Matt "the Flashlight" Calicchio in the News- UPDATED

UPDATE-  The Tweet heard 'round the world from Hoboken's own Mr. Flashlight.


It looks like the Calicchio story is making its way around the Internets; the Inquisitor just weighed in. 



Happy New Year, people.  Shall we start off 2017 with a hybrid human-ape interest story?

Remember this guy:

Well, Hoboken's 2016 BoE Election MVP is back in the news!  And it's not about politics.

Well, this morning GA noted a traffic surge on what is typically a slow traffic time of the year, from a wrestling news web site.

Visitors are coming in from this article.:

The article links to a GA post from 2012: "Calicchio's Alleged WWE Antics- UPDATED" and to the 2012 article in the Hoboken Reporter about Calicchio's harassment trial.    

Well folks, believe it or not the story about Calicchio's Tweet is the top story on the website's home page! 

Welcome to 2017.


  1. LOL! How's yer [redacted] mom, ya crack baby?

    1. His mother passed away. Show some class.

    2. Ask one of his many victims how much class moby's dick showed when he repeatedly taunted him, "how's your DEAD BROTHER?"

    3. That's true. Ape boy got in Horsey's grill at an HHA meeting and kept taunting him "How's your dead brother?" Ape boy was with Mason.

    4. Yes the guy is an ass but now so are you. Congratulations.

  2. Yikes, what a disaster. That being said, Beth Mason is probably thrilled, since the article refers to her as City Council president from 2007-2015. At this point in the downward spiral of her political career, that passes for good press. She'll take it!

    1. Hahaha!!! The Norma Desmond of Hoboken

    2. "The Norma Desmond of Hoboken"...OMG, that is the PERFECT description!

    3. Except that the Norma Desmond character had once achieved greatness, earned her own wealth and once had adoring fans before losing her grip on reality. Mason has done none of these, except the insanity part.

  3. Any rational person who is in anyway connected to Matt Calicchio has to know by now that putrid stink of his past sticks to them like stepping in dog poop on a hot humid day in August.

  4. The fact that the Darkside still allows -- heck, encourages! -- Matt to be actively involved in local campaigns, as exemplify by the last BoE election, says all you need to know about them. Yup, that Stick/Russo political machine sure is a thing of beauty, alright.

  5. His name ends in a vowel...must be demonized. Glad to see he has friends who care about him. Never had a problem with him and while i'm a "reformer" i'm getting tired of the hatred and cyber-bullying and stalking taking place

    1. "His name ends in a vowel..." are you for real? Any vowel in particular? An "a" like in Bhalla? An "i" like in Bajardi? Guys who file slapp suits names end in a vowel. Sure, you're a reformer. Can I shine a flashlight in your eyes? Tired? Then take a nap.

    2. 5:21. This character is indefensible. He followed and harassed a 5 year old and her Mom from a school. Among a number of other things

      Who is the bully???

    3. 7:02 the mom (TM) pursued a politically motivated charge using her child as a prop to garner sympathy and attention. She lost. Enough said.

    4. 8:08- Go back under your rock. Judge Sixto Macias believed Theresa was telling the truth, and Calicchio and his witness Tania Garcia were lying- but ruled the harassment was not actionable because Teresa was a public figure/ elected official. Its all in the transcript.

    5. Harassment was not actionable = no harassment took place under the law

    6. Take it to the Judge, 9:27. Exactly what I said- the judge called Caliccio and his witness "liars," believed Minutillo AND that the "bullying" as she described it occurred. "Enough said."

      Now as to the allegations or the situation that -- that -- that it was politically motivated for this complainant to file a complaint against this defendant is completely garbage. He?s not a candidate. He is nobody in the political system of Hoboken. He might think he is. He?s being used in exchange for a job, but, you know, we see it all over this country. My -- my -- my -- the toughest decision that I have to make is whether or not the words that he used on the 18th of October raise it to -- to the criminal level. The -- the -- the credibility I already explained into the record that I don?t believe Mr. -- the defendant or Ms. Garcia. But now what did he say? He said to the complainant, I am coming after you in April. I am coming after -- after you. April is around the corner. It?s purely political. Now maybe because the defendant?s a big guy, and -- and -- and maybe the proximity of -- of -- of -- of the complainant and the defendant that day created this -- this fear... I was also concerned at the beginning why was the defendant in the schoolyard. I really don?t believe the -- the -- Ms. Garcia and him... Now if you are an elected official, and we see it every day. People want to -- people want to call you names. They do to each other, and we do -- and -- and the public calls them names. I -- I believe that -- that -- that eventually it have a serious effect on people running for office. I wouldn?t run for office if you pay me. Why would I be in the ShopRite in -- in -- in Hoboken and somebody approach me about a decision that I made about the school hours being cut to two o?clock. I may have to face a person like that. I -- I -- I find that Mr. Calicchio uttered those words that day, but I find that those words do not rise to the criminal intent of harassment. As a public officer, the -- the -- the standards -- you?re a public figure. As a public figure you have to expect people to react to your -- to your position. And we live in a democracy where we can voice our -- our -- our disgust, our other way of thinking to the other person. I -- I -- I personally, not as a judge, I -- I find it very disturbing, very uncivilized. Very -- it?s like bullying somebody. It?s -- it?s -- it?s -- it?s -- and it?s childish. Because you?re talking to the complainant in the street is not going to change her running or not running in April. It?s not going to do that. Maybe you think you?re that -- you?re that -- you?re that persuasive, but you?re not. You?re just a fool that?s been used by -- by -- by whoever. And what I find really, really, really, really disturbing is that people lied in that, you know, after swearing that they would tell the truth. People lied. Openly lied, which is -- which is worse than -- than a harassment charge, you know. I would have -- I would have taken a charge of harassment better than somebody calling me a liar. And I find you not guilty, but I think you lied. Thank you very much.

