"Do we have a picture of him?"

Double, double toil and trouble; 
 Fire burn and cauldron bubble. 

In the course of sorting through 50,000 Bajardi v Pincus discovery emails, we learned how one political faction would conduct reasearch on ordinary Hoboken residents whom they identified as supporters of Mayor Zimmer

Home addresses, tax records, and photographs were collected.

Like rabid squirrels hunting a nut, members of this faction would burrow through online data such as property tax records to profile the presumed Zimmer supporter. Often targets were gleaned from online discussion boards. A comment whacking Beth Mason or praising Mayor Zimmer was enough to trigger opposition research on its author.  Some targets ended up in the SLAPP suit.

In the manner of a Nixonian 'enemies list', this information was collected then shared among members of this political faction, including but not limited to future SLAPP Plaintiffs and Beth Mason's chief political operative, James Barracato.

The following email shows what a mere comment posted on a Hoboken Patch discussion thread, a comment which criticizes Beth Mason, triggers among this weird cabal.

"Do we have a picture of him?"

Double, double toil and trouble; 
 Fire burn and cauldron bubble.

The target of the next exchange is a known Zimmer supporter/ campaign officer.

This time, the cabal targets a Patch  commenter who was later thrown into the Bajardi SLAPP suit.   (How many targets of the cabal were tossed into the Bajardi SLAPP?)

Double, double toil and trouble; 
 Fire burn and cauldron bubble. 

The next email unbelieveably targets a mom on the Hoboken Moms Yahoo board.

Read from the bottom up

Who is the cabal researching in the next email? A longtime friend of Mayor Zimmer  and her husband.

"Maybe he decided to move out of town when he saw that your lawsuit was progressing..."

Double, double toil and trouble; 
 Fire burn and cauldron bubble.


  1. They spent so much time to discredit their critics when the real problem was the nonsense they were spouting and the crap candidates they were shilling for. Perhaps had they backed someone reasonably intelligent, honest and who had ideas beneficial to the community, they wouldn't have had to resort to such slimy tactics.

  2. I see. This bunch decides who can post on Hoboken Moms. I am shocked.

  3. Not only shills but shilling for the biggest dope in Hoboken: Bet Mazon.
    Bunch of idiots trying to hang on to a wallet they thought would take them to the big time.

    Bunch of low grade, flunky political operatives. The only thing they succeeded at was taking over Hoboken411 and getting that fool Perry Klaussen to censor people.

    They got smashed by the Hoboken public going elsewhere like NJ.com, Patch, MSV and of course GA for lots of laughs.

  4. S.S. wanted to "embarrass her enough so she stops posting." That's exactly what the SLAPP was supposed to do to you and Horsey, silence you. Sara's notion ofthe First Amendment.

  5. Sara and Kimbo really have Condo Envy...

    1. Waddling up to the 5th floor once a week or however often the Kimrus leaves to get more provisions probably doesn't help.

  6. Interesting. It sounds like the slapp was a witch hunt by this group to "out" critics posting anonymously. They threw in like 25 screen ids right?

  7. What a sick bunch of twisted fucking assholes.

  8. Sara lives in a 1.7 million dollar pad at Garden Street Lofts -thanks to her rich husband and well known screen name attacker Branco... Both Sara and Kimbo loved mocking flood victims homes, various small condos and other people's body weight. ( Ironic because both have morphed quite a bit )
    They are school girl bullies- imagine if they were in high school today... Hard to believe anyone with Kim's Morbid Obesity and living in a 1980's condo conversion dated/ tenement she would mock anyone....

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. I believe that's incorrect.

      A discovery email suggested that screen name belonged to someone else's hubby.

    2. Sorry GA My bad. I thought SS's Husband was shown in discovery

  10. Considering the huge amounts of money Richard G. Mason has shelled out to prop up his wife's dismal political aspirations, I would have thought he could have bought Beth a higher caliber minions and gofers.

    The families of all these people I would hope on some level be ashamed and embarrassed about their actions so graphically revealed in their own emails.

    The sad sick ones we see in these emails are so bitchy and mean spirited they should be on a Bravo show.

  11. GA, I wonder if these creeps looked up my home address, tax records, etc. Would you be able to check for me?

    1. Here's what I know: If they knew your first and last name, they looked you up. If they THOUGHT they knew your first and last name, they looked you up.

    2. No prob, they are public documents. Send search keywords to grafixavenger666@gmail.com. Anyone who cares to know if they've been "researched" by these hyenas can do likewise.

    3. snoopy, let's not forget the creepy photography. In fact, I was leaving a city council meeting with a (future) SLAPP defendant in 2011 when Mr. SLAPPer jumped in front of us and took his picture, saying "I've waited a long time for this, my friend." It was equal parts weird and creepy.

    4. It's just disgusting. There's absolutely nothing redeeming about what these people did.

    5. We're all proud to call ourselves FOB: Friends of Beth. We did everything we could to destroy you Zimmerists.

      We'd do it again if Beth gives us the money.

    6. GA, having my picture taken as described was the clearest indication that these folks were living on toxic fumes and dark dreams. I read later - thank you, braid-dead attorneys for the SLAPPastrophy - that they had me under surveillance from my earliest days dipping an uncertain toe in Hoboken's political waters.

      Today's reading: Bunker Mentality

      And it is because of this deranged and dangerously insular sense of moral wrong that nothing would surprise me in the denouement of this bizarre episode, including tragedy.

