BREAKING: Defendant Garcia Moves HHA Lawsuit to Federal Court!

Entry on the Federal Court CM/ECF database shows Garcia moved his case from HC Superior Court on July 6, 2016

There you go, folks.

A query of the Federal Court Case Management/ Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF) system confirms that Defendant Carmelo Garcia has moved his case to Federal Court.

Further, the CM/ECF confirms that Defendant Garcia's Attorney is none other than Louis Zayas, Esq.- who did not enter an appearance for HHA v Carmelo Garcia in Superior Court.

Hush, Dr. Zaius.  Here's the attorney entered for the Defendant:

The documents on file at Federal Court show a service acknowledgment of Plaintiff's summons (by Zayas' office) on July 6, 2016, with "May" crossed out.  

Did the HHA attorney serve the summons in May, but it wasn't acknowledged until July?

Or was it re-served after the move to Federal Court?

Me either.

GA believes that this move re-starts the clock, as if the 'normal'pace of litigation were not excruciatingly slow enough.

Speaking of excruciatingly slow litigation, do you know what's coming up on July 26?

The 4-Year SLAPPiversary! 

Yep,  that SLAPP is circling the bowl, but it hasn't hit the pipes- yet.  

Thank you, Dr. Zaius.


  1. Federal judges do not suffer fools.

  2. People please comment. It's starting to feel like a little someone is just talking to themselves.

  3. Has anyone heard anything about the multiple Federal charges that Carmelo Garcia's former Freedholder aid Christopher Campos, Esq. is facing ?


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