      MR. COVIELLO: Thank you, Judge.

      THE DEFENDANT: Thank you, Judge. (Proceedings concluded)

  6. "Fan mode to creepy mode to psycho mode"

    "Stage 5 creeper/stalker"

    A morbidly obese, 30 something single man, with a history of acting out aggressively, goes from state to state stalking a muscular man who wrestles in speedo and his young wife, sees himself as part of his family.
    Time to get the lawyers working on a restraining order.

    1. 9:39: Do you write for Breitbart as well?

    2. "And I find you not guilty" -the judge
      Legally he did nothing against the law. You may not like what he did or didnt do, but the judge found him not guilty

    3. You consider his behavior ok because there wasn't enough to find him guilty? That'd be ok with YOUR 5 year old daughter? You gutless POS.

  7. Whoever is the Anon on here (i.e. one of Matt the Moron's "handlers") defending the Callichio Train Wreck is an idiot. The fat splooge seems to be able to dish it out regularly, but now can't seem to take any type of blow back. Boo fucking Hoo. I first heard about him when he stalked Mayor Zimmer when she was first running for council, sticking a camera in her face while she was walking her dog. Ever since, he has be a malignant tumor on Hoboken politics. Trying to stand on technical grounds that there was no harassment is a distinction without a difference, IMO. Does anyone seriously condone this jack ass's actions in stalking a public figure while they are walking their kid home from school? I recall that Callicchio said that he was "working" for the "Mason Civic" at the time. Mason owns his actions. Or like the time that he tried to intimidate a local dry cleaner by ripping down the campaign sign in the owner' store. That one was caught on tape. Mason uses him to do her dirty work. And it appears, based upon the last BOE election, that Stick the Dick is also open to using him as well. The lard ass gets whatever comes to him in the way of public shaming. His taunting of Horsey was particularly vile. He is a bully and wanna be thug and Hoboken would be a better place without his presence. Good riddance and don't let the door hit you in your big fat green ass, Gumby. Now, if we can get Nurse Ratchet, his benefactress and employer to get the hell out of Dodge, then life would be so much sweeter.

    1. Nurse Ratchet - great one for the Norma Desmond wannabe. Do I remember correctly that Mason and Matt walked in the Halloween parade as a Nurse and Gumby when she was trying to kill off the hospital?

      From Urban Dictionary for "ratchet":

      "A diva, mostly from urban cities and ghettos, that has reason to believe she is every mans eye candy. Unfortunately, she's wrong."

      Does she satll think that she is Sweeney"s political eye candy?

  8. Apart from stalking a 5 year old, didn't Matt try to coerce a teen girl into paid sex with him through texts?

    1. Yeah, her name was Ashley. He begged for a little "secret service."

    2. Technically he didn't stalk the 5 year old. He bullied her mother in front of her 5-year old, and followed them into Rosario's where he sat across from them and stared while the little girl ate her pizza. Creepy as hell.

    3. Creepy like most of the OG.

  9. This guy sent out a tweet to congratulate his friends who are having a baby. His tweet gets picked up by some wrestling social media site since his friends have some celebrity status and the tweet gets a bunch of hits. As soon as GA's post goes up, the cyber-hyenas come out and start a feeding frenzy- including unsubstantiated claims and innuendos and bringing up things over a decade old.

    1. just tellin' it like it is, honey. maybe you should take some reading lessons: these articles have quotes from wrestlers who describe matt as "creepy mode to psycho mode" and "Stage 5 creeper/stalker". it's the WRESTLERS who said that, not GA commenters.

      a person reaps what they sow, it's karma.

    2. Not quite.

      Caliccio's tweet was picked up by a wrestling NEWS website- not a "social media" website. They linked me, and the Hoboken Reporter. After that, a mainstream news site,, picked up the story. I noticed the huge traffic surge from the wrestLing news site which is how I found the story.


      Caliccio has inserted himself into the lives of famous wrestlers, apparently BROKE the news about a famous wrestler's (unsubstantiated) pregnancy and as a result has BECOME part of the news himself. Thats right. Two news stories abour him so far, there may be more. And it isn't the first time- a few years ago Caliccio harassed John Cena in a Minn. airport, and Cena threw Caliccio's property in the garbage. That made national news.

      BTW, Caliccio's pic looks like a photo bomb and not like the couple are his "friends."

    3. Exactly GA. My bet is that it is quite a dubious claim to call them "friends"

    4. 7:17, you're such an ahole. All the "things over a decade old" means is that he has been a barnacle on the ass of progress for at least 10 years. The flashlight at the debate incident is only a couple months old so it isn't like we're seeing a new Calicchio. But no doubt you too have been a barnacle on the ass of progress for at least 10 years, so why should you notice.

  10. Not saying the OGs have a shallow bench or anything but they sure are taking pains to excuse Matty 'a latest public disgrace instead of letting it die quietly.

    1. I thought that he was the MVP of the the "Farm Team". But I agree that it is a sad commentary that he is considered for any OG team position.


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