    7. Since I have seen P1ywood, Redrider and now InfotainMe surface, I guess I will add my two cents. The pursuit of the once vocal "Screen Name Defendants" only caused me to open my personal checkbook and exponentially increase my contributions to reform candidates and issues, across the board, in Hoboken. While I am not claiming that I can, or ever will, match the Mason cash dump, I take comfort in knowing that since the SLAPP suit was filed, Beth Mason left the city council (in no small part because of the emails that revealed her bitter, ugly and vicious mob of political operatives), the mayor was relected, there is a 7-2 council majority, Carmelo got the boot from the HHA, Vision 20/20 went kaput, and the city council meetings are focusing on good government issues. Now, we just have that smurf Liebler to get rid of and make sure that Raia and his merry band don't get another seat on the school board. Funny how even Mike Russo, he of Hoboken's notorious First Family of Corruption has toned down his rhetoric, I haven't heard a snide and snively "sheet" reference in a while.

    8. KHoboken - it's damn good to see you. I hope all is well.

    9. It's tough running Hate411 from upstate NY. My brother helps with a photo here and there but at least no one has found me. I'm not into politics, it was all Lane.

      Osker doesn't miss Hoboken. It's such a ripoff: overcrowded with strollers everywhere, traffic jams and screaming brats.

      I fucking hate Hoboken and every single one of you. Leave me alone and go after the crazy woman with her husband's checkbook. They never paid me my due. So fuck them, Lane, Sara, Kimmy and that Liebalor douche for ruining the best website Hoboken will ever have.

      I have a low carb gay website about to launch. It's gonna be awesome!
      Check it out: http://www.pervylowcarb.com

    10. So Beth, I'm in a pool. I got "one day Beth and her spite-drunk moron friends said, 'hey' what if we sue the entire internet' ".

      Did I win?

    11. I think I got the winning box. I have "FinBitch convinced Beth that a nazi suit would be the perfect bookend for the nazi truck."

    12. ThisMeansWar, bitchesJune 20, 2016 at 11:21 AM

      You're both wrong. Twin 1 always thought the slapp was a winning lottery ticket. Once he realized twin 2 was going around the bend and would never work again, he decided to cash the ticket.

      How's that workin' out for ya, dumbass?

    13. Scratch off tickets.

    14. The FBI is here for Zimmer.

    15. Turd picture.

    16. The FBI is here for scratch off turds. Lenz, Lenz, Lenz. Coach House.

    17. Give us 22 minutes, we'll give you a cover-up that's worse than the crime.

    18. Beth, in your own words, tell everyone you never paid me for turds.

    19. Hitler graphics.

    20. Scratch off Hitlers

  12. In my opinion there is no more fitting Karma than to have these deeply unhappy, bitter, bitches and their equally repugnant husbands having to live with each other for the rest of their lives.

    Thankfully those of us who have a choice can and will avoid them like the plague they are.

    1. I am sitting in my back yard on a beautiful Sunday morning, catching up on reading and having a few laughs reading this site. Love the graphics, GA. Thanks, GA, for all that you do. Now to the wicked part. I am dumbstruck at the moral and ethical depravity of these cunts. Yes, I hate that word as well, but I really can't think of any other word to call fellow women who behave in such a deplorable manner with regard to other mothers in town. Nice way to make friends and then make them hate you, Ines. I am referring to the ugly part of the emails that deal with the infiltration of the Hoboken Moms group. Despicable. Layer that gross breach of decency over the hunting for pictures and truly psychotic discussions of other people's lives, how and where they live and utter rank speculation on their personal lives, these cunts have no place among decent people, let alone have any impact on any discussion that is made with regard to the quality of life, schools, budgets, mayor, etc. If I know that if ANY future candidate, that, in any way, associates with these cunts, it will cause me to throw my time and money at working against that candidate. Anyone who associates with these cunts, to me, shows a complete lack of character. There, I think that I have purged myself of the toxic effect of these vile tricks (for the time being). However, I have a nagging feeling that I will read something else from the SLAPP emails in future posts by GA or Horsey that will make this vile display seem like just another interim step down the stairwell to Hell and degradation.

    2. I'd call them cunts too, but they lack warmth and depth.

  13. I am delighted at the return of pre-SLAPP screen names. This is the biggest "EFF- you" I can imagine against the enemies of free and open online political discourse in Hoboken politics. The discovery emails, such as the one above, show how this weird cabal wanted to shut down discourse from supporters of the mayor- including a mom on Yahoo Moms board.

    The over reaching SLAPP was meant to terrorize the entire swath of Hoboken screen names and shut down "pro-Zimmer" venues, like MSV and GA. Not only shut us down, but impoverish us and drive us out of Hoboken. That's why the return of pre-SLAPP monikers is the ultimate victory lap for the rights of screen names who were hunted and sued because of your politics.

    khoboken, you were one of their biggest targets- for what? You called a presumed screen id, "Pussface?" Boo hoo and Waaa. I read a lot worse in the ghostwritten screeds and anonymous comments of Mr. SLAPPer a.k.a. wakeup07030, Marklower and the vicious 4th Ward Guardian. Your return made my day.

  14. Please cut out the homophobic attacks on Hate411?

    He is horrible person, and the gay community would like not to be linked to him.

    1. I certainly agree the gay community would not wish to be linked with that slug.


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