It's TIME for DeFusco to announce he's running for Mayor- UPDATE

GA stands corrected.

A Facebook post authored by Mike DeFusco's political advisor, that smeared this blog/yours truly as "Alt-Right" and "homophobic" is still there.  A reader sent it to me:

Hey, let's see that proof of  "homophobic innuendos" and Alt-Right" published here, big mouth.  

You liked this blog enough when it endorsed YOU and defended YOU.   

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
— Confucius 

Oh, no! Look what Mayor Zimmer did to Nick Sacco's tool!

OUCH! A black eye and four missing teeth!

Why, oh why did that TOOL think he could come from North Bergen to take over Hoboken (by electing Mike DeFusco)?

GA is still trying to figure that out.

To recap: Nick Sacco (Legislative District 32) and Vincent Prieto (NJ Assembly Speaker) have dispatched their political operative (Joey Muniz) into the Hoboken political arena to knock out Mayor Dawn Zimmer.   According to Max Pizzaro of InsiderNJ, 
"A source told InsiderNJ that Joey Muniz of North Bergen – a politically well-connected, fierce DeFusco backer – has a good relationship with Ramos and may be that primary nudge behind the assemblyman to get him into the freeholder contest if Romano refuses to drop out of his own mayoral bid. Muniz wants DeFusco to have a clear path to a mano a mano with Zimmer, and doesn’t want “Stick” muddying the contest. Muniz is so bullish on DeFusco, in fact, that one of his allies recently had words with Phil Murphy for Governor minder Brendan Gill about Murphy’s support for Zimmer. The message-deliver for Muniz told Gill that the gubernatorial candidate should not align himself with Zimmer as long as Muniz wants DeFusco."
Only someone is in the way: Freeholder Anthony 'Stick' Romano.   (And maybe Brian Stack. And maybe Phil Murphy.)

While Defusco has not announced yet, it's common knowledge that Muniz, et. al, are bullying Stick Romano to "announce" he's not running.  Wait...

So, Stick- a born and raised Hobokenite is being pushed around- shit on, to make room for The Chosen One?

There's a cadre of out-of-town support for DeFusco.  They may be helping him run his stealth mayoral campaign. Somebody is.

In my opinion, DeFusco has been getting "help."  GA has noted at meetings that he reads off his phone  a lot, and/or reads off of prepared notes.

So, GA was not surprised to see a campaign video pop up on Facebook, adapted from a script DeFusco read at the City council the other night.  It really merits its own post, with a clip. As Fake News goes, the stunt was well done: Reform doesn't care about Historic Preservation... I've been trying to save the church since I was born..." 

No doubt, the resolution was political theater- a public overture of caring about preserving historic architecture, the perfect rebuttal for the argument he's aggressively pro-development.

The video will be used in DeFusco's mayoral campaign- which has effectively started.

What is really important to note, and troubling, is the amount of campaigning for MAYOR that DeFusco appears to be doing without legal ACCOUNTABILITY for his campaign receipts and expenditures.

By running a stealth mayoral campaign now, the candidate evades answering these questions:

  • WHO is working on DeFusco's mayoral campaign?  
  • WHO is funding the DeFusco mayoral campaign?
  • WHO is paying the people who have been helping DeFusco?
  • WHAT cash or in-kind contributions has he received to-date? 
The next ELEC report, due on April 15 will be tied to his 2019 City Council re-elecction.  Thus, there is no reporting mechanism for DeFusco's mayoral campaigning until he opens up the account.  

Okay...  the North Bergen DeFusco coalition has already lined up to wet their beaks in Hoboken. They want our money badly enough to bully Phil Murphy and threaten Stick to drop out of the mayoral race.

It is time for Michael DeFusco to announce he is running for mayor, and to make his campaign financing public. 


