Earwitness Rumor: Reputation Rehab?

Folks, today's Earwitness dispatch is a rumor.  But, my Earwitness notes a few 'coincidences' which tend to support its truth.

GA must refrain from specific observations of  my own as they relate to matters I cannot discuss at this time.

But you know, no one can sue the sun, nor its light that shines in the darkest of places.

word is she is desperate to rehabilitate her image in Hoboken.  The new storefront, flyer, puff piece in the paper. The wallets open. whatever it takes to rehabilitate her reputation and clean up the biggest stink around it now.  



  1. There isn't enough money at the mint to do that.

  2. I'm reminded of the episode of the Simpsons when Mr. Burns wanted to be loved. Try throwing silver dollars off the top of the W.

  3. HAAAA! Sound like a job for Fishboy, he's done so smashingly in the past!

    BTW, whatever happened to tossing aside the "little people" of Hoboken and riding Sweeney's coattails to Trenton...or Hillary's all the way to Washington!

    Dream on.

  4. The biggest stink around the witch is HER lawsuit. p-U.

  5. MORE emails please!!! These are gold!

  6. Let's see... Beth can't write a letter herself... or her campaign platform... what else couldn't she handle? Did she answer her own constituent letters or did other people do that too?

    1. Well we know how Arch Liston felt about Beth "Writing her own stuff"

    2. That is unclear. Numerous emails from her constituents reporting 2nd Ward problems/issues were forwarded to "others" who were not city officials but personal political consultants and/or operatives. This strikes ME as a breech of her constituents privacy and behavior unbecoming of an elected official- that is my OPINION.

  7. is this jersey journal boy scout article on ricky the super puff piece you source is referring to? http://www.nj.com/hudson/index.ssf/2016/03/eagle_scout_now_55_helps_open_scouting_to_everyone.html#incart_river_index_topics

    i read it and it turned my stomach that a guy who professes to care so much about young kids can be such a scumbag towards adults who disagree with his wife's politricks. maybe the boy scout thing is how he tries to deal with the guilt. good luck with that one, ricky.

  8. Can you rehab numerous acts of perjury? What about the numerous perjuries of your years long political operatives aiding and abetting yours?

    Perury is the word of the year in 2016 not rehabilitation. How will that problem sort out on NJ.com or rather how will that look on the cover of the NY Post?

    Don't think that story will be substituting fanciful PR efforts with "integrity" and "transparency," try moral bankruptcy for size. Oh look, it's a perfect fit!

  9. Anyone who has ever known Beth Mason beyond her well practiced initial handshake and phony smile has come to understand that she is little more than a a sad, limited, vicious, self absorbed woman who even after spending obscene amounts of her husband's wealth on self promotion is and will always be despised
    by the people of Hoboken.

  10. I have always thought that is why she did not run again. With a lower prospect of winning due to a combination of a credible opponent (Fisher) and declining numbers in her core voter base from the Applied buildings (due to Applied pushing out the Section 8's), going through another campaign while at the same time she is prosecuting frivolous law suits in a public court had way more downside and almost no upside. Sitting out this election resulted in less negative noise about her than had she run. Her flyer she sent out to residents of the 2nd ward is amazing - she must have a good PR person. For anyone not in the know about her they would think she was an amazing representative. Thankfully most do know about her...

    1. What flyer are you talking about? Is she still acting as if she's still in office? I didn't see it, can you describe it?

  11. Rehabbing that image? I'm reminded of a phrase, "you can't polish a turd"


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