St. Valentine's Day Massacre

Not this one, this one:

HOBOKEN, Valentine's Day-  Today reports of a direct mail-massacre are coming in from residents all over Hoboken, NJ.

The massacre appears to have affected all six wards of the Mile-Square city.

Mailboxes through-out the city have complained that the 6 x 9-inch, two-sided cards are clogging them up so that residents' Valentine cards cannot fit.   One mailbox moaned, "Its not even election time... why oh why?"

The direct-mail is two-sided, covered with hearts, a quote from Maya Angelou and "Romano2017."  The mail provides numerous ways to contact Ms. Angelou:  email, Facebook, Twitter, a website and Instagram.

If you are a victim of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, a survivors group will be holding a Meet-up soon at a Hoboken bar near you.

Victims, send your photos to GA at


  1. I guess he loves you three ladies.

  2. I received a birthday card from him. Creepy.

  3. I threw mine out. It made me angry. Who pays for all these full color cards and postage he sends all the time? Is this where my county taxes are going? I'm going to be livid if he gets re-elected.

  4. I didn't get one, maybe it's Ladies Only!

    1. My husband got one too. Should I be worried?

    2. 6:39 Stick generally likes women, but I suppose if marooned on a desert island with your husband...

  5. I would fully expect this sort of vapid self promotion fro the likes of Beth Mason.

  6. He clearly has no standards

  7. MSV posted about an InsiderNJ story, that the HCDO will back Romano for Freeholder who will NOT be running for Hoboken mayor and will not back DeFusco if he tries to run for mayor.


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