Petrosino admits to editing data "for aesthetic purposes"

Direct hit! 

Last night, HoLa Trustee Anthony Petrosino was forced to admit that he had edited data on a graph representing his blog's "daily page view' numbers. His dishonest, misleading post was published on December 28, 2016 and called, "A Sincere Thank You--"

The edited graph was designed to trick his readers... You see, the Texas Trickster enormously inflated "daily page view" numbers to represent the "incredible volume" the companion post thanked them for.

Well, GA busted the Texas Truth-Twister in yesterday's post, so last night he revised his post to address my findings.

His revisions are noted in the screen shot below:

All it took was a little sunshine.

So, if he's editing graphs to misrepresent something as petty as blog traffic, what can you trust on his blog. You decide.


Petrosino generated his  'new' graph with different parameters.  Instead of "monthly" traffic (which shows traffic per day), he's generated "all time" traffic.

The graph shows no signs of editing.

The graph supports Petrosino's claim that his traffic has increased in the "last few weeks."

The graph supports the fact that his FIRST graph was generated from HIS blog- the average daily traffic is virtually the same for November 2016. In other words, he is bullshitting about the first graph being "unrelated" to his blog.

The graphs he threw in at the bottom are gratuitous and inexplicable.


Petrosino's traffic spiked leading up to and during the month of November. That was election season when Petro was churning out political materials for his slate, Parents United, which many believe was a proxy for HoLa to end the lawsuit.

The December 2016 spike is likely because of Petro's protracted, vigorous disinformation campaign on racial demographics in Hoboken District Schools and HoLa, which included a "Facebook" campaign linking his blog.


A serial prevaricator has admitted to falsifying data on a graph, then publishing it, in order to mislead his readers on a factual matter.  Here is his "explanation":
"Previous charts and figures were for aesthetic purposes, were edited, and unrelated to the actual written content of the blog." - Petrosino
Yeah, right.


  1. That is definitely a new excuse for what I would consider as "academic dishonesty".

    1. It seems there was an extrapolation done by Grafix_Avenger attempting to utilize January's data (i.e. "screenshots of web counter") and do a post-hoc retrofitting analysis to model November's data. This is froth with numerous statistical and procedural issues none of which are adequately addressed in this post. It appears that the Grafix_Avenger employs a "trust me, I know" methodology. I question whether this analysis would satisfy basic requirements for an undergraduate term project never mind peer review. Her analysis concerning the magnification of text is a matter outside my area of expertise but I understand the Grafix_Avenger is especially skilled at manipulating graphical representations in many forms.

    2. Wow, that post could have come from almost anyone!

    3. Doc @ 6:16, you really are a hoot. I noticed you took your "edited" graph down, off the post which you buried. I downloaded a copy of course.

      But isn't the point moot since you have confessed to editing the graph "for aesthetic purposes." So, my photoshop skills are irrelevant.

      But really, you have confused this blog with Hoboken Patch, where you claim to have posted hundreds of meaningless, inane comments as CuriousGal.

      This meandering exchange with a person whom I've come to believe is a "sick fuck" is a waste of my time. Are you that lonely, that you haunt this blog? If you open up commenting, I am sure your friends will come and play with you. I will prob start zapping your drivel, so you are on notice. Time's up, Doc!

  2. Damn wish I knew about this excuse when I was a kid. Every time I got caught telling a lie, I would have told my Mom that I was just being dishonest "for aesthetic purposes".

    It sounds like a Trumpism, except he doesn't know what aesthetic means.

    1. 1:45...Facts don’t matter. You can’t hurt this guy with facts or reason. He’ll always outmaneuver you. He’ll always wiggle out of whatever carefully crafted trap you lay for him. Whatever he says, you won’t be able to challenge him. He always comes with a bag of meaningless factoids (he likes to drown criticism he doesn’t like in dull, unverifiable stats, figures and percentages), platitudes, false moral equivalences and straight, undiluted bs. He knows it’s a one-way communication- but there is always enough truth (and ambiguity) for wiggle room.
      IMHO, GA had him on this...and he slips out of it like a snake in the grass. All the while thanking and praising everyone in sight with his mia cua. Slimeball.

    2. 10:30- Doc,you haven't outmaneuvered anyone. This is not a fencing match. You cannot wiggle away from your own 'work product.' No disclaimer can protect your reputation in Hoboken. Time after time, you've been exposed as a fraud, you HAVE been "hurt" with facts and reason in the court of public opinion, you have certainly hurt your family here in Hoboken. Don't you care about your own sister, who teaches in the Hoboken district? I won't name her, God knows she's embarrassed enough by you.

    3. 2:01 Like you and all of us, his family knows no one reads his blog :-)

    4. Not what i heard. An OG friend of the family says the brother and sister are really upset and don't know why he keeps doing it.