  1. I have to agree. Unless he's going to burn his backers and stay out. Reform won't take him in 2019.

    1. I think that bridge has already been burned and will never be rebuilt.

  2. I hear as a fundraiser for DeFusco's mayoral campaign they have a coin-op DeFusco marionette at Old Guard headquarters. It's a quarter to play and the puppet works itself into a frenzy doing 3 minutes of Hoboken historic preservation material while dancing on a cobble stone Court Street paper mache background. I hear it's all the rage after a couple of beers, and it features as a soundtrack Joey Muniz singing "Send In the Clowns" in the background.

  3. The video is fundamentally dishonest.

    Which makes me think DeFusco is also fundamentally dishonest.

    I guess that is why the crew from North Bergen is behind him.

    1. Muniz works for Remington & Vernick- his job is to deliver business. Hoboken's got millions in contracts the North Bergen crew wants which explains why they are messing in our election.

    2. If a firm can't win business in a competitive RFP process run by an honest government, then that is their problem.

  4. Hoboken's Sisters of Perpetual Hand Wringing,

    It is funny to see that one of the sisters who tried to destroy MSV here. is back on that site tonight and is featured in Mike's campaign video.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The residents of the First Ward are THRILLED that our councilman is trying to get a community center in another ward in exchange for higher development in our ward.

    1. I'd be pretty pissed if I lived in the 1st ward. Terry was a nightmare but it's almost worse to be stabbed in the back by faux-reformer MDF.

    2. Why would Hoboken need another very community center ?

      The one we already have on Second Street sits unused much of the time.

      A new gymnasium-community center is being built as part of the Monroe Center redevelopment.

      This property has been up zoned to residential which increased it's value by many millions of dollars if eminent domain used to acquire it.

      The building has been badly neglected for a very long time and would cost millions to refurbish.

  7. Freeholder Romano endorsed Mayor Fulop for reelection along with Senator Stack.

    Mayor Fulop endorsed Phil Murphy for Governor. Ditto for Mayor Stack.

    Mayor Fulop was a no show at Councilman DeFusco's fundraiser.

  8. an *interesting* comment on MDF's facebook page, now GA is a "pro-Zimmer alt-right"????:

    "Mike you know you're doing something right when the local ALT - Right news blog that Zimmer feeds propaganda through is attacking you.

    I guess David, my upstairs neighbor who works at Academy and I've seen at Zimmer fundraisers too, is a 4th ward resident and is not in a redevelopment zone should be banned from talking to you? When did we become the USSR? This orchestrated vicious response attack on the council dais, the homophobic innuendos on the Pro-Zimmer Alt-right blogs / shill sites reminds me of when I ran against Russo and Roberts. "Reformers" didn't like it back then and they won't like it when they keep seeing it from the NEW Machine. They are sure acting like what they once fought- but maybe that's because they are advised by a Bob Janisiewski and The Barry's former attorney..."

    1. Alt-right, you are confusing GA with our other prominent local blogger who veers off into trumpy diatribes (that generate no comments).

      As for the homophobic innuendos? BULLSHIT. I read both GA and the alt-right blog and I have never seen any such behavior... and as I gay man I would call either blogger or any commentor out for trying that crap.

      Looks like alternative facts have trickled down to local politics.

    2. Sour grapes Anon @ 9:31 Oh wow, an angry outcast!! Sorry nobody bought your act!! Thanks for the wild, baseless accusations!! Nice attempts at negative associations! We need a waaaaahmbulance here!

    3. @reader reply, i mentioned GA because the FB commenter said "Pro-Zimmer Alt-right blogs / shill sites", plural, as if he includes GA along with that other site. then again, he definitely sounds pretty unhinged, so i'm not sure his ravings are worth anything more than entertainment.

    4. Anon @ 9:31- it's clear that you couldn't find your own ass with a flashlight in the dark. Calling this blog (or yours truly) "Alt-Right" is hilarious. If that's the best you've got, as the Tangerine Caligula would Tweet: "SAD."

    5. Oh wait... this blog was called "homophobic" too? ha ha ha ha. GA loves my gay brothers and sisters- with some exceptions.

