A Q-Tipster waxes

As of this writing, the Hudson County Clerk's office has not announced ballot positions for Hoboken School Board candidates.  So no news there.

But, GA just got an earful from an Earwitness.

According to my Q-Tipster, a slate backed by Freeholder Anthony Romano, Councilman Mike Russo and BiancoRaia will be opposing the Sobolov-Evans-Dallara School Board slate.

While it's too early to evaluate the RoRussoMano candidates, sources tell GA they are good people who are  not inclined to be politically-driven.  They are believed to be running for the right reasons.

Great news!

It is curious, then, why they would have chosen a campaign manager with more baggage than Amtrak?

GA would chalk that one up to political naivete.   They may be unaware of Hoboken's recent political  history.

Otherwise, why would decent folks (and GA believes they are) align themselves with the co-manager of 2012's  notorious Move Forward slate- the first campaign in Hoboken political history to use swastikas in a political campaign on the Nazi Truck?

Do you know the half-life of uranium?

The half-life of a Nazi Truck is longer. 

It takes more than 4.47 billion years for a Nazi Truck to disappear from  a politico's reputation.

Take it from me!


  1. I'm not completely following. Are you saying Joe Branco or Catellano's kid will be managing the opposition slate? Didn't they manage the Nazi truck ticket?

    1. Yes, they did! The driver spilled the beans about the bagmen in an MSV exclusive, and the guilty parties never denied it! If I recall, it was $2 thousand and $5 hundred hush money plus a thumb drive to the driver... in a dark alley by the Lincoln Tunnel. Cash in a brown paper bag. Classy!

    2. Actually you are only half right. Joseph Branco was cleared by the driver and had nothing to do with it. Reread the story.

    3. A sitting boe member could "clear it up" if he came clean about the Move Forward campaign meeting on whether or not to keep the Nazi Truck going after the backlash.

    4. Did that last slate they ran ever file campaign finance reports? If not, is there any legal recourse?

    5. You mean a reporting a bag of cash and a thumb drive handed off by a political operative?

  2. There is no way in hell that slate is running "for the right reasons". You don't affiliate with the people backing that slate if you are running for the "right reasons". Those backers have more baggage than a cruise ship and it is all toxic.

  3. Branco & Castellano have friends in low places.

    1. I think that describes all their friends.

  4. running for the right reasons?? Really? How often have they attended a BoE meeting? or PTO meeting? or been involved in any other way in the district schools?? Not my idea of running for the right reasons.... more of the same crap from Romano, Russo, Ramos!! SMFH!

    1. Hey, I don't know any of them-not yet. As I wrote that's what a source (who does attend board meetings and supports Reform) had to say. Your questions about participation in district schools will surely be answered. If you have knowledge of these individuals' civic participation or lack thereof, please share.


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