  3. Dr. Curious Gal obviously doesn't like having to explain himself.
    HoLa and the Old Guard BOE flunkies must never ask him to explain anything which may be why they get along so well.

    What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.

  4. "Accademic fraud" is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise. Academic fraud includes use of "False Data." "False data" is the fabrication or alteration of data to deliberately mislead , and not for "aesthetic purposes".

    1. 6:50 A blog post with his disclaimers fall well short of a formal academic exercise (journal article, chapter, conference presentation, book, etc...)

    2. 11:05- his disclaimers don't protect the professor from accusations of academic fraud. If the man is tampering with data on a blog, No one should trust a single thing in his formal academic work. This is not a court of law, his disclaimer is meaningless. But if the professor is ever accused of academic fraud in his formal work, his blog fraud will be used against him in a court of law. His "disclaimer" will mean nothing to a jury. All in all, he is a dishonest academic.

    3. Then he should put on the top of his blog that he is full of shit and making everything up.

    4. 1:38 nothing protects anyone from accusations. The professor cannot help it if a few of his thousands of readers misunderstood a stock graphic.

    5. It wasn't a "stock graphic" it was his Blogger monthly page hits with the left column "edited for aesthetic purposes". He doesn't have thousands of readers. Maybe a few dozen refreshing the page lol.

    6. I've seen that graphic on 2 or 3 other previous posts. Not sure that means stock or not.

    7. No you haven't. The graph was generated for the month of November 2016. Doc, give up the lame-ass excuses and just hang your head in shame.

  5. He's such a lying POS.

    His post was up since the 28th of Dec.

    Your post came out on the 12th of Jan and he changes his graphic later on the 12th of Jan.

    But he wants the world to believe that's just a coincidence and he actually changed it because of communication from "regular and occasional readers".

    Yeah, so when it was up for 2 weeks unchallenged, where were all these "regular and occasional readers"? And how did they get in touch since comments aren't allowed and no email address is provided? Maybe they kept guessing email addresses? Yeah - maybe that's why it took 2 weeks - the "regular and occasional readers" were guessing his email address.


    1. 6:52 you seem to pay a great deal of attention to his blog. BTW, his premimum followers have commenting privilages.

    2. sorry, 8:14, but ain't NO-BODY ON EARTH paying to read that blog, LOL! good one.

    3. 6:52 Blogger doesn't have "premium followers" so you are lying once again. There are no comments on his blog, period.

    4. I give it a few day before he makes up some BS comments of his own and posts them so he can pretend he has premium followers.

  6. What an asshole. Does he really think anyone believes that he put it up there as an example of growing hits not HIS actual graph? Him stammering and twisting explanation under "Anonymous " are killing me. What a fucking pathetic dishonest douche. BUSTED, Still a number fudger. I wouldn't trust any number or stat he ever published!

  7. Transmission electron micrograph's (TEM) are capable of 16,000 magnifaction and used to study single cells by microbiologists.

  8. This is awesome. I shot a note to my tax prep guy to put me down for a $1million contribution to The Human Fund. I can skate on that for years.

    And the best part - if I get caught I'll just say "representations of charitable giving in this form are meant for aesthetic purposes only."

    It's perfect. Thanks, Petro!

    1. You can say they need to get the Premium Subscription to your tax forms in order to see your actual deductions. That makes it their fault.

  9. Does that dumbass seriously believe anyone can't tell he's the one posting here? The OG's barely care about him anymore let alone his stupid blog. Such a moron.

  10. Why would more people read his blog in December than early November leading to the election? If your graphic is correct, he had A LOT more hits in December and January than November or even October.

    1. Take back January comment- cant really tell dates just months, sorry

  11. Didnt GA go into attack mode on Petro in Oct-Nov? Maybe THAT caused the increase in hits? Bringing more attention to this db than he deserves--???

    1. Doubtful but you do bring up a good point in a rather tangential manner. This DB tends to get caught red handed pulling stunts like this quite often. Rather stupid in my opinion that he keeps it up. He'd be better off just admitting he has nothing productive to say that is actually true - and either STFU up stop pretending his sham analysis is anything but the whimsical musings of a man living in fantasyland.

    2. Don't flatter yourself, Doc. I don't give a damn about you, and you aren't worth my time. "Attack mode" on GA was in fact debunking the spate of lies on your "education" blog- about QSACs, student enrollment, graduation rates, demographics, and so on. YOU were in "attack mode" on the TRUTH.

  12. And he has already admitted his numbers weren't accurate anyway. Had he seen the actual increase from GA's attack, he could have just said that.

    1. 11:45 where did he admit "his numbers weren't accurate"?

  13. You seem stuck on the word "attack," 11:45, 10:03.

    What word do you use for this grifter's constant spreading of disinformation about the schools which is tantamount to an ongoing bitter attack on the children of the city he was born in?

