July cleaning


  1. It looks like that Horse cleaned up pretty good.

  2. You'll need a bigger Hoover for the condo.

  3. SUCKS to be them!

  4. I thought I heard a sucking sound earlier in the month. It was not a Beth Mason mailer or the sound of certain radio announcer who doubled as a political operative licking every last morsel of his tuna can since he has tons of unpaid legal bills and can't afford groceries.

    No, it was the sound of money being sucked out of yet another TD North account not initially reported by perported perjurers by a certain horse with a nose for money owed like a bloodhound. This horse is so talented he would be willing to swin to the Cayman Islands and get any offshore accounts that they may be stashing to hide from their disastrous legal judgement. 1010 Wins has had some very erratic late night newsreadings as of late. The bitter belligerent buttery baritone is breaking badly botching basic boilerplate. That is a lot of Bs. Just ask Bajardi, he put the B in BS.

    1. holy cow, what???!! the toxic twins were allegedly hiding assets from the court?? that's got to be a crime, no?? will they be held accountable?

    2. It's not a crime, it's a cover up.


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