    6. GA, @9:31 here...this isn't my comment, i copied it from MDF's Facebook page and posted it here because i thought it was so ridiculously outrageous of an accusation. i'm on your side, believe me (as the tangerine caligula would say).

    7. Without using too much imagination, people can probably figure out who made that comment on DeFusco's Facebook page. Now that's what I call SAD!

    8. Apologies to you, 9:31/12:57. That's what you get before my 3rd cup of coffee!

      The author seems to have deleted the comment from Mike's Facebook page. But he did out himself with his statement:

      "This orchestrated vicious response attack on the council dais, the homophobic innuendos on the Pro-Zimmer Alt-right blogs / shill sites reminds me of when I ran against Russo and Roberts..."

      So, one can easily guess the identity of the author who outed himself as running with mayoral candidate Carol Marsh. This particular lying scumbag knows me well, so to smear me/this blog as "Alt Right" and "homophobic" shows a deep moral corruption, a depraved indifference to truth-telling, which speaks for itself.

    9. I think we all know who that "particular lying scumbag" is and why he continues to fail downward. It is not surprising that has now tried to attach himself to DeFusco. Birds of a feather.

    10. that Facebook comment is still there, actually:


      TRUTH: Tony Soares actually ran on Mayor Roberts ticket and was handed his highly controversial North Hudson Sewerage Authority appointment by Michael Russo.


      In 2001 Soares ran with Dave Roberts slate- he WON.

      In 2005 Soares ran with Carol Marsh- he LOST.


      In October 2005 the ZBA voted unanimously to approve the plans for conversion of The Seventh Day Adventist Church on 9th Street.

      In 2005 Michael DeFusco was a full voting member of the ZBA.

    14. sorry typo not 2005 - 2005 but 2015 - 2015

  9. How about We talk about Dawn getting a good deal so Hoboken doesn't welcome Citibike but "Hudson" bike share .. that dirty rat needs to go

  10. Now it's time for the 6AM hung-over posters^^^. Interesting how some are 'shallow' enough to want to change mayors over the selection of a bike share vendor in which they had no incentive other than to try to provide bikes- no shortage of Monday morning quarterbacks on that one. And this piece of work thinks it's a reason to change mayors. Priceless. I bet they'll be able to tie their own shoes soon too....jerks everywhere.
    Could we have a link to the DeFusco video please? I can't find it. Thanks.


    2. The reason is she's corrupt and has done little or nothing .. she needs to go

  11. This all begs the questions who backed DeFusco for his first council run, and who did Castellano piss off? looks like this mayoral run plan has been in motion for awhile.

  12. Tony Soares is right. This is a pro Zimmer blog that seeks to smear anyone who opposes the Mayor. DeFusco is learning a hard lesson. His name will be dragged through the mud and then set on fire by the owner of this blog. It is disgusting. Zimmer is afraid of Mike because he can put together a winning coalition. Looks like Soares and Mello are already on board. There will be more to come.

    1. "Smear"? No, I don't do personal character assassination- like a nasty person who would call me/this blog "alt-Right" and "homophobic". I stick to POLITICS. I tell the TRUTH. If a person cannot take the HEAT of Hoboken politics which includes criticism in ALL of its forms, they don't belong in Hoboken politics. 2:15 is suggesting all critics should shut up- the SLAPP suit tried that and failed.

      Calling this a "smear blog" is a smear. No, it is protected political speech. So, go fuck yourself. You are another whiny baby, like Soares, who can dish it out but can't take it. Oh yeah, and lies like a rug when he's caught.

      The fact that you are here, trying to bully me, tells me you are the one who's "afraid."

    2. 2:15 soares cant stand mello. but he's obviously going off the deep end and hates something more than he hates melo. good news for mello until soares goes back to hating him.

    3. Mello hates Soares, too.

    4. I'm afraid of Mike because he thinks knocking the despised Castellano out of the box makes him somehow viable. Well, get used to this type of grandstanding without a cause as he desperately tries to keep his name in the papers to run for mayor without a record to run on. Having the argumentative and IMO ill-mannered Soares onboard makes sure that he is captaining a Titanic. Of course, at this point in TS's progression, it seems he'll hitch his wagon to anyone. Just wish he regains the more reasonable standards he used to have.

