PolitickerNJ Erases Mason as Sweeney's Host- AGAIN!

For the 2nd consecutive year, PolitickerNJ drops Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason from recognition as host of the League of Municipalities big bash for State Senator Stephen Sweeney. 

PolitickerNJ writes Mason's co-host, State Senator Sandra Cunningham is "Sweeney's fellow headliner," with Mason derisively noted as "stay[ing] by Sweeney's side the whole night" like an uninvited stalker.


No accident, of course.  Sweeney's people appear to be controlling this message.  No photos, no appearance that she's in Sweeney's camp.  She just follows him around. All night. 

And pays for the privilege.

According to PoliticoNewJersey: "Hoboken Councilwoman Beth Mason paid for the bash- the third [time] year in a row she sponsored it."

How many millions has Mason tossed into the inferno of her political career?


  1. Sweeney's the guy who will only go out with Beth if she pays for the date and no one sees them together.

    1. Rodney Dangerfield used to tell a joke that his parents had to tie a pork chop around his neck to get their dog to play with him.

  2. How can QLC continue to host debates with "Real Democrats" Treasurer Ines Garcia Keim on their board? Ines who took a $11,200 in kind contribution for direct mail attacking Jen Giattino in the last election. Is QLC coming out as a partisan anti-administration organization? If not, Ines needs to GO.

    1. Easy I think they are hypocrites just like Ines Garcia-Keim.

  3. Sweeny and his people have been around the block enough times to know that the few hundred people at these AC parties understand that he will do what he needs to do to fund is ambitions. They also know that the voters will not be so forgiving if he hands out appointments to a woman who has been buying his cocktails.

    Having Mrs.Mason endorse anyone is the kiss of death as she is so disliked by everyone in Hoboken that Fulop and his team dream of her endorsing Sweeney.

  4. BM is the stinkweed in "Fulop's backyard." Her support is the Kiss of Death, everything she touches turns to sh*t, her crew are apes and imbeciles... but if he gets her OUT of Hoboken then he's got my vote.

    1. You do realize that if she got a job at the state level, she'd just be a massive pain in the rear end and probably use her position to do things detrimental to our town. I'd rather her husband take away her allowance already. Past time he realized she is a perennial loser who is barely capable of tying her own shoes.

    2. Doesnt the Henry Clay Inn in she owns in Va. and the dive bar in Weehawken keep her occupied?

    3. She's already out of Hoboken politics. She can't even buy someone a council seat. So why give her an in anywhere else?

    4. The answer is simple and always the same, her husbands's money.

  5. Look what Ricky got for all that money: he gets to keep Beth. That's a really, really bad return on investment.


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