Zimmer committee slate kills it citywide!

GA would like to congratulate all  candidates including write-ins, for participating in our local Democratic election.

I said "would like to..."

I am congratulating all candidates EXCEPT for Ines Garcia Keim and Peter Biancamano, who only won by default.

It was de-fault of Keim and Biancamano that their more-qualified opponents got kicked off the ballot.

Onto the unofficial Democratic Committee results-  bad news for the Russo Team (Column F), great news for the Zimmer Team (Column E).

Total Seats Won
17 seats (Column F- Russo)
62 seats (Column E-Zimmer)  
1 undetermined (W1-D1)

GA is waiting on the unofficial Ward/District breakdowns for all candidates, but here are the unofficial Hoboken Democratic Committee June 6, 2017 election results*.

 *Winners are highlighted in yellow.


  1. WOW ! Even with Romano sticking a letter under the doors for his 1-2 Marineview friends only one won.

    In most cases the Russo ticket only won when no one was running against them..

  2. Enjoy the Zimmer victory, it is your last for many years. When Mike wins please have Greg and Deidre rent a canew and paddle the bum Zimmer back to New Hamshire and tell the Wall's to keep going North while there at it

    1. Looking dapper today.. you're quite photogenic..

    2. you're awfully short tempered..

    3. Tony is obsessed.. maybe Dan and Stan need a restraining order.

    4. Keep dreamin Phony Sores.. Romano and Nason split the OG, Mike gets a crumb.

  3. Lovely to see Joe Branco and Lynn Danzker get the heave-ho

  4. HEY! JOE BRANCO! What's up buddy?

    I hear two folks who just moved into your neighborhood absolutely crushed you and the little lady in the democratic committee election yesterday. Damn! Didn't see that coming.

    You know, I was thinking, if you can't win your own neighborhood democratic committee race in 2017, and your down and dirty Carmelo Garcia for City Council campaign that you managed got blown away by Jen Giattino in 2015, maybe it's time to look at the big picture and work harder on selling the kids those $250 bottles of Grey Goose at Room 84 and just give the politics thing a rest for a little while.

    Just sayin'!

    1. First, my knucklehead friend, I did not manage Garcia's campaign.
      Second, I ran off the line and only lost by a margin of 2 to 1. Thats not bad in my book considering the mailers, robo calls and mayor's and councils help and all the advertising column E had.
      And and far as politics is concerned I try my best to help my community in any way I can and still plan on being apart it whether you like it or not.

    2. First, my knucklehead friend, I did not manage Garcia's campaign.
      Second, I ran off the line and only lost by a margin of 2 to 1. Thats not bad in my book considering the mailers, robo calls and mayor's and councils help and all the advertising column E had.
      And and far as politics is concerned I try my best to help my community in any way I can and still plan on being apart it whether you like it or not.

    3. Losing by a margin of 2 to 1 considering your long time political activity is pretty bad.

  5. Could the committee pass a bylaw that makes individuals who violate campaign finance laws from attending meetings until all fines AND illegal campaign contributions are repaid by the recipient? That would get rid of Inept for sure.

  6. GA stop being a sore winner, Ines and Peter turned their paperwork in on time, the Dallaras neglected to file their paperwork before the legal deadline. That the clerk mistakenly accepted the paperwork after the legal deadline does not make Ines or Peter wrong for challenging the Clerk's mistake, they were right to do so. The Clerk was wrong to accept the paperwork and should have told the Dallaras they could not be on the ballot.

    If Reform tries to ignore the law for its own personal gain its no better than the old guard and doesn't deserve support from reformers.

    1. Ines and Peter are more of a sad sick joke today than they ever were.
      Thanks for your help.

    2. They may be a sad joke but they did nothing wrong by getting their paperwork in before the legal deadline and then making sure all other candidates followed the law.

      One of Reform's strengths is that we can oppose people without hating them. Let's not lose this.

    3. I think getting all preachy and pretending your on the moral high ground when referring to people like Ines and Peter is really, really funny.

    4. peter was the recipient of one of the largest farmer frank vbm hauls in hoboken history. despicable.

      inez has long been the bag lady for team beth, running beth cash to carmelo for attack fliers and still to this day complaining about attack fliers. despicable.

      no we don't have to like them no or ever. save it for church.

    5. Sorry, friend. I cannot celebrate the triumph of the ethically-challenged over the honest, ethical, good and decent... due to a CLERICAL error. The Dallaras' paperwork was timely executed, but left out of the package. Courts often rule in favor of intent. Not this time!

