What "walls"?

Folks, this is exciting.

Above is Rebuild-by-Design's proposal for Design Elements and Amenities (for DISCUSSION ONLY);  tonight RBD's Citizen Advisory Group is meeting from 6:30-8:30PM at Hoboken's Elk's Club to gather feedback from the community.  

Previously, Hoboken has seen a series of engineering concept designs.  The plans were diagrammatic, and hard for some to interpret. Lines down Garden Street caused a furor, which was heard at the DEP.

What's new?

The 3 current concepts: "Alternates 1, 2 and 3" have sprung up in 3 dimensions.

Whimsical design elements, which have the functionality of a "wall" are being proposed- for DISCUSSION ONLY.   The design elements vary in function and scope for each plan.

Envision Hoboken's waterfront with diverse imaginative landscaping and installations:sloping parks, small amphitheaters, programmed green space, viewing platforms... and when the (inevitable) storm surge hits Hoboken and surrounding areas, these whimsical landscapes will PROTECT our homes, our children's homes, our great-grandchildren's homes.

The brochure is an excellent tool to understand "a wall" is not a wall.

Again, the DEP folks want to hear from the Hoboken community- what we like, don't like and suggestions. This is a great opportunity to impact your neighborhood,and lend your imagination to the built result.

These are some "walls" being proposed:

There are many other interesting elements and amenities proposed in the presentation manual. So, let's get back to the plans.  Below, GA is going show proposed Alternate 1 design elements and amenities for Hoboken.

Why Alternate 1?

Because Alternate 1 will serve  98% of Hoboken's population; Alternate 2 protects only  86%, of us, and Alternate 3 protects just 85%.

GA strongly believes we must protect all of our homes and families.    I hope we can agree a design must not pick "winners and losers" in the next disaster.  Let's choose to protect everyone, then figure out how to make it happen.

TEA BUILDING- Alternate 1
 Design Elements and Amenities for Discussion Only
page 60 

SHIPYARD-Alternate 1
Design Elements and Amenities for Discussion Only

MAXWELL PLACE- Alternate 1
Design Elements and Amenities for Discussion Only

Design Elements and Amenities for Discussion Only

Remember folks, the importance of these proposals is getting community feedback so the design and engineering process can move forward in a direction that we (a consensus) want.   

 Not everyone will love the final design, but hopefully 98% of us will.


  1. I love the undulating walkways.... and a beach would be amazing. This project has potential to take our waterfront to another level- and our property values.

  2. I'm not concerned about property values, just protecting the community to the extent possible with whatever available funding we get from grant money. So, if the first one is the least expensive, I'm all for that one since I can't afford any additional tax increases we have to keep this entirely funded by grant money or I won't be here so none of it will matter to me.

    I heard there was one plan that had a bunch of nonsense on Washington Street. Which one is that? I vote against that one.

    1. The Washington Street "nonsense" is programmed between 14th and 15th streets- take a look in the manual. The proposed elements look cool to me. It's Alternate 2- which only protects 86% of Hoboken.

    2. The business owners on Washington Street around that "nonsense" also think those elements are cool and have expressed support.

      At a previous meeting Weehawken Mayor Turner said Option 1 was too expensive to build.

  3. Tiffanie Fisher was the only member of city council present at last night's meeting. Kudos to her.

    Meanwhile, up at Mason's little shop of horrors, some kind of art opening seemed to be taking place, with four people standing around sipping bubbly, and two of them were Hoboken's most reviled couple. Another success!

    1. It is good to see that the misinformation people bought into at first is gone and figuring out the best way to do what must be done is no longer mired down in the histrionics of a few loud, permanently unhappy and negative individuals.

    2. So you're saying it was just Beth and Ricky and Lane and Kim?

    3. I took the reference to "Hoboken's most reviled couple" to mean Beth and Ricky. Are they actually still seen in public with the downtown Toxic Twins?

    4. It was the Masons, and two others, one of who might have been a waiter, and Finboy on his way out. It looked like they went to a lot of effort for not a big turnout, but maybe that's not the point. Maybe this is a staged event to legitimize the tax deductibility of three expensive storefronts with not a lot going on there day to day. Either way, they're toxic losers.

    5. Then technically no one showed up. Finboy is hired help, like a maid with gills.

  4. Maintenance of some of those features could be costly...would like to see a financial/funding analysis.

    1. I expect such an analysis will drive the design of features after one of the 3 plans is picked. I don't know that maintenance of a sloped "front yard" for example example, would be higher than what's there now. I think interesting elements at the waterfront will stimulate local tourism to Hoboken, and be great for our city.


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