Carmelo's "public relations" pitchman

On or before July 3, 2013, the date of the email below, Hoboken politico David Liebler "volunteered his time" to Carmelo Garcia for his "public relations campaign for Vision 2020."

One week later, on July 10, 2013, Liebler came to the Hoboken City Council meeting garbed in a Vision 20/20 t-shirt to "set the record straight" for Carmelo Garcia.   The back of his t-shirt: "We Can We Will, Watch Us."

At the podium, Liebler did not identify himself as a "public relations campaign volunteer."

Instead,  disingenuously represented himself  as a "visitor to the HHA" where he "got this free t-shirt."

Does it matter whether Liebler has made other Hoboken City Council appearances as a "public relations campaign volunteer" for a special interest--without disclosing that to the public?

GA asks because Liebler is suing the City of Hoboken for "silencing his political speech" at the City Council podium on the night of October 21, 2015.  Was it "political speech" or pre-election strategy coordinated with Carmelo Garcia, the Grossbard email leaker, to derail Reform's slate of candidates on the eve of the 2015 municipal elections?

GA thinks that's an avenue to explore during discovery.

Email communications, text messages, phone records; that's all fair game in discovery, to find out when or if Liebler ever "quit" using the City Council podium to advance the interests of Carmelo Garcia?  

Bear in mind, Liebler's October 21, 2015 eruption happened because he was stopped from discussing Carmelo's Grossbard-email leak.  

As a Hoboken taxpayer who will  bear the cost of the City's defense, this ridiculous lawsuit is a matter of public interest and public concern.

In GA's opinion, the lawsuit is so disingenuous; it entirely omits Liebler's public persona as a Hoboken political activist, campaign volunteer, online commenter and political satirist/cartoonist.

GA predicts the defense will have a field day with these omissions during discovery.

click image to read
Liebler's "Political Comics" posted on Pinterest 

They can, they will, WATCH THEM!


  1. It's always been my opinion that Leibler was a political gasbag, this just (re)confirms it. Love these guys who think they're so clever, brilliant move Dave. Particularly like your mastery of the English language, such elegant and persuasive PR prose in those remarks. Yup. Home run, buddy. Any campaign would be lucky to have you. Uh-huh.

  2. GA!!!! Love this. Yet again you peel back the layers to show what was simmering just below.

    You got a lot of thank yous and praise after knocking the SLAPP back but you deserve more praise on a regular basis. So from one Hoboken resident who pays attention to the issues I say thank you

    1. Hector Torres JunyaMay 25, 2016 at 8:39 PM

      You and Horsey are very naughty upsetting a lot of the OG crew.
      In the hood, the talk is Carmelo and Stick are very, very unhappy!

      But hey, thank you very much Grafix Avenger.

  3. Raia paid for Leibler's political spin doctoring when he ran for mayor.

  4. I will enjoy reading Liebler's email and text messages on the Internet.

    1. Can't wait. #letsreadDavesemail

    2. Dave All-Mail Dance PartyMay 25, 2016 at 6:26 PM

      I'm in. I bet his email and texts are hilarious.

    3. I can't wait to see the Liebler/Branco emails. Two intellectual giants sharing their thoughts with Mr Carmelo.

    4. I'll enjoy reading Liebler's emails with James Barracato. Imagine the banter of those two morons- and the revelations about the SLAPP. Ladies and gents, there's a line forming for the SLAPP-back... Take a number, please.

    5. I hear there's lots of emails with Perry, Lane and Sara calling Liebler an idiot in the slapp suit. This is turning into a nice little documentary. All these assholes will be famous.

  5. The Compassion SelloutMay 25, 2016 at 5:42 PM

    Great video outtake there! Captures the full and true context with this email.
    Was Liebler on the Carmelo payroll or was he on the Beth Mason payroll when he was pitching his bullshit on the City Council for Vision Money/Money?

    As it turns out, the timing of the video is historic. Liebler was working with the Old Guard crew to sell out Hoboken, have those new buildings installed and create a larger power base for the Russo Crime Syndicate.

    At the same time a well known drug dealer was involved in crimes against Jessica Coco and from what I see on MSV, that was another well coordinated aspect of this whole Vision 20/20 push. Millions in profits for the OG's swindling.

    On top of it, David Liebler wanted to see Barbara Reyes installed as a commissioner, a complete tool of Carmelo Garcia. So we'd never have gotten rid of the criminality going on in the HHA; all the waste, fraud and abuse would continue and worse of all: we'd be stuck with Carmelo Garcia.

    How much more suffering would residents like Jessica Coco go through? How about all those residents in buildings with no locks or with a damaged roof never fixed and mold in their apartments while Carmelo Garcia squandered hundreds of thousands on video cameras in his office?

