You are cordially not invited

Wow, check out this invitation to a Beth Mason cocktail reception- it's  a WHO's WHO of Hudson County uninvited!

Not a single Hudco A-lister!  Not even B or a C....

Not only did "Special Guest Host" Mason stiff the obvious: Hoboken Mayor Zimmer and Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop,...

Mason stiffed all of Hudson County;  no Mayors- including the adorable Brian Stack and charming Nick Sacco, no State Senators, no Assembly-persons, no Democratic Leaders- that means youVinnie Prieto!

GA would award the biggest Middle Finger Trophy to the next Democratic Governor Phil Murphy.  Mason didn't attend Hoboken's Meet-and-Greet for Murphy- an event which packed the room with both of Hoboken's political factions.

That's always a good strategy... go with the government-in-exile.

So, on November 21, a WHO's WHO of South Jersey Dems are invited to bring sacks of loot to pad Senate President Steve Sweeney's Super-PAC, New Jerseyans for a Better Tomorrow.

It's curious.  Why would Hoboken's Lt. Governor-in-Waiting  build a war chest for Sweeney after he dropped from the 2017 gubernatorial race?

And what's with the love-fest with South Jersey?

Well, I hear the weather is lovely there and it's a great place to live...

click image to enlarge


  1. This is really odd. Why would anybody have Beth Mason as the "special guest" at their fundraiser? She's not exactly a major league draw. Nobody's is going to say ooh I'll pay $1,000 to get some face time with Beth Mason.

    1. It reads more clearly if you substitute wallet for guest.

    2. She probably paid to be a guest host

    3. Cripes! She didn't even invite Gabby Giffords!

    4. Hey, this is all understandable if you realize Sen. Sweeney needs loot to keep up his NJ Senate gig. The wallet is open and there's no doubt that among the NJ political glitterati attending, counte$$ will be paying for every single attending guest.

      Only an idiot would pay for a political gig or SLAPP-suit right?

  2. SPECIAL GUEST....(host)

    LOL, I love it. That's borderline Purple Pillow Puffer pseudo-spinmeister wordsmithing. She hopes your eye will land on the first two words but not the last one, which basically translates to "beth paid for the event". or should i say, ricky paid for the event.


  3. As always she is only as interesting as that checkbook makes her. Barring that check no one wants her in the room

  4. But her nail polish looks so nice.

  5. Who exactly is "New Jerseyans for a Better Tomorrow"?

    Anyone else receive a Halloween card from "Mason Civic"?

  6. Every once in awhile, I'm reminded of how nice it is to watch city council meetings and NOT see Beth Mason sitting on the dias, making decisions about our city. Yes, she probably still tries to influence elections with her husbands money, but it's so great that she was booted off the council (and make no mistake, she was for all intents and purposes booted out because she knew she was going to lose the next election by a mile).

    We're always so caught up in the latest Hoboken political outrage, it's good sometimes to step back and appreciate how far we've come and ways in which we are much better today than in the "council of no" era.

  7. You are obsessed with Mason. Seek therapy. It is not healthy. It is actually disturbing. You come across as a sick and deranged woman

    1. anon@1:59, I guess it's safe to say Beth never funded a SLAPP suit again you.

    2. Its the opposite. Only an obsessed deranged woman would spend a half million funding a SLAPP suit. Good news is shes a bad memory in hoboken politics.

    3. Repeating a lie doesn't make it true. You are assuming it was $500k for thr litigation. Again post the legal bills to back the numbers up otherwise stop using misinformation. Opinions aren't fact. And you try to present what you say as fact.

      How many cases has the Zimmer Adminstration lost only to say it will appeal? It seems your belief in the legal system only applies when you want it to apply.

      Who said anything about suing you? I said you are an adult who can't behave on the internet. Nothing about suing you.

      Mason would have easily won reelection despite your belief otherwise. The same way she beat Tom G in 2011.

      This blog should just be called "Obsessed With Beth".

    4. 7:12- You got a thing for Beth? Or her wallet? Which would you rather hump?

      Who the eff are you to dictate how people should "behave" online? You the Internet police? I think you should behave. Or keep humping Beth's wallet, maybe she'll buy you another crummy cockroach infested dive bar, "boy toy."

    5. Why is Anonymous November 4, 2016 at 7:12 PM asking others to post the legal bills of the Berjerkoffs? That's very strange.

      Well what kind of back room deal allows Beth Mason political operatives to spend $250,000 in the last year alone? How's that working out for them? Is it true those lying scumbags are going down in flames? Once the court certifies you're a liar, you aren't going to be rewarded no matter how many new lies you tell.

      Beth Mason is a non-entity in Hoboken. Even the Old Guard doesn't want anything to do with her and calls her a horrible person. This after they took oodles of Ricky's money.

      Ricky's money couldn't buy Beth any higher office and in the end she couldn't even hold a lower office as one council member of nine in a small town of 50K.

      Everyone is so happy Beth Mason is gone but only her arrest would be more entertaining. Is that coming next?

