Like the sound of "Mayor Romano"?

Mayor Zimmer needs your HELP!

Reform's opponents- individuals and special interests- have boatloads of money, and will SPEND it to get their fingers back on Hoboken's levers of power.

We know Reformers are a bunch of penny-pinching tightwads-- okay, not ALL of us. Alright, I am.  

In truth, many have given generously, but how many times can a politician go back to the same well(s)?

If everybody who cringes at the sound of "Mayor Romano" and "Council President Russo" could come out tonight (rain or shine) and buy a $25 ticket to drink beer with Hoboken's A-List Reformers (okay, a couple of us are 'B's' and 'C's')... we can HELP Mayor Zimmer even the moola-playing field....

And you know what THAT means.

It takes a couple of bucks to run a campaign- like thousands of them.

Reform doesn't need thousands from you-  how about 25 bucks to guzzle beer with Mayor Zimmer tonight?  Watch her get drunk!

6:30PM TO 8:30PM

I am telling you people, forget about the rain and help the Mayor stay on top of her opponent.

Our opponent has the moola advantage: Mayor Zimmer is (still) fighting an uphill battle for resources to meet the juggernaut of developers and special interests that will no doubt carpet-bomb our city with their crap.

Let's give Reform the tools to keep Hoboken headed in the RIGHT direction, and out of the hands of grifters, empty suits and special interests.  

See you tonight!


  1. Glad to see Romano doesnt wrestle in his tutu.

  2. OMG the photos are disturbing. Love Ravi in the last one! Zimmer's got my vote and I'll contribute what I can.

  3. Everyone knows I would've won if I had the tutu on. Totally rigged. Professional wrestling is fake!

  4. Are we so sure that there will only be two candidates? I'd vote for Zimmer over Romano, but I'm hoping for new (reform) blood. Eight years is enough and twelve years is way to much. I'm for term limits.

    1. if mayor zimmer is doing a good job (which I believe she is), then what difference does it take how many years she's been in office? what does one have to do with the other?

    2. Zimmer is running. Ask her to get a transfusion.

    3. Another reform candidate would just split the vote. And Romano would win. Exactly what OG wants.

    4. I highly doubt Romano could win any city wide under any circumstances.
      I also highly doubt there will be another legitimate reform candidate or even a illegitimate one running against Zimmer. Talk of that happening is just gamesmanship and pot stirring.

    5. I agree that 8 years is long enough, but unless another reformer steps up to the plate and convinces Zimmer not to run, it's Zimmer or bust.

    6. Time for Term limits. 12 years? Even the corrupt mayors that didnt go to jail didn't attempt a 3rd term. This isn't the Crown

    7. I guess she should run unopposed. Yeah Democracy!

    8. I think that the first term of Mayor Zimmer doesn't necessarily count because she was swimming against a council majority that was against her. Her second term she's had a majority & super majority. In that term I've seen her priorities and I haven't agreed with many of them. That's why I would like a reform choice that isn't Mayor Zimmer rather than a 3rd term of her. However, that needs to be worked out before the ballots are made. I don't want to see two reformers on the ballot because that paves the way for Stick to win.

      8 years ago being "not corrupt" was really the only qualification needed to get the vote of everyone who was sick of the bad old days. The bad old days are a memory now, and for some residents it's not even that because they're so new to town. So it's my opinion that touting bike lanes and rain barrels is not going to be enough to win an election. I hope that some of her other accomplishments are highlighted and I hope that some "hipster" ideas are put forward between now and November.
      This is just my opinion, and I'm certainly just one person.

    9. If you think "touting bike lanes and rain barrels" sums up what has been accomplished in Hoboken in the last eight years, then you woefully uninformed.

    10. I think that's been the headlines for the past 8 years. I think I've heard so much about them I can forget other things. Please feel free to enlighten me as to what I'm forgetting exactly.

    11. snoopy get in line with the troops, there's no room for any criticisms -- everything is great! The fountain at Pier A is flowing with Champagne, there's a 10 Acre ark coming ( on paper ) , Washington Street will be paved in Gold and the light posts are made of peppermint candy!
      Criticize and you will be banished or they will attempt to out you through innuendo

    12. Thanks FZL, but I don't feel the same way that you do.

    13. Hang on Snoopy, are you really trying to pretend you are that uninformed ? I do not think anyone who says they read GA on even a semi-regular basis could be.