    What was all that fiber internet wiring about? Just so Carmelo Garcia could spy on residents? The amount of money wasted (or stolen) and the abuses of people in the HHA has come to end.

    Thanks to Mayor Dawn Zimmer, the four members of the City Council in 2013 who refused to approve an undocumented redevelopment plan: Jen Giattino, Peter Cunningham, Ravi Bhalla and Dave Mello! Every single person refused to give in to the attempted intimidation.

    No fucking thanks to shills like David Liebler. Stick it up your ass Dave, you Old Guard sellout! Take your frivolous lawsuit shakedown and cram it up your ass!

  6. Giant phony Liebler and his free t-shirt. May he end up in the Bajardi Wage Garnishment Club for wasting taxpayer money on his crappy lawsuit.

  7. What a slob- Liebler looks like he couldn't greet Wal*Mart Shoppers

  8. "I volunteered as shill for Vision 20/20 and All I git was this lousy T-Shirt"

    1. I would never assume that whatever David Liebler is doing political or otherwise he is doing it without being finically compensated in some way.

  9. Dave is lying phony. He's a good man though. But I really can't stand him. But he's a good guy.

    Whatever makes you like me most.

  10. Bring on the emails, perhaps the stress will help him lose weight. Hi Dave!

  11. So Carmelo is now in competition with the Bajardis to see whose frivolous lawsuit can do the most damage to his own friends before getting thrown out of court and having to pay the defendants' legal fees.

    He's making a strong entry here, cutting into that huuuuuuge Bajardi lead.

  12. The Bloviating Bigot.

    I would guess that after a judge shit canned his frivolous law suit and slammed Perry Belfiore, calling him a BIGOT for a previous legal attack maneuver against Ravi Bhalla it was decided that he stay out of this attempt.

  13. Liebler is a wank stain. Why does he even still live here?

  14. I'm confused. PR reps don't have a right to free speech? Liebler is kind of an idiot (that based on his council meeting comments, not from knowing him personally because I don't) I'm pretty sure that his comments were part of some silly Oct surprise, but he still has the right to give his opinion.

    1. I didn't say he didn't have the right to 5 minutes of stupidity. Did I? I said he was thoroughly disingenuous.

      Liebler got tossed out for disorderly conduct, not for any other reason. He was shouting over Ravi when Ravi called for order. Liebler was warned to stop but he continued his tantrum. Of course Leibler had to carry it too far, so he could squeeze the City for a payday. Thats my opinion. Everything has to end up in a courtroom with these morons. They all want a payday. Carmelo asked for 2.4 Million in mediation recently, the Bajardis wanted 2 Million, what is this idiot going to ask for?

    2. 4:41, if you're referring to his 20/20 speech, you answered your own question when you called him a PR rep. Yeah he gets his 5, but lying and saying he happened to get the shirt passing by HHA is another story.

      He's entitled to his 5. The public is JUST as entitled to know that he is there in an official capacity supporting 20/20 and not simply a concerned citizen.

    3. @4:41. PR reps have a right to free speech. The public has a right to know that they are speaking in their capacity as PR reps rather than concerned citizens who just happened to walk past HHA and got handed a t-shirt. He concealed that little fact for a reason.

      Still "confused"?

  15. Watching the video, he keeps looking at his phone. Is he looking at notes, a prepared speech, or is he being coached? In any event, it seems that he is intent on causing chaos, screaming into the camera like Crazy Eddie is a dead give away. There is no sense that he wants to engage in any type of civil discourse, but rather goes out of his way to be unpleasant, disruptive, rude and condescending while he lectures and screams at the council. Of course every idiot has the right to prove that they are an idiot, that is the basis for the first amendment. But if Mr. P.R. Strategist is executing a "strategy" that is just meant to be disruptive, then tossing him out on his arse with 5 seconds left after he continued his ranting is fine with me. He completely lost me when I read the email, however. That email makes it plain that this was nothing other than a political stunt from a very disingenuous troll. I wonder what discovery will show us with regard to his "preparation" that day for his performance, who was involved, and what his cell phone records will reveal. Pathetic little loser of a man. I wonder what his kids will think of daddy when they (eventually) see this.

    1. Lieboy and Buttfury were just try muddy the waters ahead of the elections. Both are all too comfortable splashing around in mud and dirt.

    2. I agree with you Anon @ 7:33pm. Liebler is Carmelo's PR guy. We see that in the email. The Grossbard email story broke on politickernj in the late afternoon, the dimwit didn't get the website name right in his rant- means he heard it from "someone." His emails, texts and phone records will tell the whole story. The ruckus was part of his act, and enabled the favorite trick in the OG bag of tricks- SUE THE CITY. Liebler could have asked for an apology. NO, he wants taxpayer MONEY.

  16. Thanks for the email Carmelo! Good to see the difference between what this guy was pitching and what reality was.


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