"Rules of engagement"

GA Exclusive:  For the first time ever, social media censorship victims of mayoral candidate, Mike DeFusco, will get an inside look into the mind and motivations of Hoboken's newly-crowned Censorship King... 

GA has exclusively obtained messages exchanged between an anonymous victim of Facebook censorship and the mayoral ccandidate who ordered him deleted and banned from his Facebook page: Mike DeFusco.   

This exclusive message exchange solves the mystery for a growing number of Hoboken victims, whose comments on Mike DeFusco for Mayor's Facebook page disappear, then find themselves blocked from posting there.  Unlocking this censorship mystery will be even more exciting than Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone's safe!  


GA will call our anonymous censorship victim "Anonymous Victim" or "AV" for short.

It seems that AV posted a link to this blog on Mike DeFusco's Facebook page, then... poof! The link was deleted! Which prompted AV to post these:

Then poof! AV's comments were DELETED and worse!  Poor AV was BANNED from posting on Mike DeFusco for Mayor for all eternity. 


Well, AV is pretty sassy.  

AV messaged Defusco.   In the following exchange, AV unlocks the mystery of why Hoboken residents are being deleted and banned en masse from Mike DeFuco... the reason is Mike DeFusco has "Rules of Engagement"!  And if you violate them, you get shit-canned!

Do not post links from GA.

Do not challenge anything you read on Mike DeFusco for Mayor

Suck up, praise, adore, worship, kiss his money-maker like there's no tomorrow 

Do not post links from GA

Just follow those simple Rules of Engagement and you will be SAFE from extermination!  

Sadly, GA has been banned from both DeFusco's Facebook and Twitter accounts. But, at least I have company.  Lot of company, and growing by the day.


  1. Thank you for publishing our candidate's simple rules! This should greatly reduce comments from people who inadvertently forget to suck-up. Hey, we're all busy and make mistakes. Our candidate does energetically welcome dialog from people who view the dialog as a vehicle to grovel and curry favor. Otherwise not so much.

    And don't forget, censorship makes our other candidate really sad. Take your pick!

    What do we care.

  2. Some take home points from my humble opinion .
    - At least he answers .. does Ravi ever do ?
    I see Mr Nash does for him
    Jen has the green hornet and Derek throwing shade on anyone .. so why even bother wasting time going back and forth in a futile conversation
    - you delete , edit twist posts .
    So .. go ahead .. throw your stones ... are you free of guilt ?

    1. Actually about a half-dozen people on his Washington St thread complained about the bump-outs and he didn't answer any of them. He does not seem to want to go there. Is he for them or against them?

  3. This election has had inappropriate behavior on many sides, on many sides.

    On the one side, you've got Krazy Konspiracy Kook and his gigantic sidekick issuing terror alerts against a candidate who poses a clear and present danger to a city free of Backroom Ballioli Contract Sikhing.

    And on the other, you've got Backroom Bhalli and is Backroom Bhallioliaudacious contract Sikhing to have lady mayor hand off the big chair in a Backroom Bhalliollyinfree deal in the dark of night.



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