In our pants

Liebler's November 2013 cartoon updated 

Wow, that is one funny cartoon!

Look at all those money-hungry barracudas lining up to suckle the Hoboken taxpayers' teat!

Some of them even wear giant pants to stuff full of taxpayer money!

"Lotsa' cheese up there!," says Rat #1.

"Yesssh!," replies Rat #2.

Filling those giant pants with "an amount that is fair reasonable and just to compensate Plaintiff for the injuries he suffered... " from OUR TAX MONEY

Indeed, we Hoboken taxpayers keep taking it on the chin.

First, Freeholder Anthony Romano did NOTHING to protect Hoboken as our County taxes soared 40%.

Now, presumptive 2017 mayoral candidate Ruben Ramos' "internet defense guy" is suing Ramos' presumptive 2017 opponent, Dawn Zimmer...

In GA's OPINION this lawsuit is a TAXPAYER-FUNDED fishing expedition for Dawn Zimmer's email... politics, politics, politics.

The ordinary Plaintiff has counsel speak for them; Plantiff Liebler has a communications and marketing firm managing media coverage.

Liebler's counsel had his communications firm crank out a press release to media before Defendants were notified and/or served.   From
Liebler's counsel has advised Liebler not to speak to the press, according to Axiom Communications, the communications firm of Liebler's law firm, Brach Eichler of Roseland.  Liebler's lawyer Charles Gormally said his client has a clear First Amendment case.
Axiom Communications is a marketing and public relations firm founded by Ron Simoncini; Mr. Simoncini  is also (still, I believe) Executive Director of the Mile Square Taxpayers Association, (MSTA)  who are represented by Gormally (Liebler's attorney.)

In the meantime, MSV reported that a second political operative may be gearing up to sue the City for alleged First Amendment violations.

WHO could it be?  Let's check the pants...


  1. MSTA lost my vote on all future rent control ballot initiatives and I absolutely detest rent control. But I hate stunts like this even more.

  2. I hate these stunts but watching them backfire is 4-star entertainment.

  3. I think most people either never heard of these guys or have discounted them to the point of annoying background noise.

  4. It seems odd that Gormally would let Axiom get out ahead to do publicity before Gormally did legal service. It seems improper- shady is a better word. Defendants found out about the lawsuit from PolitickerNJ. Are lawyers permitted to do that?

    1. MSTA lawyer Gormally's PR firm got the complaint before the mayor and council, what a joke.

  5. Anyone know who the members of Mile Square Taxpayers Association are?


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