Whose "cynical ploy" to nationalize Hoboken's election?

Like the headline? I borrowed it from next door, sorta.

It originally read: "Bhalla’s "cynical ploy to nationalize Hoboken's election!"

Rabid campaign operatives have been blasting mayoral candidate Ravi Bhalla for "trying to nationalize Hoboken elections" ever since Bhalla publicly condemned Trump's false moral equivalency between Neo-Nazis and protesters at Charlottesville.

In fact, Bhalla has been repeatedly attacked as a "national candidate" for his principled statement.

Well, now Ravi has company!

Jen Giattino has followed Ravi's example with Monday's press release on Charlottesville and Trump.

Better late than never! Really late.

I guess now there are two "national candidates" in Hoboken's mayoral election!

Bhalla denounced Trump by name immediately 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. have no fear, the ring master of crazy horseshitville will dream up some unintelligible, logic-challenged reason why jen's new statement is different/better/not "national". perhaps a giant commenter on that site will also post a similarly embarrassing walk-back, should be entertaining to watch them trying to dance around this one.

    1. The Team Giafusco website is NOT going to print that press release. That was for the snowflakes. They can go find it on their own and our website doesn't have to deal with it.

      What don't you people understand about the words "that's not the narrative we're selling"?????

  3. Word on the street is Hatfield McVictim has irked his new host. Looks like DeFusco wants to run on his vision, not get turned into a victim by some loser known to lecture people about using the word "small" in anything but the most literal sense. The victim card never gets old for that clown.

  4. How many rabid campaign operatives has Bhalla hired? The Mayor's COS just resigned to run the campaign, in addition to the operatives she has re-hired from the 2015 cycle. Zimmer's "passing of the torch" reeks of the type of political-insider, backroom deals, that have plagued Hoboken and Hudson County for decades. How long was this in the works? How did Bhalla already have campaign literature just hours after the Mayor left the race? Why were the rest of the council members, and the public, left in the dark? If there's anything the modern voter hates it's deals like the one the Hoboken political elites made to anoint Bhalla. My guess is the voters reject this backroom deal in November.

    1. actually, "eddy", your shallow, transparent shilling is what "the voters reject". sitting politicians endorse their preferred candidates all the time, this is no different. why should a sitting politician convene a gathering (including council members who are opposition candidates) and provide them with the opportunity to weigh in on what he/she should do? makes no sense.

      on the surface, your comment could be read as hugely naive about how politics (and life) works. but in reality, you're a shill who is just spinning away for the opposition under the guise of a "concerned citizen", so no one really cares.

    2. All I can tell you, EddyE, is that Jen Giattino's most fervent supports are attacking Reformers who support Ravi, and quite nastily- including, but limited to yours truly. A hardcore Jen supporter just attacked Allen Kratz, the best of Hoboken. Another is attacling Ravi as an equity partner, which he is not. Today, Kurt Gardiner attacked Vijay in disgusting 411-style, because of a guy he worked for before he worked for Hoboken. Kurt Gardnier, and other Reformers had no problem with Vijay when he ran the GOTV effort for Peter, Jen and Dana. Where was the giant jerk then? Didn't hear any complaints about Vijay's resume in 2015. See what I mean?

      As for your "backdoor deal" schtick- why don't you put it to music so the millionth time we hear it, we can tap out feet? Tell me about backdoor deals. Like choosing the current Chairwoman of Hoboken's Dem Committee, or putting Marinane Camporeale on the HHA so Peter would get Fox Hill votes. So, you think that the mayor choosing Ravi because she felt he was more competent to run Hoboken was a "back door deal"? He had 2 weeks notice. I can design lit and get it printed in a day. Time to get over it. This election is abut issues and competence. If Jen's people were confident, they wouldn't need to trash fellow Reformers. But if you insist, I'll call you a wahhhmbulance.