    5. No evidence of GA being homophobic. Also, no evidence of GA alligning idealogically with "alt-right" blogs.
      But, there is plenty of evidence that GA uses many tactics of the "alt-right"- under the disguise of "journalism", "satire", and freedom of speech. Nonetheless, like the "alt-right" social media blogs, GA has an audience and is effective as a propagandist and partisan who clouds and spins the truth when needed and demonizes those seen as threats or whose opinions run contrary to the status quo.

    6. Well, Anon @ 8:03- This blog existed 7 years before there was an "Alt-Right"- maybe they are copying me? Actually, political satire is as old as our democracy. A more persuasive tactic for you would be (instead of bashing my political free speech in all of its forms) rebutting the FACTS. Your "shooting the messenger" SPAM gets old fast. Can you answer these:

      Did Mike miss the 901 Bloomfield ZBA meetings, or didn't he?

      Is Joey Muniz trying to push Stick out of the mayoral race by threatening to run Ruben Ramos?

      Are Vincent Prieto and Nick Sacco trying to 'take over' Hoboken by replacing Zimmer with Mike DeFusco?

    7. The tactcs of the "alt-right" are not new nor is "yellow journalism"--Like most bullies, GA is dealing ineffectively with her own pain. Online this is manifested by inflicting ridicule, innuendo, and personal attacks on others she sees as "unpure" or corrupt-- see ethnic "old guard" vs the politically pure and uncorruptable "reform" she most aligns with.

    8. 8:56--The tactics of a "troll" are not new- the goal is to divert the topic of discussion, disrupt the blog/blogger, such as waste her time fending off baseless attacks- or trying to discredit her blog content. Anyone who calls political discourse "bullying" is a big, whiny baby bereft of answers to hard questions like: why are Vinne Prieto and Nick Sacco trying to oust Dawn and relace her with Mike DeFusco?

      The trolling on this site went from 0 to 100 when the topic moved to questioning Mike Defusco. Personal attacks roll off my back, only make DeFusco's team look nasty, weak and afraid .

      I have respected Mike Defusco's internet space. If DeFusco trolls continue to $hit here and disrespect mine, I will take the discussion over there.

  13. Accusations of "alt-right" is both hilarious and highly ironic, considering that so many of those who are against the Zimmer administration turn into such sensitive SNOWFLAKES when anyone here questions their position, LOL. Where everyone else see dialogue and discussion, they see SMEARS! and SHILLS!! OMG!!!

    Of course, the biggest irony is that they feign snowflake-itis here but offline and behind the scenes they tend to be among the nastiest dirty campaigners in town. Bunch of hypocrites.

  14. Orchestrated response? When did he become Lane and Kim? They must be enjoying his meltdown most of all.

    1. He was never any different than Lane and Kim. Except that they were actually far more skilled.

  15. If DeFusco actually ends up running for mayor, his campaign has no place to go but up.

  16. Soares is DeFusco's "political advisor"?

  17. GA, there's a response to you on Mike's Facebook page:

    "Tony Soares: Hey everyone, Just an FYI go see the nice write up GA does to people who express free speech and to GA,I was writing all about you. You can curse at me all you want with your F-bomb filled attacks, the readers will I'm make up their own minds - enjoy your echo chambers."

    1. Tony Soares is just being Tony Soares and in the long run his usual corrosive hate filled diatribes will only end up hurting Michael DeFusco in the long run..

    2. TS is the opposite of a canary in a coal mine- if he can survive long term in any given environment it is pretty much proof that the envioronment is toxic.

  18. Mike sanitizes his Facebook removing any negative feedback, so linking to this page will be a shock to his Facebook viewers.

  19. Why is Vijay meeting up with Steve Fullop behind Dawn's knowledge? Does anyone know? .. I've seen them a couple of times at my post work bar in JC ..

