Earwitness News: Police summoned to Shop of Horrors?

This arrived yesterday from an Earwitness:
So today, Mason, as she often does, and as if she's still in office, attracted snow-shovelers to clear snow from the homes of senior citizens and businesses who reach out to her.  The pay was low, and they were fed McDonald's while inside the Little Shop of Horrors, but the noise from the place and people on the street who showed up, meant that on this sleepy snow day police had to be summoned. Twice. One neighbor said he was afraid to pass with a stroller and was "disgusted" by the behavior he was subjected to.   Someone I know participated (he's desperate for cash) and said "I'm totally f*cking shocked right now... you know I do not get shocked easily". He was surprised that everyone was disrespecting the Shop of Horrors, loud music was blasting, everyone was spilling outside onto the street, not allowing people to pass.  This person is no altar boy, so if he was shocked, that's saying something. The cops were mellow about it but they had to come twice.  It sounds to me like the noise and behavior were the problems in equal measure.  A local window washer distributed the shovels. Crap from McDonald's was ordered inside. Not too many calls for snow removal, so a lot of mingling around outside and before too long police were called.  
Doesn't the HPD have better things to do than babysit the taxpayer-funded Shop of Horrors? 

GA hopes that the Shop of Horrors' next good-Samaritan endeavor does allegedly not require police control. nor allegedly disturb the neighbors.   Who was allegedly supervising?


  1. Can't believe Mason would let kids loiter on the street... just pay them and send them home!

    1. As it has always been Mrs Richard Mason never actually does anything herself but instead just sends her minions and writes a check (tax deductible ?) so she can sen out a press release or make a self conratulating Facebook post.

  2. Just when I was beginning to think Mason and her posse had felt enough shame to finally leave town, as I hadn't seen her, Inez, Sarah or Kim in a really long time on the street.

    1. Sara and Kim rarely venture out into the sunlight. I'm sure even the slowest of these slow studies sees more downside than upside to their relationships to Beth by now. But Beth herself is incapable of reflection, or she'd understand how cringe-inducing are her attempts to curry favor with HHA by handing out trinkets and shiny objects.

    2. Word is debtors Kim and Lane lost their appeal to stop the sale of their condo. Creditors can collect now. First the sheriff comes knocking and their belongings get tossed out on the street. Then the litigious duo get tossed out.

    3. You mean they didn't get the 2 million dollars?

    4. That's what they owe their lawyers.

    5. Maybe Lane and Kim can shovel snow for Beth Mason. Low pay, no bennies.


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