Proud Lenzian

In light of  news that a judge has granted a writ of execution on the property of SLAPP Plaintiffs Lane Bajardi and Kim Cardinal,  GA has gone back to read some 'old' discovery emails...

Emails show as early as 2009, Hoboken bloggers were being "profiled," "monitored," "named"  then put on a "list of Lenzians" by a future SLAPP Plaintiff.   

The basis for being singled out for the "Lenzian list" was posting comments online that were generally critical of one political faction ("Beth Mason/Lane Bajardi/Hoboken411) and supportive of another political faction (Mayor Zimmer, Reform.)

Critical politcial discourse about "[Hoboken Councilwoman] Beth Mason/Lane Bajardi/Hoboken411" was labeled  'hate' deserving a legal remedy, using the courts to punish "haters."  See below.

Bajardi v Pincus MSJ exhibit: BAJARDI_00019460.htm

One email shows that in 2009, GA in was singled out, identified, and  put on a "list of Lenzians" in 2009 because of a single Hoboken Revolt post.  That's right.  In 2009 GA was labeled and listed a 'Lenzian" a full 3 years before the Bajardis punished almost 2 dozen Hoboken bloggers with a "SLAPP suit disguised as a defamation case" for alleged "damages" that the court found to be "non-existent."

GA wonders how many others on the "Lenzian list" were tossed into Bajardi v Pincus?

Plaintiffs  knew the identities of several screen names thrown in: InfotainMe, ss1959, plywood, for example.

Were they on the "Lenzian List," too?

On April 30, 2009, according to the email exhibit below, Hoboken parks activist Sara Stojkovic forwarded a post I'd written as "npincus" on the (now-defunct) Hoboken Tax Revolt website to future SLAPP plaintiffs Kim Cardinal, and Lane Bajardi.   

Well, I didn't know that I was a "Lenzian"- I like guys.

But, if that's what I am I am proud to be one.

Oh, here's a belated reply to Patch commenter "Hoboken Questioner":  No, I did not "squeel like a little pig" when I was served.
Will you?


  1. They were just plain ghoulish.

    "Keep monitoring"?

    "Has she participated on our turf before"?

    Effing nuts, the lot of them.

    1. I've heard of racial profiling, but not Lenzian profiling. These are really sick people.

  2. After the Sherriff serves the writ of execution how many days can they stay? I assume the condo goes on the block vacant.

  3. Perhaps a local benefactor can rent them a room in the mausoleum.

    1. Or maybe a studio apartment above a bar in Weekawken.

  4. A bajardi friend said they were going to declare bankruptcy.

    its in the comments section:

    1. I'm pretty sure if you declare bankruptcy the court liquidates your assets and pays off your creditors (unless you're Donald Trump). So same net effect - they lose everything, GA, Horsey & 3rd person get their legal bills paid.

    2. snoopy, when the court liquidates their assets, as custodian, does the court permit them to exhaust assets on the appeal? Does the court liquidate their chattel (personal property: clothes, jewelry etc) as well?

    3. It's pretty obvious why finboy flunked out of law school. If a sheriff's sale was ordered its pretty obvious that there's a judgement lien on the Bajardis assets including their condo. This means that the claim is treated in bankruptcy as a secured claim. This means the debt will be paid bankruptcy or not - all the Bajardis gain is some time. It will however be interesting to see what other creditors come out of the woodwork to file claims.

    4. anon @ 10:33 - I don't know anything more than what I posted and that's based on a friend's personal bankruptcy. Sorry.

      Maybe anon at 10:42 knows the answer. Perhaps there's a lawyer on here that can help.

    5. 10:42- Are lawyers allowed to put in a claim if they have an unpaid balance?

    6. Yes - anybody who thinks they are owed money for any reason can and should file a claim.

      The bankruptcy court can permit the appeal to continue or issue a stay and move it to the bankruptcy court. My guess is they would let the appeal continue in state court. I think the bankruptcy court could postpone the sale of the house until after the appeal is decided which would be one of the reasons for the Bajardis to file. But bankruptcies are expensive. The cost of delay will be pretty high. But since the Bajardis undoubtedly believe, against all rational evidence, that they will for sure prevail on appeal they will probably think the cost is worth paying.

    7. 11:02- what do you mean by bankruptcies are expensive? What expenses?

    8. But how are they bankrupt? Wouldn't they have to prove it?

    9. Like their benefactress, they're morally bankrupt. Isn't Ricky's expertise bankruptcy? Making huge amounts of money from the misfortunes of others. Great guy.

  5. I'll admit it, I've always thought Lenzians were hot.


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