  14. The guy hasnt posted about Hoboken in 2 months- thats all i'm saying. Carry on

    1. Come to think of it, it's been months since Trump called Mexicans rapists. Hey, maybe he'll be a good president after all.

      I know you live in a dome where all truth is relative. Other people don't.

    2. 2:22 as always you make thoughtful and eloquent points-can't argue with your spot on analogy.

    3. 12:13....Most people would associate the opening words of this post ("direct hit") with an attack.

    4. "Most people"? No, "most people" know by now that you're a serial liar who got busted once again.

  15. HoLa is looking put a "media relations manager." Do other Hoboken charter schools have media relations managers ?

    1. Wtf? This is how HoLa is using taxpayer money?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Maybe someone in the OG needs a make-work job? Not like those asswipes haven't done it before.

    4. Idiot @ 10:12-- School Messenger is a platform to host the website and other tools NOT a media manager .

      So dishonest!

    5. I saw job posting on Indeed on line and wouldn't be surprised if the Old Guard already had someone for the job and just tailored the job description to fit. That said getting more resumes in to HoLa will make it harder to play games and make this a paid political patronage position.

    6. Other charter schools have media relations managers. That is Martinez's full time job at the Uncommon Charter school chain.
      Charters don't have to follow the same fiscal accountability rules as district schools. They don't have QSAC, either.

    7. 7:38- A chain of charters like Uncommon Schools might need a media relations manager, but why does a single charter school like HoLa need one? The other charters in Hoboken don't seem to have a PR person. The district certainly doesn't. This is a waste of our taxpayer dollars. Has HoLa been audited?

  16. 5:59.....West Corporation is a global provider of communication and network infrastructure services. West helps its clients more effectively communicate, collaborate and connect with their audiences through a diverse portfolio of solutions that include unified communications services, safety services, interactive services such as automated notifications, telecom services and specialty agent services.

    1. I make no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the website or the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk.

    2. Doc, you continue to be completely DISHONEST. "West Corp" is the network, and "School Messenger" is the platform for the district's web site. There is NO PR firm nor PR person employed by the Hoboken district. None.

      Why does HoLa need a PR person? We hear a lot of bitching and moaning about the expense of a lawsuit, but taxpayers are on the hook for HoLa's PR person salary + bennies. Isn't Board trustee Barbara Martinez a professional PR person? Can't she donate her time?

    3. Don't you get it? HoLa hires a "friend" - maybe Petro wants the gig? Maybe somebody gets a finders fee? Like the old days at the BoE, same shady cast of characters the district threw out.

    4. Sad that parents of HoLa students allow this crap to continue.

    5. When will HoLa be hiring someone to run the copy machines and another person to replace the window AC units? If this tiny school is going to waste $ on a PR person, those sorts of jobs can't be far behind.

    6. WTF is this moron doing constantly responding as an anonymous poster? Doesn't he have a class to teach or something? If he didn't put out so much easily discredited crap then GA wouldn't have to flush that preening little dipshit down the toilet. At this point it is like GA is shooting fish in a barrel. And HOLA has a lot to answer for with regard to their Trustee. Every other board member should be embarrassed by any association with him. Get rid of him, HOLA, or suffer the repercussions of having an idiot on your Board whose sole mission seems to be spreading specious falsehoods about the Hoboken school system for personal reasons that have nothing to do with the education of Hoboken's children.

    7. QOTV, maybe that's why HoLa needs a PR firm- to put lipstick on their Pig-asino.

    8. More of a quantity rather than quality situation. Think paint rollers.

  17. Did you see this utter gibberish the "professor" excreted?

  18. Omg, just went to that link....what a mound of unintelligible horse patties!!! Is that Doctor Petrosino for real? What gaseous gibberish! Does the University of Texas at Austin pay him to expectorate that puffed up rubbish??? Did he plagiarize it from used toilet tissue rotting in a Staten Island landfill?

  19. ˙ʇsod lɐuiƃiɹo ǝɥʇ ɟo ʇuǝʇuoɔ uǝʇʇiɹʍ lɐnʇɔɐ ǝɥʇ oʇ pǝʇɐlǝɹun puɐ 'pǝʇipǝ ǝɹǝʍ 'sǝsodɹnd ǝʌiʇɐɹʇsuoɯǝp puɐ ɔiʇǝɥʇsǝɐ ɹoɟ ǝɹǝʍ sǝɹnƃiɟ puɐ sʇɹɐɥɔ snoiʌǝɹԀ

  20. 7:52- I see what you mean. What garbage! Pretentious, bloated, meaningless gibberish! Petrosino's doctorate came from the bottom of a Crackerjack box! No wonder he got fired from Hoboken!

  21. He's the Rockwell Retro Encabulator of academia.

  22. "an education system, flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge"....


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