July ELEC Roundup


We're having a hot summer folks- and GA's not talking about the weather.

April, May, June...  that's when 8 Hoboken mayoral candidates threw in, and now it's time for cowboys and cowgirls to 'pony up' their July 15 ELEC reports!

Technically, after a campaign opens with a D-1, candidates don't usually file an R-1 until 29 days prior to election day; R-1 reports document a campaign's receipts and expenditures in some detail.

However, Hoboken campaigns are notorious for dubious financial reporting and secret revenue streams, so in the spirit of CLEAN and TRANSPARENT elections, it behooves campaigns to file at least quarterly so the public can have a looksy at each's respective money operation.

ELEC reports are most instructive because voters can see (1) where money is coming from, (2) how it's being spent or who it's going to, (3)  if a campaign appears to be spending way more than they're reporting, (4) if a campaign  is washing money to dubious sources, (4) how a campaign reports- with a crayon?  If they file reports with a crayon, they'll probably govern with a crayon, too. Maybe a box of crayons.

So, a campaign's ELECs can tell voters quite a bit.

On that note, here is GA's July ELEC Round-up TOP 3,  in the order of cash-on-hand (look up full reports here)

MIKE DEFUSCO ...is the big winner of Hoboken's July ELEC cash rodeo!

DEPOSITS:  $70,565.82
CLOSING BALANCE: $133,046.70

RAVI BHALLA ...is in 2nd Place in July's cash rodeo!

DEPOSITS:  $24,183.00

KAREN NASON ---is in 3rd place in July's cash rodeo!

DEPOSITS:  $7,895.00
And in 4th place... RON 'BIKE GUY' BAUTISTA  with a closing balance of $1,272.46!

Congratulations, Ron and all of our other July ELEC rodeo winners!

Oh no...

Look what happened to Hoboken mayoral candidate Anthony 'Stick' Romano!

Wow, that's some BULL.

The New Jersey Law Election Law Enforcement Commission has nothing on file (yet) for Anthony 'Stick' Romano's mayoral campaign.  

Tsk, tsk, tsk!  C'mon Anthony!

Other declared mayoral candidates who have nothing on file at ELEC (yet) are Angelo Valenti and Jen Giattino. 

Did Patty Waiters declare?  If so, nothing on file. I have confidence Jen will soon, but not so sure about the others....



  1. I would love to see where the money came from? Hoboken? or ? People have the power!

    1. i took a very quick look through mike's filing online, i'd estimate about 20% of his contributors are from hoboken, the rest out of town.

  2. Romano's right ? I'd like to know too .. or ?

  3. http://hudsoncountyview.com/elec-in-hoboken-mayoral-race-defusco-tops-2nd-quarter-with-115k-raised/

    Lots of supporters = lots of money .. and supporters can be from anywhere.

    1. Saw that after I wrote this. Very good piece.

      But boy, did I get it wrong. I didn't think twice that a REFORM campaign would hesitate to file an ELEC report. I've been bludgeoning the Dark Side for YEARS of inconsistent or incomplete ELEC reports or failure to file them at ALL... I expect it from Stick Romano, I do NOT expect it from Tiffanie Fisher and Jen Giattino.

      Yes, on a technicality, the law allows their campaign not to file until October (29-day pre-election). That is the LETTER of the law, but the SPIRIT of the law is to give the public access to a campaign's financial data, to be TRANSPARENT, in order to earn the PUBLIC TRUST. What a surprise. So Jen and Stick are hiding their ELECS.

      Really shocked. Especially since some claim the mantle of Reform. I hope they reconsider.

    2. You can't hide if you're the weaker candidate if you put it out there that you have no money.

    3. The so-called weaker candidate raised tens of thousands from Hoboken's grass roots.

      Neither Jen Giattino or Stick Romano have to file per NJ ELEC law. It's not a technicality, we don't get to make up laws against political opponents. We don't get to make stuff up under law.

