BREAKING: Dark Side stunt: who invited NBC to tonight's BoE Meeting?

Well folks, never a dull moment in Hoboken politics!

Fresh off  BoE Trustee Irene Sobolov's apology for her unfortunate text message, this story has taken a sinister turn.  

We already know that Sobolov's text has been shopped to local media: The Jersey Journal and  Hoboken Reporter.   

Information just in to GA: this story has become a springboard for Dark Side exploitation.

GA just learned that NBC is covering the developing story some are calling "Butt-gate"!   

GA can confirm that Sobolov has been contacted by NBC to interview her "before or after the meeting."

Yes, an NBC film crew is expected to film Foul Mouth Madigan's political stunt: a resolution calling for Sobolov's resignation!

HOW IN THE WORLD would NBC know about "Butt-gate"?  

Doesn't Sobolov nemesis BoE Trustee Peter Biancamano work there?  

What a coincidence.  Well, it could be.   

Or, it could be nasty payback orchestrated by the losing campaign manager of Parents United (Biancamano) against a winning candidate (Sobolov).  

In GA's opinion, and from my own experience as a first hand witness to how the Dark Side tries to enlist national media to destroy political opponents including planting stories-  this is no coincidence. The text was allegedly received by Biancamano and Madigan last week- plenty of time to enlist NBC to unwittingly carry Biancamano's political water tonight.

Yes, that's my OPINION.  

The fact that NBC's employee, a Hoboken School Board Trustee, is an actor in the story and perhaps 'fed' NBC the story,  tarnishes the objectivity of NBC in its coverage.  It is  unseemly how NBC appears willing to carry their employee's political baggage.  

In fact, Biancamano's conflict as an employee of NBC is likely the reason that he is not sponsoring the resolution calling for Irene's resignation, but his foul-mouthed board ally is: John Madigan - who shouted "You fuckin' c*nts! You fuckin dykes!  I'm gonna punch you in the fuckin' face!" at female Kids First School Board trustees in 2009, is the sponsor of the resolution for Sobolov to RESIGN.    

Ugly, dirty, nasty.  Enter the DeFusco camp?

Was there coordination with the DeFusco camp to raise DeFusco's local profile in Hoboken with this media stunt?   

DeFusco's public posture has been gracious.  But does a gracious PUBLIC posture prevent his campaign from PRIVATELY engaging in this vicious campaign to destroy Irene Sobolov?

When Madigan starts his phony moralizing tonight, look into the camera and let the people know  the genuine slurs that flew out of this man's mouth that he never apologized for.

And tell that camera that NBC is carrying the political baggage for their employee on the Hoboken School Board who opposed you in the last election.


  1. Maybe a "freelance broadcast producer" who live in Hoboken with a grudge is putting together a package to sell to the networks. If it is NBC should get a little history lesson before they run anything that could embarrass themselves.

  2. I certainly hope she notes biancamamos ethics violation.

  3. Madigan's history of using foul misogynistic slurs at the BOE should also be brought up to NBC.

  4. Defusco political adviser running around telling everyone about the text.... LAST WEEK.

    1. ^^^ Fake News- #MasonistaSyndrome

    2. Not at all.

      The same bitter, nasty man running around calling this site "anti-gay" was telling people about Sobolov's text. Next thing you know he'll be fighting windmills.

      Me thinks you doth protest too much. #guilty #nasty #twofaced

      Watch your back, Karen.


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