Minutillo letter on National Education Blog

GA readers know of a crapademic "education" blog, scribed by a (spin) Dr. from his Texas lair.

In recent screeds, the Texas Twit has:
(1) attacked Hoboken district public schools,
(2) failed to disclose he is a Respondent in litigation against the HBoE-Appellant  while he attacks the HBoE and the litigation,
(3) failed to disclose that Barbara Martinez, author of a letter he published, is his Board colleague and  fellow Respondent  in the BoE appeal,
(4) chronicled a recent HBoE stunt in a series of posts which indicate, at a minimum, coordination with a political faction of 3 sitting HBoE members: Peter Biancamano, Britney Montgomery and John Madigan
Biancamano, Montgomery and Madigan are Stick Romano's contribution to the Hoboken District public schools; "soldiers" in the war he declared on Reform at Biancamano's 2015 municipal campaign kickoff. 

Hoboken taxpayers already knew that  Freeholder Romano is at war with us.

Add to Stick's casualties- the children of the Hoboken school district*.  

(*The above-mentioned stunt was a live motion to withdraw the HBoE appeal popped at the end of the meeting by Peter Biancamano, seconded by John Madigan, then Britney Montgomery used Robert's Rules of Order to shut down discussion of the live motion when she cried, "Call the vote!")

Yes, Dark Side political partisans have united against the Hoboken School District- some in the most   insidious way- on its own Board.

But now these Dark Side politicos and Board members find themselves at odds with two venerable civil and educational rights groups: the ACLU and the Education Law Center.  

Those standing against the ACLU include the Dark Side's Minister of Propaganda.

In fact, since the ACLU-ELC entry for the Hoboken District went public, it's been All Quiet on the Crapademic Front.

That's right: not a single jiggered-data graph, nor screed trashing "Kids First/Reach Higher" nor   the BoE lawsuit, has appeared on the crapademic's blog since the ACLU-ELC announcement.

Make of that what you will.

But there's more bad news for Dr. Schmo.

A powerful, nationally-known education leader has stepped forward to support Hoboken District and ACLU-ELC's legal fight:  Diane Ravitch. 

Ravitch is an author, education historian, and served from 1991 to 1993, as Assistant Secretary of Education and Counselor to Secretary of Education,  responsible for the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education.   Ravitch is the author of:

  • The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (2010)
  • Edspeak: A Glossary of Education Terms, Phrases, Buzzwords, and Jargon (2007)
  • The Language Police: How Pressure Groups Restrict What Students Learn (2003)
  • Left Back: A Century of Battles Over School Reform (2000)
  • National Standards in American Education: A Citizen’s Guide (1995)
  • What Do Our 17-Year-Olds Know? (with Chester Finn, Jr.) [1987]
  • The Schools We Deserve (1985)
  • The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945–1980 (1983)
  • The Revisionists Revised (1978)
  • The Great School Wars: New York City, 1805–1973 (1974)

Oh yes, she's a blogger.

Her blog, DianeRavitch.net,  generated 17 million hits in its first 30 months. 

Last week, Ravitch posted in support of the Hoboken District on her blog, and published a letter by Kids First Founder, Theresa Minutillo. 

GA only imagines what a blow the Ravitch/Minutillo union was to the Dark Side's  Minister of Propaganda.   A keyword search of 'Ravitch" on his crapademic blog returns 40 results. BTW, Ravitch, a PhD., declines to adorn her blog with the "Dr."  title, unlike... you-know-who.

GA has posted snippets; you can read the full article here.

For obvious reasons, this is a blog read by people in the education field.   The comments posted below are worth reading.

Especially compelling were those of "sallyo57" who writes as a "25-year parent, teacher and principal of dual language programs."

(No cup today, folks.)


  1. The board has sat quietly while they've been pummeled by the Martinez media juggernaut. She's the spokesperson of Uncommon Schools, Board member of NJ Charter Association and HoLa Board President. A gang of hola administrators, staff and parents regularly come to board meetings to bash the district, bash the kids. The arrogance! Lynn Danziger was mouthing off that her school's Parcc scores were superior. Well, now that we know the socioeconomic disparity of the student populations, is it any surprise? All this, and the traitors on the Board who are working in the best interest of THEMSELVES not the district kids.

    I am thankful powerful respected civil rights allies have finally given the district children a voice. A mighty voice.


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