  5. @me attacking me as a shallow, shill who knows nothing about life does not help your cause, and does not address the concerns I raised in my original post. Leaders build consensus. The council majority carried the water for the Mayor for many years. She could have gotten the "reform caucus" together before she went public with her decision to try to avoid the type of fallout that eventually did occur. It should be pretty clear to all parties involved that the Mayor did not handle this well.

    @GA I am not making personal attacks on anyone. I am expressing my disappointment with how this "process" played out, and my concern that this opened the door for a Romano or Defusco victory in November. And if were being objective, there has been plenty of trashing going on from both sides - something that could have (though not definitely) been avoided had this been handled differently.

    1. can't believe i actually have to explain this AGAIN but ok...

      1) SOOO tired of the "should have been handled better" crybabies. for the millionth time: could it have been handled differently? sure. that's been admitted by everyone, we're in agreement. but it happened, get over it and get on with what's in the best interests of the city...which, btw, does NOT involve jen supporters attacking fellow reformers instead of MDF and romano. you can deal with the real world of local politics or continue to wallow in butt hurt.

      2) "reform caucus"? jen wants to be mayor, peter is supporting jen and dave is off on planet stick...what caucus, exactly, would have come out of it?

      3) RE: blaming "both sides", have recent events taught us nothing?

    2. Sorry pal, there is no equivalency between the trolling of Ravi on Twitter and Facebook, and bashing of endorsees/supporters. Zero, zip, nada. No one from the Bhalla camp is trolling Jen, nor bashing the fine people who have endorsed her on her Facebook page. It's just not happening. Today, Kurt Gardiner attacked Vijay for working for some dude years back who is now under investigation. That is some really H411 style character assassination. Vijay ran the GOTV in 2015 for Jen, Peter and Dana. Guilt by association?

      You are wrong about "it" being avoided if "it" were handled differently. We have some bloated egos using Jen as a proxy for their own ambition and self-interest. If they cared about reform, Allen Kratz and folks of his character would not be getting attacked. Seems to me you're with DeFusco, here to foment more tension between the reform factions.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. interesting idea, AH, although the current pace of trolling by said parties would require this to be a full-time job. sadly, the trolls probably can't be shamed, so not sure it would impact the degree of trolling.

      funny observation about romano. my guess is it's not so much that he's running such an above-board campaign as that fact that he and his co-horts are probably all social media challenged, LOL! hey stick, be sure to launch a geo-cities website and start a friendster page!

    2. (I deleted the comment above because I incorrectly cited someone else instead of Cheryl Fallick. Sorry! Fact checking myself).

      Friends, with love for professional, honest, merit-based government in my heart, I think it's fair to ask whether some (not all!) of my wayward Reform family that is supporting Jen primarily by heaping attacks on fellow stalwart, paid his dues and then some Reformer Ravi on MSV, Facebook, and Twitter truly support the same goals when DeFusco and Romano, our real opponents, go unscathed by these Reformers.

      Might I suggest a weekly or bi-weekly or occasional troll report and Politifact style fact check? I think we should quote and document here the words and actions of people Kurt Gardiner, Dereck Barnes, Cheryl Fallick, DT Blanco, Jorge Meija here and fact check FAIRLY and HONESTLY here. I would also like to keep a running list of trolling from these and other internet attackers to do a compare and contrast. How many troll attacks or inaccurate attacks are perpetrated by Ravi supporters vs. Jen supporters vs. Mike supporters (Anthony is looking quite clean here). We can then ask the candidates whether they support these attacks publicly on social media.

      Anyway, looking for a constructive, fact-based way to address the sad dynamic discussed above. Our vision s Reformers should be to elevate the discourse and not replicate what we see on from our President where facts don't matter. On the local level we can and should do better and it should be a staple of the Reform agenda.

    3. I like the Troll List idea, All Hoboken... it definitely has comic possiblities! Like maybe a score card, or graph... oooh, fun. Yep, I like it..Folks will have to send me screen caps because I don't FB that much, and am hardly ever on Twitter. Please send your Troll caps to: grafixavenger666@gmail.com

      BTW, you forgot "Hatfield" Soares!

