"Nominate perry b!"

left: Perry Belfiore v City of Hoboken, The City Council, et. al, top right: Councilwoman Beth Mason and her attorney, Steve Kleinman leaving hearing  for Mason's criminal complaint against MSV',  bottom right: Hoboken City Council members who are being sued by Perry Belfiore

GA is a lay-person, so not sure what this all means, but... follow this.

A former Hoboken Corporation Counsel served the City from 2007-2009, then in 2010 joined the private practice of Greg Paster, Esq.

Emails produced in Bajardi v Pincus show that a relationship between former the Corporation Counsel and Councilwoman Beth Mason continued after he left the public sector.

The Bajardi emails show Hoboken's former Corporation Counsel provided legal services for Beth Mason, which included aiding her various political operations against Reform candidates and elected Reform officials.  The Bajardi emails show that Mason's point-of-contact for the legal work was her  paid political operative, James Barracato. 

The following 7 emails illustrate the nature of the legal work performed at the request of Councilwoman Beth Mason's cabal:


Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit

Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit


Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit


Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit

Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit

Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit


Bajardi v Pincus email exhibit
"nominate perry b!"

Funny that should come up...   because Perry B is Hoboken's newest litigant in our ever-changing landscape of politically-motivated litigation.

Welcome, perry b! 

A word of advice to "perry b": you may want to speak to a certain notorious Hoboken Plaintiff- a huge L-O-S-E-R, in fact.... someone so narcissistic that he could not imagine his courtroom antics would sour and eat him whole.   This miserable LOSER might tell you that things in the rear view mirror are much closer than they seem. Hey, if things don't work out, you get to keep your hair.

Well, back to my original point...

GA was so surprised to discover that Hoboken's Former Corporation Counsel is the "trial attorney" in Plaintiff Perry Belfiore's "First Amendment" civil complaint against the Defendants which include Councilwoman Beth Mason!  


Remember who gets hurt when politically-motivated lawsuits are filed against the City of Hoboken: the Hoboken Taxpayer.
Belfiore v The City of Hoboken, The Hoboken City Council, et. al,


  1. Also, Weehauken fishboy calling Ravi "a two-faced pig". What a fucking scumbag, I look forward to the day when that dude experiences the sweet sweet karma that felled Lane and Kim.

  2. This is a lot to digest. my first question is what is former 2ND ward cc woman Beth Mason's role in the PB lawsuit? She authorized her lawyer to sue her??????

  3. PB will learn discovery is a two way street.

  4. The OG timed this to hurt Ravi.

    1. Of course they did. I wonder if the this judge will call Perry a BIGOT like the last one did when he tried to attack Ravi in court

  5. Why did Perry wait so long to file? Liebler had his filed his lawsuit right away.

  6. What's the Cryan connection?

    Are we really still paying health benefits for city council members? If so, that has to stop.

    1. Cryan was Occhipinti's campaign manager in the 2010 4TH ward special election.

    2. Funny how with his work history he got picked for a big job in West New York.


  7. Is this the same perry b?

  8. Did not know Perry was a bar owner in town.


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