    14. Anon 6:19 - any time you want to inform me of other major accomplishments that are in the mailers/press releases, I'm all ears. My memory isn't the best, but taxes have remained stagnant (with a council majority any reform mayor can now do that) and we have bike lanes everywhere.

      I can tell you every time I enter or exit town on the southern end I course the mayor. That I think about almost every day.

  5. Sorry but her big shout out to Party "Host" Tim Occhipinti was a slap in the face to Michael Lenz and Rami Pinchevsky
    They both endured mud and sleaze to support Zimmer and both she and Bhalla mentioned Tim's attendance TWICE that night. Twice!
    Am I in the twilight zone or what?
    Tim who was the vote that put Mason as Council President.
    Tim who helped cost is an extra 4 mil on that HUMC parking garage deal
    Tim who voted against emnet and the park

    Has Mayor Zimmer and Ravi Bhalla gone mad?
    If Tim has done something other than a few friendly votes (IN HIS LAST YEARS AND AFTER MASON AND RAIS DROPPED HIS MONEY LIFELINE )
    I'm done!
    Zimmer is no different than Roberts, Russo or Ramos
    A deal cutter in true HCDO fashion
    What next Mike Russo hosting her Fall " Community" Fundraiser featuring Jamie Cryan as MC?
    This is disgusting

    1. oh please. really? she mentioned tim as a way to rub the OG's nose it it, that's all. no need to get your knickers in a twist with all this false drama.

    2. "in it" (not "it it")...

    3. I guess you're done, then.

      Zimmer "no different than Russo"? You mean she can clear up 4 million missing quarters between Council meetings? Allow family members to collect city health benefits? Promise favors to Solomon Dwek?

      Pass me whatever you're smoking.

    4. Zimmer is welcoming Tim and he's on a Host committee for her political fundraising. Saying "no different " isn't supposed to be taken literally but what it does mean is she'll work with sleaze to achieve her reign of power.
      Your blind faith is pathetic and your intolerance for anyone who disagrees with you is pathetic. Everyone knows that Lenz was pivotal in helping you in your case. Your recent praise and defense of Timmy is a slap in the face to him. Maybe you should Hillary your servers and erase all those past Timmy Crayon posts?

    5. 4:43pm- Blow your bile out your ass.

      Your bitter diatribe says more about you than anything. You come here, spew your bile, and if I don't pat you on the head, and that's "intolerance"? Bullshit. Say whatever you want. As for "Lenz was pivotal"- why the hell are you going THERE? You have NO IDEA who or what was "pivotal" to my case- in fact, you know very little about my case. That remark about Lenz reveals (to me) WHO you are, so you might as well use your actual name, and be honest about it, instead of being a sneaky shit with TWO faces. It's already been made clear to me you badmouth me to others behind my back. What a surprise!

      You and your two faces can go eff yourself.

      One more thing: your anticipated threats about badmouthing me to others-- I don't give a shit.

  6. No wonder her other host was Bernie Kenny , he has a great record of raising money... which also raises a lot of questions...

  7. It's a ruse, Zimmer will announce that she has decided not to run and that Ravi Bhalla is her anointed heir. It's pretty interesting that she an Bhalla share a fundraiser, a press guy and even a host who has been the organizer of both Bhalla's events and Zimmers the past year. Notice no other of her at large members were on stage- they've been treating Mello like crap for years now-Doyle looks like he is ready to quit so they are propping up Tim at Large for the Bhalla ticket.

    1. What a sad, bitter, vicious, nasty person you have become.

  8. You? What is this the Lane Bajardi guessing/ false assumption/ outing game?

    Stop it Anon @ 7:34 While that post may be obnoxious, quit the suggested outing.
    Unless you have some digital fingerprints- it's no help to reform what you're doing.

    1. I read this blog daily. I have no idea who "you" is in the 7:34 pm post. If you think it's directed at someone in particular, I think you're feeling guilty.

    2. thank you, snoopy. agree 100%.


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