    1. No, you haven't moron. You are the idiot that keeps dumping gibberish here- it's "Fulop" with one 'L', dunce.

  20. So many Zimmerattacks in this blog
    I hope this is not your day job GA
    .. remember 45 is taking the food stamps away..
    what school did you go to ? Trump U ?

    1. Sticks and stones. Why don't you grow up?

    2. Eat shit and die, asswipe. Is this the same guy that I hear is trotting around town calling the MD the "gay Cammarano" behind his back? And he claims that GA is homophobic? What a tool. Actually, both of them are tools.

  21. Election season brings out the armies of people who are coincidentally all in the know about the intricate inside deals going on in government but are really "just regular folks asking questions."

    I'm a real person in the first ward, and I'm disappointed in Mike now. And it bums me out.

    I volunteered for Eric Kurta when he took on Terry. Then when Mike showed up I donated money. I was excited and desperate to get someone rational and respectful to represent me.

    His new habit of finger pointing and picking random issues to get blustery about is obnoxious. I know it's "just politics," but give me a break.

    Did you know that a giant tractor trailer had trouble making the turn on Newark from Hudson? And that's Dawn Zimmer's fault?

    A real councilman would maybe do something to make streets safer for the citizens, like trying to improve the signage of where truck routes are to keep them off roads they aren't supposed to travel. In my opinion, a massive truck like that has no business in Hoboken period, let alone trying to make that turn. But let's point fingers instead.

    What has he done to help press the Suez water issue? Better to just complain that nothing has changed and water mains keep rupturing. We know that Mike, you're in a position to actually maybe help. Maybe try that.

    And thanks for looking out for a community center in a different ward, and offering up the first ward for some over-development as a payoff. Really appreciate you looking out for your constituents.

    That is, unless his constituents are actually the usual Hoboken or Hudson County suspects. Looks like I got duped. Wish I could get a refund.

  22. Phony's endorsement will be the kiss of death for his mayoral candidate just like it was for his NHSA candidate. He's a loudmouthed has-been whose credibility in this town is toast. Anyone who pretends he hasn't already burned his bridge with them 20 times over is just humoring him and being polite.

  23. The publisher of this blog is the biggest bully Hoboken has ever seen. She keeps saying this is protected speech. Well so in the KKK holding a rally or Neo-Nazi's having a Goose step parade. Yet, both of those examples are disgusting.

    Now you are attacking Councilman Soares, a pioneer of Hoboken reform. Tony did more in his time on the City Council than you will ever do in your life.

    The lawsuit you never seem to mention is the one involving a RICO Act violation. Why? Because you are a tool for the corrupt organization that runs this town.

    Next year Zimmer will be out and DeFusco will be Mayor. You'll be back to looking for reasons to exist because this blog will be exposed and done. Enjoy it while it lasts.

    1. Gee, I wonder which of the one or two people that would use the term "Councilman Soares" wrote this? ...Hmmmmmm... DeFusco's campaign is off to SUCH a lame, nasty start!

    2. Tony, you are the biggest baby around. If you make false accusations in the public domain (Facebook) that this is a "homophobic" and "alt right blog," damn straight I will defend it in the public domain. You don't like it? Too bad, so sad. No one dishes it out like you, and no one cries like you when they get blowback for it. The only "RICO" lawsuit I know of is Carmelo's, and I've written about that for years. If you want to help Mike, stop attacking everyone who has alternative political opinions. Take your threats and insults and shove them up your ass.

    3. I like Mike personally. Politics is not personal- only YOU make it that way. Mike has made a big mistake hooking up with you.

    4. "Mike has made a big mistake hooking up with you" = "Mike has shown himself to be unpure, he is now to be questioned and his supporters to be ridiculed and attacked"

    5. I liked Mike until recently. Instead of taking Hudson County problems and blaming the Mayor, why not tout his own accomplishments? What has Mike done successfully as a Councilman?