    6. HEY 7:12--Street Money Mason BARELY beat Tom G. The Applied votes ($$$$) werent good enough, she needed Franz the spoiler. Mason couldn't be elected dog catcher in Hoboken though I hear she picks up dog shit if u facebook where the pile is located. TRUE she sent that ugly fish to Florida to pull Tom G's bankruptcy files out of dead storage? WHAT a lousy beeyatch.

    7. 7:12 has made an admission against interest. He argues vigorously about the cost lawsuit, that the amount, $500K, the Councilwoman is alleged to have underwritten is wrong as though he knows the actual amount that she has underwritten! 7:12, tell us the amount the Councilwoman has funded for the SLAPP, to stifle the online speech on her critics if it isn't $500k.

    8. I agree with you, Perry Mason Esq. 7:12 wants to see proof that BeeM has not paid $500k for the SLAPP suit. Well how proof she paid $499,999.99? Or $500,000.01?

  8. Mason testified that she did not fund the suit. Yet you continue this lie. If she did you would go after her for the judgment instead of garnishing someone's paycheck. It makes you look tougher to say you took on Mason than 2 defenseless parents from the back of town. You are a sick and twisted woman, which is fine. It is your lack of regard for the truth that is the problem.

    1. I am sure she did. "defenseless parents?" They funded a half million dollar lawsuit in its 5th year now. Not so defenseless. How did they do that? I hear they withheld all of their financial information from defendants from 2013 on. How come? The Court: "this is a SLAPP suit disguised as a defamation case." More like "defenseless" SLAPP victims. I am sure you would like to contribute to the SLAPP-back fund for defenseless SLAPP victims.

      Courts don't grant judgments to non-parties, moron.

    2. How do you know it cost half a million dollars? Are you a party to the case? Do you have the legal bills? Post them online if you do instead of these baseless claims.

      The Hudson County Court system is notorious for having cases overturned on appeal. If you really believed the Mason's funded the suit you could sue them for the legal fees. However, that is just a lie you continue to repeat to play the victim.

      Mason testified she never paid either of the plaintiffs a dime nor did she fund the suit. You again want to project this image of the big bad wolf instead of the reality that it is a bunch of adults who cannot behave themselves on the internet.

    3. Baseless claims? No, it's my opinion. Got a problem with my opinion? Wanna SLAPP me? How about if I SLAPP you? You called me a name. Boo hoo. Bully. I want $2 million.

      You're a moron. The Defendants don't have to sue for legal fees- they are creditors, the Bajardis were ordered to pay the their legal fees. Everybody knows that. Except maybe you.

      It's not rocket science. 5 years of litigation- had to be at least $500K. Dozens and dozens of motions- this is public information on the courthouse public access system. Look it up. Look at all of that litigation. wow. the Bajardis lawyer was like the energizer bunny.

      if plaintiffs have filed an appeal its only a matter of time until we know out whether it gets overturned. DO you think it will? DO you think it should?

    4. Personal attacks from angry Zimmer supporters. That is a new one. Never seen that before. Go knock on doors because your BOE majority is swirling down the drain.

    5. First the BOE Majority then Romano's ticket takes City Hall. You are all done. Enjoy the power while it lasts you are a bunch of wanna be D list celebs.

    6. Because a judge says it then it must be true. That held true in the Doyle case until it was tossed on appeal. Don't be so smug. You haven't won anything yet.

  9. New guy threw his hat in the ring for gov. Guy is politically connected. Sweeney wants to hold onto that seat he has and it isnt looking good for him right now.He cant control Murphy and is the antithesis of murphy.

  10. Anon @11:58 Was this a late night drunk post?

    GA was a party to the SLAPP suit. As were more than a dozen other Hoboken residents. And all but three were dismissed prior to trial. There are plenty of folks who have first hand knowledge of the "fraud upon the court" as the judge called the "SLAPP suit" masquerading as a defamation claim. You should read the judge's decisions - they are matters of public record. The plaintiffs and their henchmen were skewered. I also hear that since the trial, the Bajardis have lost 14 straight motions, had the Appellate Division toss their appeal brief twice, and are now facing the prospect of having their condo sold, besides Lane having his wages already attached. Is a hail Mary bankruptcy petition in the cards? All in the name of BeeM's political career. Oh yeah, BeeM really told the truth and nothing but the truth in her testimony, LMAO. Funny how the mayor's stolen emails were found on Lane's computer. BTW, it is called discovery, dick weed. These guys are real truth tellers. The Judge said that either the attorneys misrepresented facts to the court or that the Bajardis lied to their attorneys when he imposed sanctions on the attorneys and awarded a 380k judgment against the Bajardis. Again - all on the record for you to see. Take an Uber up to the courthouse on Newark Ave in JC and have fun reading. BTW, if you think that the SLAPP suit had nothing to do with BeeM not running for re-election to the Second Ward seat, then you are an idiot. If she had run, she would have been clobbered with the stuff that came out in discovery.

    1. Their condo is going on the auction block? I'm looking for a place downtown. How many bedrooms? Is it sunny? Does the kitchen have granite counter tops? stainless appliances? One or two baths? I'd like to see the place first before I bid, after it's vacant.

    2. The Bajardis have lost FOURTEEN straight motions?????

      They had to resubmit their appeal TWICE???? WOW!


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