  7. Reform has certainly come a long way from the group of good government, generally polite, common good goals that it started with. Admittedly, I'm late to the party having only become aware once Dawn Zimmer was running in the 4th ward, but the tactics of trolling and bullying were not reform tactics back then (except as it pertained to shouting down Beth's allies online).

    Watching friends fight each other over two candidates who barely have a sliver of light between their platforms is just not good for anyone. Unite to fight Romano and DeFusco.

  8. Reform has split into a "mostly democratic" and "mostly republican" camps with some odd crossovers. The dumpster supports and traditional republicans are SALIVATING over Jen's candidacy.

    1. Both salivating AND insisting her party affiliation is irrelevant.

  9. Vijay running the 2015 political operations while holding an official government position should raise alot of red flags in and of itself.

    1. Troll from Trenton, Vijay has resigned. He no longer holds "an official government position." I'm more interested in why you've popped up in late August from Trenton to throw shade on Bhalla. Who's your daddy?

    2. Yes I know he resigned this week, I mentioned that in my original post. As you stated, Vijay ran the 2015 political operations in Hoboken. He did so while he was still holding a full-time, taxpayer funded government job, which should raise some red flags.

    3. @"eddy", my guess is Vijay ran the campaign on his down time, nights and weekends. it's doable, i've seen it done by others.

      as far as "gotchas" go, this one is pretty weak tea. got anything else? i mean, besides the whole "hand off/backroom deal" thing? anything?

    4. No it shouldn't, Trenton Troll (aka "Eddy E"). Public employees are allowed to volunteer for political campaigns on their own time. Are you sure you want to go down this road? Stick to Trolling in Trenton, Troll. You didn't answer my question before. Who's your daddy?

    5. I hear he consorts with felons. Reliable source.

  10. Boring boring boring.
    GA, this site is SO boring!
    What I wanna know is, where can I read a FOLLOW-UP story on the mayoral endorsement of a random NHSA commissioner? The first one wasn't enough, I really need to devour every morsel of this ongoing developing story.

    Bonus points if this individual is a GIANT hypocrite who ran for Democratic Committee with the wife of the candidate he's been attacking.

    Even MORE bonus points if any hot-off-the-presses news venue purveying in such urgent matters also happens to be playing host to Hatfield McVictim having an epic meltdown of hysterical proportions.

    Any help, folks? Can I be so lucky as to hit GIANT paydirt with any such hilarity?

  11. Hi, I was just wondering, what's Kurt Gardiner's opinion on the failure of New Coke? Was it the rollout? Did the Coca-Cola Company try to pull a switcheroo without consulting him first, so he let people know how slighted he felt given his status as a future NHSA Commissoner and swayed the will of consumers elsewhere?

    Is "real reform resistance terror alert" just a newfangled version of Coca-Cola Classic?

    I want to hear Some Better Ideas about this, and soon! Inquiring minds wanna know!

  12. Coming up at the 5 o'clock bulletin:

    Kurt Gardiner prefers iPhone to Samsung.
    "One big button is easier than Sikhing around through all those little ones," the NHSA commissioner announced.

  13. On the 6 o'clock report, we'll air the grievances of Hatfield McVictim:

    "Why do people have the nerve to keep responding to my vicious attacks? Why is everybody always picking on me for picking on them? Hey, did you use the word "small" out of context? That's offensive, you fucking fatass piece of shit slob whore whose mother dresses you funny!"

  14. Kurt Gardiner on the moon landing:

    "I didn't used to think they faked it, but I've been learning the most amazing things from my enlightened new sponsor. Did you know sonic booms are really the sound of a Democrat conspiracy to drill holes to the center of the earth so the molten core will heat things up and fortify 'climate change' hoaxes?

    This is why I'm so disgusted at Backroom Bhalli and his crew of partisans Sikhing to nationalize this election. No Hobokenite has ever been affected by national policies at the local level. I repeat: no Hobokenite who moved here after Hurricane Sandy has ever been affected by national policies at the local level."


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