    6. To be clear there are plenty of things to criticize Peter and Ines for, turning in their paperwork on time is not one of them no is their requiring the Clerk to follow the law and respect the legal filing deadline.

      The Dallaras missed the deadline, it happens. They likely would have won if they had filed on time but for whatever reason it got missed.

      Going after Peter and Ines for making the clerk follow the law makes us look like the bad guys. Let's stop.

      If Peter or Ines do anything that doesn't follow the law or reasonable behavior saying so is perfectly reasonable.

    7. I'm not going after them for subitting their paperwork timely. I'm going after them for their awakening to the rule of law: Peter with his 466 VBMS in 2014 and Ines with her campaign finance violations as Beth Mason's Treasurer in 2009, for which a total of $37K fines were levied- among the largest in NJ history. They tried to get a spot on Column E, Prieto denied. Sour grapes!

      Listen, I respect the ruling of the court. Having been through a SLAPP suit with numerous motion filings, I have seen (and had) the court accept late submittals. Judges have great discretion. Often intent outweighs the letter of the law. That is a fact.

      So, no... I do not celebrate the triumph of these 2. But, respect the court order. They are not mutually exclusive.

      Happy Comey Day!

    8. In fact... the Bajardis tried to 'win' on a technicality- I submitted my response to discovery ("Request for Admissions") 14 days late. I was representing myself at the time and had misread the law- I thought I had 45 days to reply, but only had 30. At much a later date, my lawyer filed a motion called "Nunc Pro Tunc" to waive my lateness. I WON. The court deemed my discovery responses valid.

      Such is the discretion of the court to weigh intent against the technical interpretation ("letter of the law"). Intent does win.

    9. I'd rather a judge use their discretion to waive a form being a little late than have two people who have proven time and time again to have moral compasses that point in the absolute wrong direction in elected office. But I guess Mr. 8:27 PM doesn't care about things like that.

    10. The good news is that these two can't do much to get in the way of reform.

  7. I noticed looking at the live feed that the First Ward Councilman was MIA tonight at the City Council meeting and didn't set up a telephone link like others have done in the past.
    Was he pulling a Mason and there something he didn't want to vote on tonight so he jus didn't show up ?

  8. He was on the phone for the beginning. Don't know what happened after that.

  9. The proactive approach taken by large number of reform minded Hoboken people to the this election cycle will build and be even stronger in the November elections and keep moving Hoboken forward.

  10. In the end The Dallara's were better people, better community members and better able to serve in elected office than their opposition who are IMHO morally deficient

  11. Great to see the SW stuff move forward last night. Does anyone know who voted no? Was it DeFusco?

    1. It was Fisher. Her explanation is on MSV.

    2. I watched the meeting on line. She clearly thought the whole plan was stupid and poorly thought out and the envisioned neighborhood would never get built. Pretty insulting to the Mayor and the professionals who worked hard for years put it together. Not to mention that she admitted she has hardly ever even been to the neighborhood and the mayor, Councilman Mello and Councilman Ramos all live there.

    3. I applaud the eight City Councilpersons who were able to understand the concept of the plan was a starting point on which to negotiate and build and approved it.

  12. On the City Council, there's someone with actual real world professional experience in commercial development. Do you know which one?

    It's councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher and she voted no at least in part due to the lack of opportunity for input as she raised a lot of questions and received no answers. There were also people in the community who raised similar concerns at the meeting. Hoboken does not have a good track record on the economic development front. It's a weakness and requires attention.

    As for Inez Cashola Krime, that Mason bag lady did more for Reform than anyone imagined. By having Beth file a lawsuit and bump off the opposition it kept Inez's perfect record of winning any election she runs unopposed.

    It energized the other candidates who went out and annihilated the Old Guard Column F opposition. What an ass kicking. Let's all thank Inez and of course Beth Mason!

    1. Her ward is not park-deficient. First Ward people are watching their kids grow up without a green place to play in their ward. IMO more important to get the process moving and amend and address deficiencies in progress. IMO, voting against this plan brought back memories of Beth Mason, who always needed more information and more questions answered. I respect Tiffanie as a council person, but this is not black or white. She can be a great Reform stalwart and disagree with her peers

    2. Did you want to say Fourth Ward instead of First Ward ? I think Councilwoman Fisher did not fully grasp that this redevelopment plan was a starting point for discussion between the City and the property owners.

    3. 12:33- Yes, I meant Fourth ward (I was 10:57)


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