probably do this with everyone's ward. But I guess it's that part of the campaign season. Guessing it was Romano's peeps? I don't see Bhalla or Giattino bothering.

  2. Not a fan of Mike’s but this is a cheap shot. You can find the same in any ward of Hoboken.

  3. i took this video to be tongue and cheek, particularly making fun of mike's "dystopian hoboken" mailer that GA highlighted the other day. i mean, really, you guys can't be taking that music seriously, are you? i think it's making a point but doing it with a mocking satire.

    1. That's the problem when you're a smartass like me. You're always surprised when someone else is being a smartass

    2. Could have used a touch more of "Night on Bald Mountain" :)


  4. The party pic is awesome. :)

    This is really well done. I wish I had half of this talent.

  5. A Giattino supporter actually posted similar pictures of junk around a tree on FB meaning to suggest a badly run city. I've seen comments about Sikh life that were both ignorant and outlandish; comments about a campaign donor having ISIS connections; about this site being syphilis-ridden; a standing assumption that Bhalla is taking money under the table. It's some pretty foul air to breath every day. Any humor is welcome, intentional or otherwise.

  6. Should be named .. a day in the life of Matt C . "In the search of my master "


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