      So it looks like to date, the people with the most Hoboken grassroots donations are Jen Giattino and Karen Nason.

      MSV broke another big story today. People are in hiding: http://www.hobokenhorse.com/2017/07/hoboken-democratic-committee-weaponized.html

    4. You're totally full of shit, as usual. Bhalla's "under $300 donations" cumulative to-date is $92K. You are only highlighting the fact your candidate hasn't filed a single ELEC so we have to take your word ("tens of thousands") for it.

      As for your story, saw it and it sucks. Hyperventilating, over-written as usual. But I hope folks read it, because it's not going to have the impact that you think.

    5. May I dissent with some additional fact and color? Councilman Ravi Bhalla's ELEC report shows his strong national network of support and it was accurately noted on MSV only yesterday. The Bhalla campaign raised 23K and that's good news.

      I'm not highlighting or alleging what isn't required by the law and no, it's not a "fact" Jen Giattino has failed to file a single ELEC. Same situation for the Romano for mayor campaign. The law is the law; we don't get to amend it because it's not deemed helpful to our candidate.

      City Council President Jen Giattino just got into the race. She is required to file an ELEC under the NJ regulations as anyone when it's applicable to her. It's not applicable at present as she just got into the race.

      Yes, you will have to take MSV's reporting as accurate until proven otherwise. I did share that nugget yesterday. The Jen Giattino event last week at Moran's with triple digits in attendance was successful. It reportedly raised tens of thousands of dollars and that will definitely be on an upcoming NJ ELEC campaign report as required by law. So you can address the MSV report at that time if it's accurate or not. I welcome it.

      Thanks for your comment on MSV's exclusive story today. I'm awaiting comment from others on the story which I think is 100% accurate and will update if any of the people contacted will respond. I contacted many and the silence to this point suggests that yes, MSV hit another big exclusive dead on.

      Thank you and good morning Grafix Avenger.

    6. For the record, the story is underwritten. MSV is seeking comment from the mayor's office, the Bhalla campaign, Mayor Dawn Zimmer. Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher among others.

      Based on the response to this point, it's incomplete and will require an update at a minimum. Thank you very much Grafix Avenger.

    7. It's refreshing to see an acknowledgement that the story is underwritten. I guess the only question is underwritten by whom. I received a surprising e-mail solicitation awhile back. One that reflected surprisingly poor judgment.

      This is an extremely consequential election and judgment matters, both in candidates and those who will likely be influential advisers. IMHO opinion, good judgment is more important than good arithmetic skills.

    8. I think good judgement, good executive and good math skills are all consequential in deciding who should be Hoboken's next mayoral executive. I'm sure you are very good with email but the question for Hoboken voters remains nevertheless. Who is best to lead Hoboken?

      This MSV exclusive is underwritten as a number of parties were all contacted and have not responded, not even with "no comment."

      The radio silence is interesting. It says the story has hit a nerve.
      Understandably, the news is not well received in all corners.

    9. Um, the "radio silence" means I'm writing and/or doing something in my real life. Seriously, you are spamming my site. Your website is not the topic of my article. You have your own venue to say whatever you want. Engage in debate about your article on YOUR website, not here.

    10. OK I misunderstood. I thought you meant underwritten in the sense of the story having a financial underwriter. You meant written without sufficient information to be "fullywritten." Thanks for the clarification. Hopefully in the future your stories will be overwritten.

    11. I'm sorry for any confusion. GA, I did not ask you for comment on the story. I am not spamming.

      Numberscruncher is correct. MSV was trying since late last night to get comment on the story but there's been radio silence as stated. Not about you GA; the sources sought for comment as stated.

      Have a great day everyone!

    12. @numbercruncher, i'm intrigued by this "surprising e-mail solicitation" you mentioned. do tell.

  4. Wow! With friends like Indie and Horsey, Jen sure doesn't need enemies.


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