      Here's a tip, when pointing out issues (truck that made a wrong turn, lightrail accident in JC, pipe burst) you should also propose what YOUR IDEAS for solutions are. Everyone can see a problem, point at it, and ask why it hasn't been fixed. You're in a position to FIX problems with your IDEAS. Get something done for f*ck's sake instead of just blaming others.

    6. 10:01--Wrong translation. Let me correct you:

      "Mike has hooked up with a person who smeared this blog in the public domain ("alt right", "homophobic") under his own name. If I were Mike, I would consider the judgment of this person to be shaky at best, I would consider this person's unrelenting negativity and nastiness to be unhelpful to my political aspirations = a "mistake".

      No one is "ridiculing" his "supporters"you two-faced phony- responding to a politically motivated attack from one loudmouth obnoxious supporter is not "ridicule". Do you think you are helping Mike with your bile? Yeah, he made a big mistake hooking up with you.

    7. Mike hasn't shown himself to be "impure" because of his association with Tony Soares. After all, (Ex)Councilman Soares is a pioneer of reform isn't he?

      His associations with Hoboken's corrupt Old Guard and with the sketchiest elements in the County (see Joey Muniz) have certainly raised questions about his integrity. But his association with Mr. Soares raises questions only about his judgment. You have to be a bit of an idiot to listen too much to Tony. Nobody with any sense wants him anywhere near them. My guess is that Mike will figure that out pretty soon since he's probably in the process of hiring real professionals to do his messaging, and they'll advise Mike to muzzle Tony and that probably won't go well.

    8. You must be kidding. No one can muzzle that mouth. If they could he'd choke on his own venom.

    9. "Councilman Sores" is so 20 years ago, long enough to forget he ran with Ruben Ramos and a close associate of convicted felon Bob Janiszewski, with Perry Belfiore running the show. He had no allegiance to "reform" and kept a foot in every camp the whole time he was in office, then leveraged his position to advance himself and his career ever since. He's given everyone he can corner his "I leave the NHSA in better shape than I found it" speech and they all laugh that he only ever wanted the health benefits and doomed his handpicked successor by endorsing him.

      There's never been anyone whose self-importance was more opposite to what people actually thought of him and never been a more thin-skinned hypocrite who loves to throw bombs and then cry foul when people throw them back.

      He is a laughing stock, a hypocrite, a self-serving trough-feeder and a buffoon. Mike DeFusco coulda been somebody if anyone had warned him to run like the wind when Tony Sores comes to stand next to you.

    10. Bash Tony all you'd like but with Tony on his ticket Mike's election is a given, especially with the support he's also receiving from Joe Muniz the new defacto hudson county boss.

      If you dumbasses ever get out of your echo chamber you'd discover that Tony is well known and widely respected, actually loved, throughout Hoboken. He's an icon to old time reformers. A ticket with him as the Mayoral candidate would be even better but I'll settle for having him on the ticket and providing Mike with advice based on his wealth of institutional knowledge.

    11. "He's an icon to old time reformers."
      This is exactly the kind of thing Beth Mason or Inez Garciz Kreim would say.

    12. Tony carried the Marsh ticket on his shoulders. With decent ticketmates he would have won. But the rest of the ticket including Carol was just boring and Mike Lenz insisted on Carol Marsh instead of Tony for Mayor. With Tony at the top of the ticket reform would have taken over the City back in 2005 and saved us from four more years of Roberts and the 8 year Zimmer faux reform disaster.

      But we can't change the past. Only the Future. That's why it's so exciting to see Tony back supporting a REAL REFORMER and true visionary like Mike.

    13. This sounds like the battle cry to return to the past.

    14. Tony @ 12:40, are you sure Carol didn't lose because you were on her ticket?

    15. with friends like you.....March 7, 2017 at 1:30 PM

      Nice.... throwing your friends Carol and Lenz under the bus.

    16. Wow, Mike is a true visionary? What does he envision for Hoboken? So far he's blamed others and pointed out the obvious (we need safer light rail crossings). What would he DO differently and what has he DONE - to prove he is capable of delivering on his promises?


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